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     随着各种分子生物学和免疫学研究手段的出现,人们对病原体在感染宿主过程中转录的基因序列的研究也逐渐深入。选择性捕获转录序列(selective capture of transcribed sequences,SCOTS)技术在研究病原体体内转录序列方面有着独特的优势。本研究比较了鸡白痢沙门菌在鸡体内和体外巨噬细胞系中的存活消亡趋势,以鸡巨噬细胞系HD-11为侵染模型,用SCOTS技术捕获该菌在巨噬细胞中的转录序列,并初步分析了其中一个序列在侵染细胞过程中的转录水平。
     为了探究鸡白痢沙门菌S06004在与鸡体单核吞噬细胞系统和体外巨噬细胞系的相互作用的过程中,细菌定殖、复制的变化趋势,进行了细菌的体内侵染实验和体外巨噬细胞侵染实验。体内侵染实验中,以口服和肌注两种方式感染9日龄非免疫海兰白蛋鸡,感染后第三天吞噬细胞中的细菌量都达到最高点,第九天下降到每克组织中带菌量不足500 cfu,且这种状态能够持续至少5天。在体内侵染实验中,细菌的定殖趋势为先发生复制增殖、后消减至很低水平,并且低水平的带菌状态会维持一段时间。同时在体外侵染实验中,不论给予细菌1h还是2.5h的作用时间,进入巨噬细胞内的细菌量在增殖3h左右时都达到最高点,消减到较低的水平后,能够维持一段时间。在体外实验中胞内的细菌同样具有先增殖后消减,并维持一段低水平细菌携带率的平台期的存活趋势。鸡白痢沙门菌S06004株对鸡巨噬细胞系HD-11的体外侵染实验结果和体内吞噬细胞侵染实验结果基本吻合,故采用鸡白痢沙门菌侵染鸡巨噬细胞系HD-11可以在一定程度上模拟细菌体内感染时与内脏器官吞噬细胞系统的相互作用。
Salmonella pullorum is distributed in worldwide. Nowadays, the pullorum disease has been eliminated or partially eliminated in the developed countries, however, there it is an important avain disease causing serious losses in the poultry industry in China. Salmonella pullorum mainly causes the death of 2-3 weeks old chickens, and the adult chickens appear as bacteria carrier without clinical symptoms. Most of the survival chickens show the reproductive disorders, including decreased egg production, production of contaminated eggs, which cause severe economic losses. The disease can spread vertically, as well as transmit horizontally, which is the main reason for the reproductive disorders. It is important to explore the novel potential virulence-related gene and develop new strategies for the control of the pullorum disease.
     With the development of various molecular biological and immunological research methods, the gene expression of pathogens in infection process can be evaluated. It is notable that identification of transcribed sequences of pathogens in vivo is very important for exploring the pathogenetic mechanism. SCOTS is applicable to many kinds of bacteria from which transcribed sequences can be isolated. In this study, it was carried out an invasion test both in chicken model and macrophage cell line to compare the growth property of Salmonella pullorum in vivo and in vitro. In avian macrophage cell line HD-11, the bacterial transcribed sequences of S. pullorum was captured using SCOTS and the expression develop captured sequence 7-6 was analyzed by real-time quantitative PCR.
     1 Comparison of invasion process in vivo and in vitro of Salmonella pullorum
     In order to investigate the specific infection of Salmonella pullorum in chicken model and in the avian macrophages cell line HD-11 in vitro, 9-days-old chickens were inoculated orally or intramuscularly with S. pullorum S06004. The bacteria within macrophages of spleen and liver can reach the highest point at the third day after inocularion, and would be less than 500 cfu/g at the ninth day, which can be persist more than 5 days. The result of invasion in vivo indicatied that bacteria in macrophages were proliferated at first, then reduced to a lower level which can last some time. Meanwhile bacteria infected the macrophage in vitro, intracellular bacteria reached the highest point in 3h at proliferation stage, then reduced to a lower level which also lasted a few hours. So the in vitro invasion of HD-11 cells by S. pullorum can simulate the invasion in vivo in some extent.
     2 Identification of Salmonella pullorum genes expressed within macrophages by selective capture of transcribed sequences
     The selective capture of transcribed sequences(SCOTS) was used to identify Salmonella pullorum S06004 genes expressed during the process of infection of avian macrophage cell line HD-11. According to bacterial invasion in vivo and in vitro, the invasion of Salmonella pullorum S06004 in avian macrophage cell line HD-11 can simulate in vivo. The transcribed sequences were captured, and identified the virulence genes and related regulation genes expressed within macrophages. 16 sequences were obtained. Except an unknown sequence, these sequences included the coding genes of virulence-related secreted proteins in type III secretion system, outer membrane protein coding genes of typeⅠsecretion system, sensitive kinase related to metabolism and nucleoside hydrolase coding genes, transport genes, and some plasmid genes, environmental adaptability functional gene.
     3 Kinetic detection of the expression level of a captured sequence 7-6 during the infection process by real-time quantitative PCR
     It was designed a pair of primers of the captured sequence 7-6 of S. pullorum for the specific detection and the primers of 16sRNA gene were used as internal control. The total RNA of infected cells at different time was extracted, and reverse transcribed into cDNAs, and then the gene expression levels of 7-6 was monitored using real-time PCR. The results showed: the captured sequence 7-6 was not expressed in vitro, and then there are the highest expression in early invasion, at the intracellular bacteria proliferation phase, the expression level reached to the highest at 3h proliferation, and then decreased to a very low level after 5h proliferation. The changes in transcriptional level of 7-6 were related to the infection process of macrophages.
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