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It is important to understand the developments of contemporary international relations from the perspective of Times. The era of the Cold War is a special stage in the history of international relations, in which the key to explain international affairs is Power Politics. The end of the Cold War results in the international system changing dramatically on various dimensions of international relations, which marked a new era approaching. As an important mechanism of transatlantic alliance in Cold War, the US-EU security regime changed in the Post Cold War era, mainly in the following three aspects: the strategic adjustment of NATO as a traditional US-EU security regime; the increasing role of EU in security and its institutional coordination with NATO; the establishment of US-EU security regime in the field of Non-traditional security. This paper will analyze the changes of US-EU security regime from above and further explore the impact on the development of US-EU relations, the evolution of international configuration and the international relations as a whole in the Post Cold War era.
     Drawing on the previous studies, chapter one is mainly to analyze the meaning of Post Cold War era, explain why to choose US-EU security regime as the research subject and establish the main structure of this paper. Chapter two highlights the changes of US-EU security regime in the Post Cold War era and discusses the logical relation between the transformation of Times and the development of US-EU security regime on the basis of quite explicit definitions of the Post Cold War era and the US-EU security regime.
     Chapter three mainly describes the adjustment of NATO as a traditional US-EU security regime from the view of organizational strategy and practice, specially illustrates that NATO has transformed from a transatlantic military alliance into a global political and security organization which is undergoing profound changes in its nature, function and operational mechanism. The adjustment of NATO is the result of compromise between the U.S. and EU. Now the America maintains domination of the changing NATO, but the status and role of European members are also rising. Both the U.S. and the EU pay great attention on this mechanism and NATO still occupies a fundamental position in contemporary transatlantic security field.
     Chapter four mainly illustrates the increasing role of EU as a new European security regime and its institutional coordination with NATO. It highlights the institutional coordination and results caused by the overlap of two organizations in function, power and activity. The paper takes these institutional coordination as important part of US-EU security regime and concludes that the rules embodied form these institutional coordination would direct the development of US-EU security regime in the Post Cold War era.
     In chapter five, it mainly discusses the establishment of US-EU security regime in the field of Non-traditional security, exemplified by the regime construction on anti-terrorism, global environment and energy security. The paper points that Non-traditional problems will take up the agenda of transatlantic security in the Post Cold War era and the regime on this field would be more important than before. The contemporary US-EU security regime in the field of Non-traditional security has changed and the core rule would depend on the balance of power on specific problem area, which reflects and foreshadows the new direction of US-EU relation.
     The main conclusion of this paper is that the US-EU security regime gets more complex and systematical and its role to guarantee the bilateral security also appears gradually in the meantime. The importance of such changes is not reflected on agenda, subject and procedure but on the meaning for contemporary world. The changes have transformed the nature of US-EU security regime, reflected and conformed with the trend of globalization in the Post Cold War era, accordingly highlighting the profound and complex changes of international system and also foreshadowing the orientation of international configuration in the Post Cold War era.
    9 John S·Duffield,“Transatlantic relations after the cold war: theory, evidence, and the future”, International Studies Perspective,Vol·2, No·1,2001.
    10 P. Wolfowitz, Defense Planning Guidance,该长达46页的秘密文件在1992年五角大楼的高层中传阅数周,
    13 Stephen Krasner,“Structural Causes and Regime Consequences: Regimes As Intervening Variables”, International Organization, Vol.36, 1982, p.186.
    14 Robert Jervis,“Security Regime”, International organization, Vol. 36, p.357.
    15 T.N.杜普伊主编:《国际军事防务百科全书》,(International Military And Defense Encyclopedia),转引自:梁方主编:《话说北约》,北京:中央文献出版社,2000年,第1页。
    16参见S. Nelson Drew: The Future of NATO: Facing An Unreliable Enemy In An Uncertain Environment, New York: Praeger, 1991; Ronald D. Asmus, Richard L. Kugler and F. Stephen Larrabee:“Building a New NATO”, Foreign Affairs, September/October 1993; Ronald D. Asmus, Robert D. Blackwill and F. Stephen Larrabee: Can NATO Survive? U.S.: Rand, 1996; Ronald Asmus: Opening NATO's Door: How the Alliance Remade Itself for a New Era, New York: Columbia University Press, 2002;燕襄君:《北约的战略调整与走向》,《现代国际关系》,1991年第3期;钟振明:《冷战后北约何以继续存在》,《国际政治科学》,2005年第4期。
    20 Anthony Lake,“Effective engagement in a changing world”, Bulletin of USIS, December 20, 1993.
    27 Philip H Gordon, Allies at War, The Brookings Institution, 2004.
    30 Francis Fukuyama,“The End of History?”The National Interest (Summer 1989), pp.3-5, 8-15, 18.
    31 Charles W. Kegley,Jr.,ed.,The long Postwar Peace: Contending Explanations and Projections ,New York: Harper Collins,1991,Introduction,p.8.
