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The Gambling is a kind of activity which originate from the game, according to common international division, the gambling industry includes three different activity kinds and aspects , such as lottery , horse-racing, casino ,etc. on the whole .With the development of industrial revolution and revolution in science and technology , social productivity and economic level get unprecedented improvement. The benefit of the gambling industry is more and more remarkable, such as increasing the government revenue, promoting obtaining employment, bringing about an advance in tourist relevant industries, reform and improve social welfare level ,etc. What's more, the government's control ability and means improved greatly with development of the economy and technology. In order to keep the control ability of the society and develop the social commonweal project, inherit aim of " prohibit on expropriation ", the government all around the world take the appropriate policy of lifting a ban to the gambling industry succes
    sively. But the develop of gambling industry of our country is still at preliminary stage, we did not paid attention to, studied and fully utilizing the positive benefit of social economy, therefore has limited the gambling industry of our country which benign and health develop greatly, but as the special administrative region of our country, the development and management mode of Hong Kong & Macao's gambling industry are very advanced, and all have different characteristics. So studying and comparing Hongkong and Macro's gambling industry mode, reference and using their development experience will have great theory and realistic directive significance of good development in the future of gambling industry of our country.
    This article based on the extensive collection of references and information on the gambling industry of Hongkong and Macro. First, it synthetically analyse the definition, character , positive and negative effect of gambling .Then second , set out the research from Hong Kong and Macao's own gambling industry modes separately, carry on in-depth analysis in developing history, contributing to the society, management mode and development tactics in the future of their gambling industry. Finally, according to the national conditions of our country, using the development experience and the mode comparison of the gambling industry in Hongkong and Macro for reference, put forward gambling industry developing direction and suggestion in the future of our country.
1 张湛彬.《博彩行为从非合作博弈到合作博弈的政府选择偏好》[J].《经济管理新管理》2002年第16期.P1.
    2 (美)保罗·A·萨缪尔森,威廉·D·诺德豪斯著.《经济学》[M].北京经济学院出版社1996年.P10.
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    4 澳门博彩条例法律.第6/82/M号幸运博彩法律
    5 张湛彬.《博彩业与政府选择》[M].中国商业出版社2001年版.P13.
    6 于光远.《竞赛与赌博》[J].《方法》1994年第2期.
    7 (美)马歇尔.《经济学原理》[M].商务印书馆1964年版.P112—113.
    8 中国福利彩票发行中心.《关于福利彩票的有关情况》.2000年2月15日.
    9 同8
    10 厉以宁.《股份制与现代市场经济》[M].江苏人民出版社1994年版.P77—99.
    11 The Hong Kong Jockey Club: A Unique Institution. [J] The Hong Kong Jockey Club. 2001
    12 Block, Alan A. & Frank R. Scarpitti. 《Casinos and Banking: Organized Crime in the Bahamas》 [M]. in Deviant Behavior. 1986. P301-312.
    13 Giacopassi, David & B. Grant Stitt, 《Assessing the Impact of Casino Gambling on crime in Mississippi》[M]. in American Journal of Criminal Justice 1993. P117-131.
    14 Miller, William J. & Martin D. Schwartz, 《Casino Gambling and Street Crime》 [M]. in The Annals of the American Academy, 1996. P124-137.
    15 Lynch, Rob. 《Crime in Relation to the Sydney Harbor Casino》 [M] in Current Issues in Criminal Justice 1999. P237-257.
    16 陈欣欣.《赌场与犯罪——涉借赌本高利贷活动初探》[J].澳门2002.P372.
    17 谢顺利.《澳门居民的足球博彩及其他博彩活动报告》[J].澳门经济.2003年5月.P86.
    18 李芝兰、李建安.《香港彩票行业的管理》[J].广东财政.2002年11月.
    19 香港赛马会网页.
    20 根据香港赛马会各年统计报告及网页资料整理得出.
    21 同20
    22 《香港统计月刊》.香港政府统计处.2003年7月.P116—117.
    23 同22
    24 同22
    25 同11
    26 香港太阳报.2003年6月23日.
    27 《香港中文大学香港亚太研究所的赌波合法化意见调查摘要》.2002年7月.
    28 香港东方日报.2004年4月1日.
    29 李治洪.《澳门博彩业的发展与管理研究》[J].澳门学术论文2000年.
    30 黄美玲.《中西方观光娱乐赌场之比较研究》[J].台湾学术论文1997年.
    31 澳门统计年鉴2002年.澳门统计暨普查局.P177.
    32 陈立宇.《关于澳门的博彩优势》.中国新闻社北京五月二十七日新闻述评.2002年5月27日.
    33 同32
    34 根据澳门统计暨普查局统计年鉴资料及陈炳强、陈秉松先生:《博彩业与发展商机—探讨赌权与澳门经济浮沉》[M].澳门经纬出版社2001版.一书内有关数据资料整理得出.
    35 根据澳门统计年鉴各年资料整理得出.澳门统计暨普查局.
    36 同35
    37 同34
    38 同34
    39 根据澳门统计年鉴2002年资料整理得出.澳门统计暨普查局.
    40 澳门统计年鉴2002年.澳门统计暨普查局.P163—171.
    41 同40
    42 李治洪.《澳门博彩业的发展与管理研究》[J].澳门学术论文2000年.
    43 同42
    44 根据泰国旅游局网站资料及澳门统计暨普查局资料整理得出
    45 曾忠禄.《泰国开放禁赌的影响分析》[J].澳门经济.2003年5月总第17期.
    46 《中国旅游统计年鉴》.中国社会科学院旅游研究中心《旅游绿皮书2001——2003》.
    47 王五一.《当今世界博彩业的五大趋势及其对澳门的启示》[J].澳门研究.2003年3月总第16期.
    48 李治洪.《澳门博彩业法律制度研究》[J].澳门学术论文2000年.
    49 同47
    50 中国福利彩票发行中心2001年统计资料
    51 欧阳煌.《关于中国彩票业发展的思考》[J].财政研究.2002年第5期.
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