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With the rapid progress of science and technology and the accelerated new product development.So enterprises must enhance the technological capability and created their own competition advantages in order to win victory in the keen market competition. Because its complicated in technique and long development cycles, it is necessary for equipment manufacture enterprises to keep autonomous ability in key technologies and fields. Therefore, equipment manufacture enterprises must identify and choose right opportunity to mix together technologies,this is the best way to acquire and integrate the information and knowledge from outsides to its knowledge system. Especially as supplier networks developed continuously, equipment manufacture enterprises attach more and more attention to the external source of knowledge. How to make the best use of supplier networks to improve equipment manufactures'technological capability is a practical problem.
     Firstly, a large number of relevant research literatures were summarized. On the basis of theoretical analysis and investigation to have an grasp of the overall situation of making the best use of supplier networks to improve equipment manufactures'technological capability in China.It also studies the main influencing factors, in the exploratory study, based on resource-based theory, dynamic capabilities and embedding theory of network, the main influencing factors was analysed, and the key factors were summed up. Empirical research on key factors of making the best use of supplier networks to improve equipment manufactures' technological capability was carried out by means of the exploratory factor analysis, and then the four main components was extracted, they were supplier integration(SI), supplier closeness(SC), network centrality(NC) and network heterogeneity(NH). Secondly, The theoretical relationship of supplier networks, exploitative learning, exploratory learning, technological capability was analysed. Combined with the successful case, the correlation mechanism between supplier networks and the equipment manufacturers'technological capability was explored. Thirdly, based on the exploratory study, the concept model and the research hypothesis of the relationship between supplier networks and the equipment manufacturers'technological capability were constructed. Through questionnaire survey, data processing, model checking, and ultimately arrived at the conclusion of the study. The results show that:supplier networks for the equipment manufacturers'technological capability has a positive impact, the impact of the mechanism embodied in the exploitative learning and exploratory learning. At the same time, the systematic knowledge integration mechanism has a positive effect of regulation for exploitative learning, technological capability, the coordination knowledge integration mechanism has a positive effect of regulation for exploratory learning, technological capability.
     Therefore, in order to improve Equipment Manufactures'technology capability through Supplier network. The manufactures should build efficient supplier network. Manufacturers always trengthen relational embeddedness with suppliers and implement supplier integration; simultaneity establish different partnership for different material suppliers, keep in constant touch with the supplier; unobstructed the heart of network,the state or quality of being central; be conscientious and make a good job of evaluation and selection; establishment network heterogeneity of resources interdependence and knowledge complementary.
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