    47 David Boldwin,“Concept of Security”, Review of International Security, No. 1.1997.
    48 Stephen M. Walt,“The Renaissance of Security Studies”, International Studies Quarterly, No.2, 1991 , pp.211-239.
    52世界金融市场自70年代末以来得到高速发展,至80年代末,全球每天的外汇交易额已超过6000亿美元,而在90年代中期则发展到每天平均10000亿美元。可参见Charles Oman, Globalization and Regionalization: The Challenges for Developing Countries, (OECD, 1994).
    54 Bill McSweeney, Security, Identity and Interests: A Sociology of International Relations, Cambridge University Press, 1999, p.13.
    55 Barry Buzan, People, State and Fear: An Agenda for International Security Studies in the Post-Cold War Era, Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 1991, pp.3-5.
    56“In Search of a Post-Cold War Security Structure,”McNair Paper 27, 1994, p.24-25.
    57 A. Wolfers, Discord and Collaboration: Essay on International Politics, John Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 1962, p.150.
    58 David Boldwin,“Concept of Security”, Review of International Security, No. 1.1997.
    59 Stephen M. Walt,“The Renaissance of Security Studies”, International Studies Quarterly, No.2, pp.211-239,1991.
    60 Lloyd Pettiford, Melissa Curley, Changing Security Agendas and the Third World, London: Pinter, 1999, p.10.
    64 See Ken Booth,“Security and Emancipation”, Review of International Studies, Vol.17, 1991; Richard Wye Jones, Security, Strategy, and Critical Theory, Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 1991.
    72 Emil J. Kirchner,“The Challenge of European Union Security Governance”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 44, No. 5, 2006.
    74 Robert Keohane, After Hegemony: Cooperation and Discord in the World Political Economy, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1984, p.57; John Gerard Ruggie,“International Responses to Technology: Concepts and Trends”, International Organization, Vol. 29, 1975, pp.557-583.
    75 Stephen Krasner,“Structural Causes and Regime Consequences: Regimes As Intervening Variables”, International Organization, Vol.36, 1982, p. 186.
    76 Robert Keohane, International Institutions and State Power: Essays in International Relations Theory, Boulder: Westview Press, 1989, p.4.
    77 Ibid., pp. 3-4.
    78 John J. Mearsheimer,“The False Promise of International Institutions”, International Security, Vol. 19, No. 3, Winter 1994/1995, p.337.
    79 Robert Keohane,“International Institutions: Two Approaches”, International Studies Quarterly, Vol.32, No. 4, 1988, p.162.
    80 Ibid., pp. 379-396.
    81 Robert Jervis,“Security Regime,”International Organization, Vol. 36, 1982, p.357.
    77 Ibid., pp. 3-4.
    78 John J. Mearsheimer,“The False Promise of International Institutions”, International Security, Vol. 19, No. 3, Winter 1994/1995, p.337.
    79 Robert Keohane,“International Institutions: Two Approaches”, International Studies Quarterly, Vol.32, No. 4, 1988, p.162.
    80 Ibid., pp. 379-396.
    81 Robert Jervis,“Security Regime,”International Organization, Vol. 36, 1982, p.357.
    86彼得·卡尔沃科雷西编著:《国际事务概览》(1949—1950年) ,王希荣等译,上海:上海译文出版社,1991年,第37页。
    87 Ronald E. Powaski, The Entangling Alliance: The United States and European Security, 1950—1993 (London: Greenwood Press, 1994), pp. 4-5.
    89 50年代,北约执行的是艾森豪威尔提出的“大规模报复战略”;60年代,北约提出“灵活反应战略”;
    96 Simon Duke, The Elusive Quest for European Security: From EDC to CFSP , New York: Palgrave, 2000, pp.3-4.
    100 Stephen M. Walt,“Why Alliances Endure or Collapse”, Survival, Vol. 39, No. 1 (Spring 1997), p.161.
    101 John J. Mearsheimer,“Back to the Future: Instability in Europe after the Cold War”, International Security, Vol.15, (Summer 1990), p52.
    103 Fraser Cameron, US Foreign Policy after the Cold War: Global Hegemon or Reluctant Sheriff? , New York: Routledge 2002, p.17.
    104参见A Secure Europe in a Better World: European Security Strategy, Document proposed by Javier Solana and adopted by the Heads of State and Government at the European Council in Brussels on 12 December 2003, pp.6-9.
