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The product is the ultimate embodiment of enterprise competitiveness. Newproduct development (NPD) is one of the most important activities of enterprises. Theorganization is a carrier of activities of NPD. The NPD organization is an elaboratearrangement in order to complete the development of new products. It is consideredfrom organizational culture, organizational structure and organizational process.Faced with ever-changing customer's requirements and increasingly fierce marketcompetition, the promptly and effectively responds of NPD organization will be thekey of meeting customer demand. In other words, the innovation trends of NPDorganization will determine the performance of NPD.
     Learning, especially team learning is necessary in order to enhance theinnovation trends of NPD organization. Learning is a prerequisite for innovation, andinnovation is the purpose of learning. Senge said, team learning is a process todevelop the abilities of team members overall mix to complete the common goals.The introduction of team learning into NPD organization is to achieve the overall mixof team members and quickly respond to the changes of NPD environment. Therefore,the team learning will heighten the level of NPD performance.
     For effective team learning, new product development organization shouldestablish the culture, structure and process, which all based on team learning.Organization culture is the common value and faith of the members. The NPDorganization culture based team learning includes team culture, learning culture andstrong communication culture. Organization structure is to enable organizations toformalize the work task decomposition and combined and coordinated framework.The NPD organization structure based on team learning is to add the team structuresinto administrative levels of the traditional hierarchical structure, make it easy bothteam learning and accumulate. Organization process is a group of interrelated activities to create value for customers. The NPD organization process based on teamlearning is combine team learning process with NPD process, to improve and maturethe process. The ultimate aims of all above are to succeed in NPD.
     The case analysis also verifies the conclusion of this study. The company takesfull advantage of the team function, and actively guides the team learning activities, inorder to succeed in NPD.
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