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It has already been irrefutable fact that the Chinese society is in great change and transition at present. With the aggravation of the social change, quicken of the rhythm of life, enhancement of competition consciousness, complicatedness of the inter- personal relationships, collision of the new or old idea and the increasing of family's accident, every soul of member of society has been impacted more and more. And with the increase of psychological pressure, the psychological problem appearing presents the trend of accelerating growth. Because single-parent family's children are at growing up and development stage, in the face of the confused social change, their behave are always helpless.
    Many kinds of complicated factors interweave together, such as the physiology or the psychological developments being unripe, social experience being scarce, and the adaptive capacity being imperfect, etc, make children unable to take the correct treatment method in the face of family's accident. So their psychological problem seems to especially attract people's attention. Therefore to study the development characteristic of their social support system becomes extremely urgent at present. It has a very important theory and realistic meaning to various kinds of questions of the single-parent family's children.
    This article uses the relevant theories and methods of pedagogy, psychology, and sociology to construct the theoretical analysis framework of studying. By the research approaches of the real example, such as the investigation method of the questionnaire and case interview, etc, it makes investigation to current situation of children's social support and analyzes the present scarcity of the system of social support to the single-parent family's children. In addition, this article has put forward the constructing of ideal mode, in order to ensure perfect development of the single-parent family's children fundamentally. The subjects of this studying have come from 26 kindergartens randomly selected in Lanzhou between 3-6 years old who are all in single-parent family.
    The full text is divided into five pieces of majority according to the argumentation way of "putting forward the problem, analyzing the problem, solving the problem". Part One has elaborated the cause, purpose and significance of the study and summed
    up the present study on the system of social support both at home and abroad. Part Two has introduced research approaches, tools and the procedures implemented, which is a theoretical foundation part of a full text. Part Three has elaborated the relations among the parts of the system of social supports to the single-parent family's children. On the basis of the above-mentioned content, Part Four has constructed an ideal social support model to make up for the scarcity of the social support to the single-parent family's children, on the other hand ,brought forward some countermeasures according to the model. The last part is epilogue.
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