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翻翻研究的广化转向把注意力转到广化翻翻上。作为一门有关翻解和阐释的学说,翻翻是和阐释学有密切的联系。阐释学在翻翻研究中有广泛地应答,如应答于对广化误翻的批判分析。由于翻者对原广的误读和误释造成广化误翻。它扭曲了广本的原意,可能造成目的语读者的混乱。广化误翻是翻翻研究中很重要的议题。虽然翻翻翻广家和翻者都已关注到该议题,但是目前从阐释学角度对广化误翻开展的研究不是很多。有鉴于此,本广作者试图从阐释学角度对广化误翻进行解读。希望本研究对翻翻翻翻有新的启发。以《围城》英翻本Fortress Besieged作为案例分析,作者拟以阐释学中的四个重要概念,即前见,效果历史,视域融合和答体性为翻广框架,对《围城》中选取的例子进行仔细地对比、分析。
The cultural turn in translation studies have shifted the attention to cultural translation. Translation is in close relationship with hermeneutics, a theory about understanding and interpretation. Hermeneutics thus finds its wide application in translation studies, for example, in the critical analysis of cultural mistranslation. Cultural mistranslation is a result of a translator’s misunderstanding and misinterpretation of the original. It distorts the original meaning and may cause confusion among the target readers. Culture mistranslation has become a serious issue in translation studies. Though this issue has drawn attention from translation theorists and translators, few studies on cultural mistranslation have been conducted from the perspective of hermeneutics.
     Thus, the author of this thesis attempts to examine the cultural mistranslation from the perspective of hermeneutics. It is hoped that this research will shed new light on translation practice. Taking Fortress Besieged, the English version of Wei Cheng, as a case study, the author makes a careful comparison and analysis of the examples collected from the translation version, based on the four notions of hermeneutics, namely, prejudice, history of effect, fusion of horizon, and subjectivity.
     This research has revealed three major findings. Firstly, cultural mistranslation is a result of misunderstanding which in turn arises out of the difference of prejudices and horizons between the translator and the author. Secondly, cultural mistranslation is a universal problem in translation. There is no way that the translator and the author share the same prejudice and horizon. Furthermore, the historicity of understanding indicates that there are always mistranslations in previous interpretations. Thirdly, cultural mistranslation does not necessarily mean something negative.
     The current research has important implications for translation practice. Cultural mistranslation seen from a hermeneutical perspective is thought to be the positive display of a translator’s subjectivity. The translator who is free from the dominance of the author could bring their subjectivities into full play. Hermeneutic circle and recontextualization are two recipes suggested for their display of subjectivity, as evidenced in Fortress Besieged.
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