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In recent years, Teaching Chinese as a Second language (TCSL) has been developing rapidly. Although many foreign students have acquired good knowledge of vocabulary and grammar, their communicative competence are still unsatisfactory. The main task of TCSL is to enable the students to communicate naturally, appropriately, fluently and effectively in the Chinese language in real social context.
     There has been no definite and common view, or a rather reliable criterion on the definition and content of communicative competence in the field of linguistic research as well as language teaching. The traditional theories on communicative competence are weak in teaching methods, teaching materials, examinations and evaluation of teaching effects. The author of this paper holds that the human communicative competence means the comprehensive abilities of real-time, dynamic and multi-dimensional information exchanges between people through all human senses and in all possible ways according to different people and situations.
     In the broad sense, all the communicative actions of human beings can be seen as human performance. Performance is one of the basic ways of living for human beings."Both communication and performance are about interpersonal relations. The process of performance is a kind of communicative act of the performers and viewers in accordance with the roles."
     In a sense, communicative competence can be seen as human performing capacity. This definition has many advantages. First, it makes verbal communication more authentic, as it is conducive to the simulation of human languages' acquisition process. Secondly, it is conducive to arousing learners' interest. Simulated training of the language competence acquisition process of different age groups multi-dimensionally is more complete than traditional teaching. Thirdly, reasonable repetitions make the distribution of stimulus more scientific and help students master the language skills and communicative competence. Finally, it is beneficial to resolving the various long-standing disputes on communicative competence, as the new concept of communicative competence encompasses body language, facial expressions and eye contact, making the training of communicative competence more scientific and complete.
     According to the human performance theory, communicative competence training in TCSL should focus on the following aspects:(1) Pertinence Principle: playing to the score;(2) The fact that communication is real-time and dynamic;(3) Multi-dimensional information exchanges through all human senses and in all possible ways according to different people and situations. These have been proved by the experimental results in this paper. Communicative competence and performance capacity have the same nature.
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    ① “汉语桥”中文比赛是国家汉办主办的大型国际汉语比赛项目,是世界人文交流领域的知名品牌活动,共分为“汉语桥”世界大学生中文比赛、“汉语桥”世界中学生中文比赛和“汉语桥”在华留学生汉语大赛三项比赛。每年一届,采取汉办与地 方政府合作的方式,并结合电视呈现,取得较好效果。在华留学生比赛由国家汉办与中央电视台海外节目中心联合主办。
    ① 艺术表演不仅包括话剧、小品、相声等以语言表述为主的演出,也包括时装、舞蹈、杂技、戏曲、歌剧等语言表述不占主要部份的艺术表演形式。
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    ② 丁广泉,1989年创办导演相声小品《新编孔乙己》,该节目在中央电视台播出。从那时起他开始教洋徒弟说相声、演曲艺,传播汉语言文化便成了他的主要事业。先后五次按行规举办了收徒仪式,中外弟子共200多人。在作者指导和创作的一系列中外相声、小品节目中,洋笑星频频出现,洋人说相声成为中国电视荧屏一道独特的风景线。作者为汉语和相声的国际传播作出了不懈的努力,取得的成果令人赞叹,积累了大量经验。丁广泉收了来自巴西、美国、荷兰、法国、日本和黎巴嫩等80多个国家的300多个外国学生为徒弟,教他们学习相声表演。
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    ① 人物物质表现之设计参考了Hubert Heffner在Modern Theatre Practice中所列的四个层面特征来表现。参见Oscar G. Brockett. The Theatre, An Introduction.2nd ed. New York:Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.1969:34-35.
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    ① 参见/Adrian Pecknold. Mime, The Step Beyond Words. Revised ed. Toranto:NC Press Ltd.1989:90-150。
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    ① Nellie McCaslin. Shows on a Shoestring[M]. Rowayton, CT:New Plays Inc.1979:27.
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    ① Ruth Beall Heinig, Creative Drama for the Classroom Teacher[M].4th ed. New Jersey:Prentice-Hall, Inc.1993:201.
    ② 本故事出自台湾小学国语课本第六册《多了十块钱》的内容(台北:“国立编译馆”1989年1月修订再版,50-54页)。
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    ① Clive Barker. Theatre Games, A New Approach to Drama Training[M]. New Hampshire:Eyre Methuen Ltd.1994:89.
    ② Nellie McCaslion. Creative Drama in the Classroom[M]. fifth ed. New York:Longman Inc.1990:119-120.
    ③ Viola Spolin. Improvisation for the Theatre[M].Evanston, Illinois:Northwestern University Press.1985:3.
