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Since entering the new century, our agriculture and rural economy have entered a new stage in which the supply and demand of agricultural products, the systematical circumstances of economic development and international relationship have changed greatly. With the transform of agricultural structure from adaptable adjustment to strategic adjustment, corn processing industry that connects agriculture and industry has displayed great marketable potential and vast developmental space. A lot of successful experience all over the world has proved that corn processing industry is "Golden Industry" that has related effect, collected effect and increased effect. Jilin Province is a hometown of corn in China. And fortunately it is one of "Three Golden Zones of Corn" in the world. However its corn processing industry is obviously backward. Meanwhile, Jilin Province has not transferred the resourceful advantages into local economic advantages. These problems have restricted the development of economy and the progress o
    f society. So how to resolve these questions is our first task in the new stage. On the basis of severe situation of Jilin Province and following the new trend that corn processing industry develops, this paper put forwards a new way that develops corn processing industry greatly in Jilin Province. So as to adjust agricultural structure, accelerate the optimization of rural structure and the process of rural industry and urbanization. Furthermore, it can take in a lot of rural labor, increase peasant's income and improve competitive ability of agriculture at international market.
    This paper is based on the theory of comparable advantage, theory of economic increase. theory of competitive advantage and industrial organized theory. In the paper, some analysis methods are used, such as comparable analysis, historical analysis. logical analysis , statistical analysis , mathematical model analysis and so on. Study on the subject includes five aspects:
    1 The paper analyzes the location and natural endowments of corn planting, the cost and profit of corn production as well as the influence of international market under the condition of traditional freedom. According to the above analysis, the practical foundation of developing corn processing industry in Jilin Province is expounded.
    2 The part analyzes the market of corn processing industry in Jilin Province from three aspects which are marketable competitive ability marketable structure and marketable potential. Firstly, the fluctuant conditions between 1991 and 2001 are analyzed by deviance-share method. From the result, the industrial competitive ability of corn processing industry in Jilin Province is better than the average, but its structure is inferior to the average. In a word, the developmental condition is little better than the average. Secondly, the marketable structure is analyzed according to datum by investigation. Nowadays, the marketable rate of the first four enterprises is 60%. The structure illustrates that the production of corn processing industry in Jilin Province is moving to concentrate. In order to improve the ability of profit, it is necessary to make productive materials spread to good regions and enterprises. Finally, analyze and predict the marketable demand of corn refining products-corn starch and its by-
    products, modified starch glucose ,. alcoho, monosodium, glutamate, lysine, citric acid and enzyme. In the light of the analysis and prediction, we can draw the conclusion that the marketable prospect of corn refining products is vast.
    3 It is analyzed that the present situations of the development of corn processing industry in Jilin Province. The characteristics of new stage are concluded by vertical comparison. Meanwhile,
    the main problems and obstructive factors of the industry are found by contrasting with the developed regions at abroad or another provinces. Furthermore, the part of present situations analyzes the profit of corn processing products. The result is corn: corn starch: malt dextrin: dextrose:citricacid:modi
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