    105 Michael A. Flournoy, ed., QDR 2001 : Strategy-Driven Choices for American Security , Washington D. C.: National Defense University Press, 2001, p.237.
    106 C. Fred Bergsten,“American and Europe: Clash of the Titans?”Foreign Affairs, March/April, 2000.
    107 Richard Vincent,“The Brussels Summit: a Military Perspective,”NATO Review, Feb. 1994.
    110 North Atlantic Council (Heads of State and Government),“The Alliance’s New Strategic Concept”, Rome, 7-8 November 1991, sect8.
    111 Ibid., sect 13.
    110 North Atlantic Council (Heads of State and Government),“The Alliance’s New Strategic Concept”, Rome, 7-8 November 1991, sect8.
    111 Ibid., sect 13.
    119 John Borawski,“Partnership for Peaces and Beyond,”International Affairs,Vol.71 No.2 (April 1995), pp.235-236.
    137 Declaration on Alliance Security ,Issued by the Heads of State and Government participating in the meeting of
    151 Richard Vincent,“The Brussels Summit: a Military Perspective”, NATO Review, Feb. 1994.
    152 D. Smith, Europe’s peace building hour?—Past failures, future challenges, Journal of International Affairs (Columbia University), 2002, pp.441-449.
    153 A. Deighton, the European Security and Defence Policy, Journal of Common Market Studies, 2002, pp. 719-724.
    161 Jan Zielomka, Explaining Euro– Paralysis: Why Europe is Unable to Act in International Politics, London: Macmillan Press, 1998, p.2.
    162 Reflection Group’s Report, Dec. 1996.
    168 Kenneth N. Waltz,“Structural Realism and the Cold War”, International Security, Vol. 25, Summer 2000, p.21.
    169 Michael Howard, 1945-1995: reflections on half a policy. International Affairs,Vol.71,No.5. p.115.
    170 Trevor C. Salmon & Alistair J. K. Shepherd, Toward A European Army: Power in the Making? , Lynne Rienner Publisher, Inc., 2003, p.66.
    173 Jolyon Howorth,“Britain, NATO and CESDP: Fixed Strategy, Changing Tactic”, European Foreign Affairs Review, 2000, p.383.
    174 European Council Declaration on Strengthening the Common European Policy on Security and Defence, AnnexⅢ, Conclusion of the Presidency, Cologne European Council, 3-4 June 1999.
    175 Trevor C. Salmon & Alistair J. K. Shepherd, Toward A European Army: Power in the Making? , Lynne Rienner Publisher, Inc., 2003, p.69.
    176 Presidency Conclusions, Helsinki European Council, 10 and 11, December 1999. Http://www.europarl.europa.eu/summits/hell_en.htm#b.
    177 Ian Kemp,“Pressures for EU Rapid Reaction Force Gains New Momentum”, Jane’s Defence Weekly, 1, Dec. 1999.
    180“Military Capability Commitment Declaration”, Brussels, 20 November 2000
    186《欧洲安全战略报告》的具体内容可参见A secure Europe in a better world—the European Security Strategy, Brussels, 12 December 2003.
    189 NATO in the Balkans, NATO Briefing, NATO Public Diplomacy Division, February 2005, pp. 1-7.
    190 Nicoletta Pirozzi & Damien Helly, Aceh Monitoring Mission: a new challenge for ESDP, European Security Review, No.27, October 2005.3-5.
    194 M.K. Albright, The Right Balance Will Secure NATO’s Future, Financial Times, 7 December 1998, p.22.
    195 Speech by G. Robertson at the Annual Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, Amsterdam, 15 November 1999, NATO Speeches,
    197 J. Howorth, The ultimate challenge, 2000, p.39.
    198 Press Conference by US Secretary of Defense, D. Rumsfeld, Warsaw, 25 September 2002,
    200 Martin Reichard, The EU-NATO Relationship: a legal and political perspective, Ashgate Publishing Company, 2006, p.88-90.
    201“Declaration on the operational capability of the Common European Security and Defence Policy”, Annex II to the Presidency Conclusions, Laeken, 14 and 15 December, 2001
    202 Stephen M. Walt,“The Renaissance of Security Studies”, International Studies Quarterly, No.2, 1991, pp. 211-239.
    204 Richard H. Ullman,“Redefining Security”, International Security, summer 1983, p.129.
    206 Ken Booth,“Security and Emancipation”, Review of International Studies, Vol.53, No. 3, 1991; Norman Myers, Ultimate Security, New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1993.
    209 Commission on Global Governance, Our Global Neighborhood, Oxford University Press, 1995.
    210 Kofi A.Annan, 1999 Annual Report: Preventing War and Disaster: A Growing Global Challenge, UN Department of Public Information, September 1999, pp.14-15.