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    ① 坐针毡(Hot seating),也叫热座,是一种锻炼即兴反应的训练方法,这里采用这种方法将所得信息组合成故事,是对“坐针毡”的灵活运用,实际上教师还可以开发出很多种灵活运用“坐针毡”的方式。参见Jonsthan Neelands. Structured Drama Work[A. A Handbook of Available Forms in Theatre and Drama, ed by Tony Goode[C]. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1993:28.
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    ① 音强,也叫音量、响度。
    ② 音色,也叫音质。
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    ① 此处前三个故事系选用台湾戏剧家张晓华先生的材料,并根据情况进行了调整。参见张晓华.创作性戏剧教学原理与实作[M].上海书店出版社,2011:100-102。
    ② 这个故事是夏威夷古老的神话,其中节奏明快,包含大量动作,选译自Nellie McCaslin. Creative Drama in the Intermediate Grades. New York:Longman Inc.1987:45-46.
    ① 亲自动手进行微调和修改时面临着男女有别的问题,因此这一点应慎重,在选择“材料”时应考虑到性别问题,在动手调整时也应主要考虑身体的“非敏感”部分,以免发生不必要的误解。
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    ③ 参见Astrid Ronke. Wozu all das Theater? Drama and Theater as a Method for Foreign Language Teaching and Learning in Higher Education in the United States[D]. Technischen Universitat Berlin,2005:173-175.
    ① Richmond Shepard. Mime, The Technique of Silence[M]. New York:Drama Book Specialists Publishers,1971:4.
    ② 参见Astrid Ronke. Wozu all das Theater? Drama and Theater as a Method for Foreign Language Teaching and Learning in Higher Education in the United States[D]. Technischen Universitat Berlin,2005:175-177.
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    ② 参见张晓华.创作性戏剧教学原理与实作[M].上海书店出版社,2011:130。
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    ① 参见/Astrid Ronke. Wozu all das Theater? Drama and Theater as a Method for Foreign Language Teaching and Learning in Higher Education in the United States[D]. Technischen Universitat Berlin,2005:180-182.
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    ① Gumperz, J. J. Engager laconversation. Introduction a la sociolinguistique interactionelie. Paris:Minuit,1989:55.
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    ① Nellie McCaslin. Shows on a Shoestring[M]. Rowasyton, CT.:New Plays Inc.1979:39.
    ② 此处参考了张晓华先生的设计方案,并根据对外汉语的实际情况进行了补充和调整,具体参见张晓华.创作性戏剧教学原理与实作[M].上海书店出版社,2011:161-164。
    ① 徐子亮、吴仁甫.实用对外汉语教学法[M].北京大学出版社,2005:137.
    ② 徐子亮、吴仁甫.实用对外汉语教学法[M].北京大学出版社,2005:134.
    ① 参见王淑琰、林通.影视演员表演技巧入门[M].中国广播电视出版社,2009:74-76。
    ② 参见张晓华.创作性戏剧教学原理与实作[M].上海书店出版社,2011:153-155。
    ① Goffman, E. Engagement[J], in Y. Winkin(ed.) La nouvelle communication. Paris:Seuil,1981:269.
    ② 参见胡爱民.台词—表演中台词阐释的艺术[M].中国电影出版社,2010: 172。
    ① 参见伍振国.影视表演语言技巧[M].中国广播电视出版社,2006:140。
    ② Stewik, J. and C. Buge.1994. Dramatizing Literature in Whole Language Classrooms[M]. New York, NY/London:Teachers College Press. p105.
    ③ Astrid Ronke. Wozu all das Theater? Drama and Theater as a Method for Foreign Language Teaching and Learning in Higher Education in the United States[D]. Technischen Universitat Berlin,2005:170.
    ① Gumperz, J. J. Engager laconversation. Introduction a la sociolinguistique interactionelle. Paris:Minuit,1989:40-41.
    ① 具体音效可参考相关网站,多数网站提供免费下载,如http://www.yinxiao.com/(音效网),http://sc.chinaz.com/yinxiao/(素材网)。
    ① 语言输出能力这里指,即席演讲、连贯叙述、口头评论解说、会议发言等。
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    ② 参见张晓华.创作性戏剧教学原理与实作[M].上海书店出版社,2011:105.
    ① 坐针毡(Hot seating),也叫热座,是一种锻炼即兴反应的训练方法,这里采用这种方法将所得信息组合成故事,是对“坐针毡”的灵活运用,实际上教师还可以开发出很多种灵活运用“坐针毡”的方式。参见Jonsthan Neelands. Structured Drama Work[A. A Handbook of Available Forms in Theatre and Drama, ed by Tony Goode[C]. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1993:28.
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    ① 原文为:All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts.
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