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The phenomenon of school-choosing students is not only a hot spot in research of elementary education during 1990's but also a general problem in all of cities in China. The phenomenon of school-choosing means that the parents refuse to be benefited by the policy for the elementary students studying closely according to living area without paying but choose the other school to study initiatively. With intensification of the school-choosing problem, it is becoming not only a hot and difficult problem which was general paid by people and was need to be resolved by Educational Department but also a hot in the educational reform. That's why trying to study on the phenomenon clear up the right and wrong, reform radically, correctly realize the school-choosing problem and look for an effective solution Department but also a hot in the educational reform. That's why trying to study on the phenomenon clear up the right and wrong, reform radically, correctly realize the school-choosing problem and look for an effective solution, is a responsibility one can not relinquish for each educationalist and a starting point for the study of this social problem.
    It is the fighting for student resource because of the school-choosing that makes the educational market in disorder. At the same time, the problem of students with charge for school-choosing is a most typical
    problem in the existing high-charge phenomena of primary and middle schools. In respect to the present situation of school-choosing in the city areas of Huhhot during the period of compulsory education, a investigation has been made on a background analysis of school-choosing problem from the inside to outside and the complicated reason for the formation, intensification of school-choosing problem in Huhhot where school-choosing cannot be forbidden time and again. It is not accidental phenomenon but a result of the interaction of educational system, economic development and great disparity between the schools for long term. It is also an overall reflection of intersection point for market economy in primary stage of socialism and learned economy.
    As to the problem of school choosing, Huhhot Municipal Government has taken some measure. In stopping the problem of school-choosing student, especially the problem of high charge from school-choosing students, stage fruits have been obtained. But with complementing of the new policy, radial measure a have not taken, especially the process of narrowing the difference between schools is quite low, the contradiction of school choosing students still exist. By understanding and considering Shanghai's and Tianjin's effective approach and experience in bringing under control the problem of school choosing students and introduction of education system in America, Britain, Japan and Korea compulsory education especially important research of American elementary education one can make out proposals and schemes for Huhhot's problem of school-choosing.
    Finally, this article analyzes the basic spirit of our country's compulsory education in present stage , and grasps the essence of the school choosing student phenomenon. It shows that the regulation on the compulsory education of without paying, studying closely, studying fairly must be obeyed during the construction of socialism market economy system. School-choosing is a social phenomenon for a long time. It will be still exist if there is disparity between schools. The rational tactics toward the demand for school choosing is not a bind stopping-up. On the contrary, one should admit the rationality and reality school choosing, provide a systematized mechanism, quicken the course of equality, seize the means of realizing equal opportunity from the aspects of education providing, educational opportunity, education using and educational achievements, differentiate the proper right to choose school from the problems emerging in the course of school choosing, increase education, extend chances for becoming useful persons, and establish a lifetime educational system; therefore solving the problem of school-choosing students in multiple channels and form.
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