    214 David Baldwin,“The Concept of Security”, Review of International Studies, Vol.23, 1997,pp.5-26.
    215 W. Hopkinson, New Relationships, The World Today, July 2003, p. 16.
    216 Preamble and Art.2 of the North Atlantic Treaty.
    217 Richard Vincent,“The Brussels Summit: a Military Perspective”, NATO Review, Feb. 1994.
    223 See Gardner, A New Era in US-EU Relations? The Clinton Administration and the New Transatlantic Agenda, Ashgate Publishing Company, 1997.
    231 http://usinfo.state.gov/mgck/Archive/2005/Jun/14-206930.htm
    245 Lester R. Brown,“Redefining National Security”, World watch Paper, NO.14, 1997, pp. 37-41.
    247 Phil Williams, Donald M. Goldstein, Jay M. Shafritz, Classic Reading of International Relations, Wadsworth, 1999, p.100.
    260 Lita Epstein, The Politics of Oil, Marie Butler-Knight Publisher, 2003, p.129.
    262 Kent Calder and Fereidun Fesharaki, Energy and Security in Northeast Asia: Fueling Security, 1998, by The Institution on Global Conflict and Cooperation, p.6.
    265 Paul B. Stares, Rethinking Energy Security in East Asia, Japan Center for International Exchange, 2000, p.21.
    267 Jan H. Kalicki and David L. Goldwyn,“Introduction: The Need to Integrate Energy and Foreign Policy,”in Jan H. Kalicki and David L. Goldwyn, eds., Energy and Security: Toward a New Foreign Policy Strategy (Washington, D·C·: Woodrow Wilson Center Press, 2005), p·9.
    268 Kent Calder, The Geopolitics of Energy in Northeast Asia, Presented at the Korean Institute for Energy Economic Seoul Korea, March 16-17, 2004.
    277 John S·Duffield, Transatlantic relations after the cold war: theory, evidence, and the future, International Studies Perspective,Vol·2, No·1,2001·
    278 Joseph S. Nye, The Paradox of American Power: Why the World’s Only Superior Can’t Go It Alone, (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2002); Sten Rynning, Nato Renewed: The Power and Purpose of Transatlantic Cooperation (London: Palgrave, 2005).
    281 W Wohlforth, The Stability of a Unipolar World, World Security, Vol.24, No.1(Summer 1999), pp.5-41, http://mitpress.mit.edu/journals/pdf/isec_24_01_5_0.pdf
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    35. M.K. Albright, The Right Balance Will Secure NATO’s Future, Financial Times, 7 December 1998.
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    44. Ronald D·Asmus, Richard L·Kugler and F·Stephen Larrabee,“Building a New NATO,”Foreign Affairs (September/October 1993).
    45. Ronald E. Powaski, The Entangling Alliance: The United States and European Security, 1950—1993, London: Greenwood Press, 1994.
    46. Richard H. Ullman,“Redefining Security”, International Security, summer 1983.
    47. Robert Keohane, International Institutions and State Power: Essays in International Relations Theory, Boulder: Westview Press, 1989.
    48. Robert Keohane, After Hegemony: Cooperation and Discord in the World Political Economy, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1984.
    49. Robert Keohane, International Institutions and State Power: Essays in International Relations Theory, Boulder: Westview Press, 1989.
    50. Richard Vincent,“The Brussels Summit: a Military Perspective”, NATO Review, Feb. 1994.
    51. Richard Wye Jones, Security, Strategy, and Critical Theory, Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 1991.
    52. Simon Duke, The Elusive Quest for European Security: From EDC to CFSP, New York: Palgrave, 2000.
    53. Stephen Krasner,“Structural Causes and Regime Consequences: Regimes As Intervening Variables”, International Organization, Vol.36, 1982.
    54. Stephen M. Walt,“The Renaissance of Security Studies”, International Studies Quarterly, No.2, 1991.
    55. Sten Rynning, Nato Renewed: The Power and Purpose of Transatlantic Cooperation, London: Palgrave, 2005.
    56. Trevor C. Salmon & Alistair J. K. Shepherd, Toward A European Army: Power in the Making? , Lynne Rienner Publisher, Inc., 2003.
    57. Victoria Nuland,“Bringing Transatlantic Security into the 21st Century”, Speech at the London School of Economics London, United Kingdom February 25, 2008.
    58. W. Hopkinson, New Relationships, The World Today, July 2003.
    59. W. Wohlforth, The Stability of a Unipolar World, World Security, Vol.24, No.1(Summer 1999).

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