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The perfection of personality is an eternal pursuit of education. To shape soundpersonality is the direction of current education. At present, researchers abroad mainlyconcentrate on the following two aspects: intervention of the patients with personalitydisorders and the cultivation of teenagers’ moral quality. In our country, studies on thecultivation of personality were mainly concentrated on theoretical discussion, whileexperiment studies were relatively few. The intervention studies on personality traits weremore, but fewer studies on the cultivation of the integral personality. As for the study object,college students were more taken into account compared with children. Individual personalitybegins with the early childhood, which is a critical period because it is in the early childhoodthat a variety of personality traits began to develop. The early formation of the personalitytraits affects a person’s learning, life and work along with his entire life. To promote thedevelopment of children’s sound personality, we should construct effective system ofpersonality education on the basis of children’s personality theoretical research, according topreschool children's physical and mental characteristics and the needs of social development
     Study1: Establishment of preschool children's sound personality development goals. Wefirstly made clear the significance and principles of preschool children’s sound personalityeducation. Based on these principles, we draw up preschool children’s sound personalityeducation goals teacher’s rating questionnaire. In the questionnaire, teachers sorted outchildren’s15personality traits according to their importance. Using repeated measuresanalysis of variance for data obtained from questionnaire we determined the preschoolchildren’s sound personality education general goals. Based on general goals, we put forwardthe preschool children’s sound personality education age targets using the literature analysisand questionnaire.
     Study2: The design of children's sound personality education games. We designedgames for3~6years old children to develop their positive personality on the basis of thecritical development period and age stage goals of children’s personality. We determined the54personality education games through a series of revision. Furthermore we perfected andexamined the personality education games through the pilot experiment.
     Study3: Natural Experiments on the development of children's sound personality. Thegames are independent variables and children's sound personality is dependent variable. Experimental classes and controlled classes were selected, and the experiment lasted half ayear. Natural experiments were carried out among3different ages in a kindergarten, andquestionnaire survey and situational experiment assessment to examine the effectiveness ofthe games.
     Study4: The event-related potentials (ERPs) experiment of children's sound personalitycultivation——based on analysis of self-control. Taking self control as dependent variableand using the Go/Nogo experiment task paradigm, we examined the preschool children’sneural physiological changes in the experimental group and control group after a semester’snatural experiments, further presenting the effectiveness of the education activities from theperspective of physiology.
     Main conclusions were drawn as follows:
     1. The development of the preschool children's sound personality is related to children'slifelong development. We should implement personality education in early childhood.Carrying out personality education should be based on the characteristics of preschoolchildren, social development needs and the personality theory researches.
     2. The theory of children's personality structure is an important basis of preschooler'ssound personality education. The goals of preschooler’s sound personality development wereto develop typical and positive personality traits in the personality structure, which wereearnest/responsibility, self control, honest/politeness, cooperation/contact,independent/enterprising, self-esteem/self-confidence, emotional adjustment,sympathetic/helpfulness, exploration/creativity.
     3. There are different phases and the critical periods in the development of preschooler’ssound personality. Age targets of sound personality education were proposed on the basis ofthe characteristics of preschooler’s personality, on the national regulations of children'sdevelopment and kindergarten education practices.
     4. The operational and educational games could be seen as the best carrier ofpreschooler’s sound personality education.
     5. The key of preschooler's sound personality education was to design the effectiveeducation activities. Under the guidance of the theory of the zone of proximal development,positive psychology’s personality cultivation and critical development period,54personalityeducation games we devised according to the characteristics of children's positive personality development could be used as effective independent variable in children's sound personalityeducation experiment to develop positive personality traits.
     6. We adopted quasi-experimental design, and used questionnaire and situationalexperiment assessment in field experiments. We found the overall personality educationgames would promote the development of children's sound personality. The results from thetwo evaluation methods were similar.
     7. Self control, as an important target in the development of children's sound personality,is influenced by physiological maturity and the external factors. The average amplitude ofNogo-N2and Nogo-P3from experimental group and the control group children before andafter the experiment showed that self control games have influenced young children's neuralphysiological changes, and the validity of the personality education games further havingbeen confirmed.
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