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In the next decade, Institutional Research (IR) in China will enter the professionaldevelopment stage. IR will be embedded in the organizational structure of Chineseuniversities. IR officers will actively participate in the design and construction ofManagement Information System (MIS). What are the purposes of IR and MIS? Whatfunctions will they play? This is the question that should be answered firstly. IR in theUS has a long history and is the most mature. But the function of IR is still notwell-defined. So there is great need to research the function of IR through in-depth study.
     IR has many functions. This research chooses its core function of decision supportas the research topic. We based the research on the theory of IR as OrganizationIntelligence, Structure-Function Paradigm, Professionalization and ProfessionalAutonomy. On the basis of the literature review and in-depth interviews to IR officemanagers, we design, review and modify the questionnaire. Following a strict samplingprocedures, we sampled from the membership database of the Association forInstitutional Research and conducted the survey to IR officers in the US. Thisdissertation focused on the decision makers, decision issues and decision-makingprocesses and discussed the IR function as decision support. In each chapter, we firstlydescribe the function of IR as decision support, secondly analyze the relationshipbetween IR officer‘characteristics, office structures, institutional characteristics and thefunction of IR as decision support, lastly we explore further through theoretical analysisand model building.
     Through empirical analysis and discussion, we draw the following five conclusions:
     First, IR department usually reports to the Chief Academic Officer (CAO). IRofficers‘responsibilities are usually focused on enrollment management and studentlearning outcomes assessment. CAO is the first customer of IR. IR officers hasresponsibilities in student learning outcomes assessment, enrollment management,faculty issues and planning issues but focuses primarily on enrollment management andstudent learning outcomes assessment. These two issues are in the charge of CAOs.
     Second, the function of IR as decision support has some relationship with IRofficers‘individual, office and institutional characteristics. The frequency of IR studiesfor top decision-makers has some relationship with IR officers‘financial data access, IRoffice size and institutional size. IR officers‘responsibilities in various decision issueshave some relationship with IR officers‘role, highest degree, experience, office reportingline, data access, institutional level and type. IR officers‘perceptions about directly participating in decision-making processes and organizational support are the mainfactors that influence IR officers‘participation in the decision-making processes.
     Third, the profession of IR is affected by accreditors and the specific institution IRofficer works in. The IR profession is transforming from the differentiation to integration.Since the late1980s, regional accreditors have been increasing emphasizing on studentlearning outcomes assessment, institutional effectiveness and planning. IR professionbegan to differentiate. But colleges and universities conducting assessment, institutionaleffectiveness, and planning activities are more and more aware of the importance of IRofficers‘active participation in these activities. This promotes IR profession fromdifferentiation toward integration.
     Fourth, data, analytical, consulting and leadership support are the four levels of IRas decision support. The data support and analytical support are the basic level ofdecision-making process support. Consulting and leadership support are the senior-levelof decision-making process support. The higher level of IR officers‘decision-makingprocess support, the higher level of professional skills IR officers should obtain.
     Fifth, the function of IR as decision support will be in a dynamic evolution becauseof different perceptions of IR officers and organizational support. Due to the differentperceptions of IR officers and organizational support, the function of IR as decisionsupport will show four cases—full play, replaced, can not play, and limited play. Thefunction of IR as decision support will be undergone a dynamic evolution.
     In light of these conclusions, this paper put forward four proposal for IRdevelopment in China: to promote the professionalization of IR and establish IRprofessional identity; to plan the IR office reporting line and structure and provideorganizational guarantee for IR; to focus on student affairs as the breakthrough toestablish analytical database; to train IR officers to provide personnel guarantee for IR.
     This research is the first system and in-depth research on the function of IR asdecision support. The innovations of this research including choosing the function of IRas decision support as the research question and exploring on it; introducting newperspectives-the structure-function analysis and Sociology of Profession; following theempirical research paradigm as for the research process and method; concluding with aset of innovative conclusions.
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    1Kenneth,C.Green.Scott Jaschik.Doug Lederman(2012). Concerns about Sports, Backing for Obama: a Survey ofPresidents. Inside Higher Ed
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    2佛罗里达州立大学院校研究办公室主任Rick Burnette提供,2013年4月15日。
    2William E. Knight(2003). The Primer for Institutional Research[M]. Tallahassee: Association for InstitutionalResearch.:introduction.
    3Gary Rice (Project Coordinator), Mary Ann Coughlin&Richard Howard (Co-Editor)(2011). The Association forInstitutional Research: The First50Years. Tallahassee: Association for Institutional Research.28-29
    3美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学教育学院教授,是《How College Affects Students》的作者之一,曾担任过美国高等教育研究会(ASHE)主席。1993年提出院校研究组织智能(Organizational Intelligence)理论,极大地影响了院校研究专业的发展。曾担任《院校研究新方向》主编多年,获得过美国院校研究会杰出服务奖(OutstandingService Award)、最佳年会论文奖(Forum Best Paper Award)及杰出会员奖(Distinguished Member Award)
    1Patrick Terenzini(2012).I have always been a student:a tale of two careers.Higher Education:Handbook of theory andresearch.No.27:15-16
    3美国院校研究会网站仅能够查阅到2002年以来各届年会分论坛的主题。2002-2004年为五个主题,2005年开始,学生生活与学生学习分开成为两个分论坛主题,分别为学生生活、学生学习与成果。2002-2010年关于规划的分论坛主题为高校管理与规划,2011-2012年这一主题调整为―协作:连通学校内部与外部(Collaboration:Communicating Inside and Outside the Institution)‖。
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    3Rogers, B. H.,&Gentemann, K. M.(1989). The Value of IR in the Assessment of Educational Effectiveness.Research in Higher Education,30(3),345–355.
