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     Considering the complexity of drought resistance, the morphological,
     physiological and anatomical characteristics of drought resistance in maize (Zea
     mays L.) varieties with different drought resistance were studied. The indexes
     systems of drought 梤esistance identification were estahl ished quantitative
     analyzing with methods of grey correlation degree, subordinate function values and
     systematic analysis of clustering. Another experiment was conducted to study the
     inheritance speciality of part of identification indexes of maize drought resistance.
     The results were as follows:
     1. The growth and physiological activity of root systems were inhibited or
     decreased at different development stages, such as length, number, volume, dry
     weight, total absorbing area, active absorbing area, and oxidate ability of roots
     decreased evidently under water stress. The study on number and diameter of
     root vascular showed that the relationship between root anatomical structure
     and drought resistance was close. Water losing rate of uncontacted roots was
     defined and determined, and the relationship between it and drought resistance
     was closer than that of uncontacted leaves.
     2. The leaf shape, leaf angle, and leaf orientation value of maize changed under
     water stress and the changes had not significant law. Drought resistance
     differed in maize cultivars partially because of differences in stomata density,
     size and density of vein of maize leaves;
     3. Water absorbing rate of seeds, embryo-shoot length, and length and dry weight
     of embryo-root of maize decreased evidently, so germination was delayed and
     germination percentage decreased under osmotic stress. At the same time, the
     germination percentage of seeds was an effective index for determining drought
     resistance within maize germinating period.
     4. Water contents in maize organs changed under water stress. The reduction of
     water contents was greater in leaves and vaginas than in stems and roots.
     5. Cell membrane in maize leaves was injured and both of MIDA content and
     electrolyte leakage were increased under water stress. Percentage of thermo
     instability used as heat resistance had a significant correlation with the drought
     -12 1-
     resistance in different maize varieties. This trait is likely to be important in
     determining drought resistance.
     6. The saturated osmotic potential decreased and more proline and ABA
     accumulated than soluble sugar, k~ and ca 2-~ This result showed that maize
     leaves did have the ability of osmotic adjustment.
     7. The changes of bands and activities in peroxidase isozymes were more
     significant than others. At the same time, the differences of peroxidase and
     catalase isozymes in different genotypes maize were obviously than superoxide
     dismutase. Such results would facilitate maize breeding for improving drought
     8. Establishing indexes systems of drought resistance identification of maize
     under water stress by the results of this study.
     9. Identifying the drought resistance at germinating, seedling and other
     development stages, of twenty-nine maize cultivars popularly planted in
     Liaoning province were examined such as Dan 408.
     10. Genetic analysis showed that RWC. leaves water l
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