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China is a great power of public resource.The current distribution of public resourcesgranting earnings is dominated by earnings participation for a long time, which leads to theunreasonable situation that the proportion of earnings participation and retained earnings istoo high, as well as the proportion of earnings sharing is too low in the distribution of publicresources granting earnings. Both of the18th National Congress of the CPC and the ThirdPlenum of18th CPC Central Committee definitely emphasized promoting the reform ofpublic resources granting earnings distribution, and rationalizing the distribution of publicresources granting earnings.Therefore, the reform of public resources granting earningsdistribution is an important task of the reform of income distribution in our country atpresent.This paper's topic and research is just based on this background.
     The paper deeply expounds the essential attribute, type classification and dynamicboundary of public resources at first, reveals the trend of diversified granting of publicresources rights under the deregulation background. The paper also explores the particularityand principle to follow of public resources granting earnings.
     The paper matches and screens the existing distribution mode and distributionmechanism, to constructs the binary distribution mode that "the coexistence with sharingaccording to demand and participation according to contribution" of public resources grantingearnings theoretically. Moreover, The paper uses the mathematical method to construct theincentive compatibility’ participation model and the optimal retained earnings model forpublic resources granting earnings, derived the reasonable share proportion of publicresources granting earnings, which make the binary distribution mode that "the coexistencewith sharing according to demand and participation according to contribution" morescientific.In addition, the paper also takes the turning in dividend in central state-ownedenterprises as example, uses the panel vector autoregressive model to conduct empirical test,to prove the rationality and validity of the binary distribution mode of public resourcesgranting earnings.
     The paper argues that the distribution pattern of different kind of public resources rights’granting earnings and the factors needing to consider in the distribution is different. Therefore,the public resources temporary rights’ granting earnings need to pay attention to both offunctional distribution and size distribution. The public resources long-term rights’ granting earnings only need to pay attention to the size distribution. The public resources permanentrights’granting earnings only need to pay attention to the size distribution without consideringthe next public resources permanent rights to granting. The public resources partial permanentrights’ granting earnings only need to pay attention to the functional distribution, because ithas transformed the pure public resources into the quasi-public resources.Based on these, thepaper also designed the binary distribution mechanism of public resources temporary rights’granting earnings, public resources long-term rights’ granting earnings, public resourcespermanent rights’ granting earnings and public resources partial permanent rights’ grantingearnings under the framework of binary distribution mode, which make the distribution ofdifferent kind of public resources rights’granting earnings is more reasonable.
     Finally, the paper also discussed the reform of the existing distribution system of publicresources granting earnings, with the ideas and paths of transferring from the currentdistribution pattern which is dominated by earnings participation to the distribution patternwhich is dominated by earnings share.
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