    4Volkwein, J. F., Agrotes, M.,&Hannahs, D.(1989, October). The Structure and Function of Institutional ResearchOffices within NEAIR. Proceedings of the North East Association for Institutional Research16th Annual Conference,Pittsburgh, PA.
    1Trudy H. Bers.The Role of Institutional Assessment in Assessing Student Learning Outcomes (pages31–39). DawnGeronimo Terkla.Institutional Research: More than Just Data. Volume2008, Issue141.但笔者近期查阅美国院校研究会网站,却没有发现Trudy Bers所说的―美国院校研究会是最早致力于推动学生学习测量的组织之一,也是最早使用学生评估研究提高高等教育效能的组织之一。‖
    1该认证标准于1984年制定,1987年生效,持续到2003年底,2004年1月才开始采用新版本。认证标准中四处―必须‖的中译文与英文原文保持一致,采取加粗形式,以示强调作用。参见:SouthernAssociation of Collegesand Schools Commission on Colleges.[EB/OL].[2013-02-21]. http://www.sacscoc.org/pdf/1998%20Criteria.pdf
    2Western Association of Schools and Colleges.[EB/OL].[2013-02-21]. http://www.wascsenior.org/
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    2kapiolani Community College. Office for Institutional Effectiveness.[EB/OL].[2013-3-5].http://ofie.kapiolani.hawaii.edu/
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    1Patrick T. Terenzini(1999).. On the Nature of Institutional Research and the Knowledge and Skills It Requires. in J.Fredericks Volkwein and with Steven LaNasa. What Is Institutional Research All About? A Critical and ComprehensiveAssessment of the Profession. New Directions for Institutional Research. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass,No.104:21-29
    1Richard D. Howard(2001). Conceptual Models for Creating Useful Decision Support. in Richard D. Howard andKenneth W. Borland Jr. Balancing Qualititative and Quantitative Information for Effective Decision Support. NewDirections for Institutional Research. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass,No.112:45-55
    1Brumbaugh, A. J.(1960). Research designed to improve institutions of higher learning. Washington, DC: AmericanCouncil on Education.
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    2Peterson Marvin. A Serendipitous Search for A Career in Higher Education. in J.C. Smart. Higher Education:Handbook of Theory and Research. Great Britain: Spinger,2005:27
    3Bichsel, Jacqueline. Analytics in Higher Education: Benefits, Barriers, Progress and Recommendation (ResearchReport). Louisville, CO: EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research, August2012[EB/OL].[2013-4-3].http://net.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/ERS1207/ers1207.pdf
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    2美国院校研究会设主席(President)与执行主席(Executive Director)。其中执行主席没有任期限制,比如现任执行主席为兰迪·斯温博士,于2007年12月上任,执行主席相当于首席执行官(CEO)。执行主席下设执行办公室,位于佛罗里达的塔拉哈希(Tallahassee)。美国院校研究会提前一年提名与选举下一年的主席,每人只任一届,一年为一届。被提名为下一年的主席后,当年担任副主席,下一年正式担任主席,再下一年担任卸任主席(past president)。董事会任职时间为三年,分别为副主席、主席及卸任主席。比如罗伯特·塔库先2008-2009年任副主席,2009-2010年任主席,2010-2011年任卸任主席。
    3文件原文:Moving beyond the perception of just being―data people‖. IR has not been part of the decision makingprocesses. How can we interpret better, how can we become more of a conduit for information?
    4AIR Board Meeting September19,2008Minutes (FINAL).[EB/OL].[2013-02-21].http://www.airweb.org/AboutUs/LeadershipAndGovernance/GovernanceDocuments/Board%20Minutes/Archived%20Board%20Minutes/2008_2009BoardMeetingMinutes.pdf.感叹号为文件原文所加。
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    6John Milam (2008). The Role of Consultants in Institutional Research. in Tod R. Massa and Robert K. Toutkoushian.Conducting Institutional Research in Non-Campus-Based Settings. New Directions for Institutional Research.No.139:27-45.
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    1John Milam (2008). The Role of Consultants in Institutional Research. in Tod R. Massa and Robert K. Toutkoushian.Conducting Institutional Research in Non-Campus-Based Settings. New Directions for Institutional Research..No.139:27-45.
    1该案例由阿什福德大学规划与效能副校长Christina Leimer提供。
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    3Randy L. Swing (2009). Institutional Researchers as Change Agents. in Christina Leimer. Imagining the Future ofInstitutional Research. New Directions for Institutional Research. No.143:5-16.
    1Leimer.C.(2012), What Does IR/IE Leadership Mean? A Not-So-Modest Proposal. Presentation at52th AnnualForum of the Association for Institutional Research, New Oleans, LA, US
    2Leimer, C.(2012): Organizing for Evidence-Based Decision Making and Improvement. In: Change: The Magazineof Higher Learning,44(4).
    3Leimer, C.(2010, July). Wave of the Future? Integrating Institutional Research, Outcomes Assessment, Planning,Program Review and Accreditation. Education Resources Information Center, ED521064.
    1Leimer.C.(2012), What Does IR/IE Leadership Mean? A Not-So-Modest Proposal. Presentation at52thAnnualForum of the Association for Institutional Research, New Oleans, LA, US.
    11Leimer, C.(2012): Organizing for Evidence-Based Decision Making and Improvement. In: Change: The Magazineof Higher Learning,44(4).
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    2Terenzini, P. T.(1995, May). Evolution and Revolution in Institutional Research. Keynote address at35th AnnualForum of the Association for Institutional Research, Boston, MA.32012年美国院校研究会年会参会人员为1949人。
    4Patrick T. Terenzini,(2013)―On the Nature of Institutional Research‖Revisited: Plus a Change…?, Research inHigher Education,54(2):137-148
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