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With the acceleration of the pace of industrialization in the world, the deterioration of the ecological environment, the increasing attenuation of resources and the increasingly frequent problem of the quality and safety of agricultural products, the consumers' demand for safe and high quality food is growing day by day. Developed countries take the lead in developing the organic food which can save resources and is environmentally friendly, healthy and nutritious. In order to achieve the full quality control of agricultural products "from farm to fork", the Chinese government in1990began to develop green food which is healthy, safe and of high quality. Since2004, six consecutive No.1central documents have mentioned the development of green food and government has explicitly put forward to support the development of green food in the Third Plenary Session of Seventeenth Central Committee. In the20years of development, green food industry has developed very fast. By June2012, China has more than6,000green food enterprises which produce the total of more than17,000products. Based on the strict standard system, green food stands for'safety, high quality and nutrition'. The green food producers' behaviors directly determine the quality of green food. Therefore, the research on quality control behaviors of green food producers and proposing the countermeasures of incentive for producers of green food has a strong practical significance.
     Domestic and foreign scholars have carried out extensive researches on the motives of food safety, the quality control behaviors and the benefit of food safety behavior of safe food producers. A lot of empirical studies show that the quality control behaviors of green food producers are affected by various factors. We take the "enterprise+farmers" mode of green agricultural industrialization for example to study the quality control behaviors of green food producers, apply the theory of planned behavior, incentive theory, the principal-agent theory, transaction cost theory, form the analytical framework of quality control behaviors of green food producers and farmers, base on the local data of green food producers in Sichuan and apply the factor analysis method, binomial Logist model to analyze respectively the main factors which influence the quality control behaviors of farmers and enterprises, the implementation of quality control behaviors, cooperative behaviors between enterprises and farmers. Based on that, we put forward suggestions to promote China's green food development. The research consists of eight parts. Main research conclusion is as follows.
     First, by analyzing the green vegetable quality control behaviors of farmers, the factors which influence the quality control behaviors of farmers, according to the significant level are the expected return of green vegetables, the cooperative evaluation of farmers to enterprises, quality control features of farmers, the cost of green vegetable production and farmer' personalities.
     Second, the research shows that enterprises have a positive attitude towards quality control because they think enterprises'survival and development are closely related with product quality control. Implementation of green food certification increases the constructive facilities cost, sales cost labor and certification testing fees, but it will influence the benefits of enterprises by improving customer satisfaction, product sales, product price, enterprise economic benefits, enterprise popularity and enhancing enterprise strength, etc. The analysis also shows that the motivation of enterprises to implement green food certification is to improve product popularity and enterprise influence. The enterprise biggest bottleneck in the implementation of the product quality control is to control the quality of raw materials. Most of enterprises believe that the implementation of the product quality training play a positive role in improving product quality. The green food enterprises believe that governmental management is significant and the enterprises themselves find that the implementation of quality control have a good effect.
     Third, the factors of the implementation of quality control of green food enterprises, analyzed with the use the incentive theory from both explicit and implicit aspects, are enterprise own characteristic, government regulation and penalties, market share change and cognitive extent of enterprises to reputation mechanism. And the factors affecting the behaviors of enterprise quality control are empirically analyzed. Among them, education of corporate managers, the strength of punishment from government, the product which is in high quality and high price, cost and benefits changes of green food enterprises after the implementation of certification have a big impact on the quality control behaviors of enterprises. Fourth, through the green food enterprises and farmers cooperative behavior research, we find that a single game between enterprises and farmers is non-cooperative Nash equilibrium, repeated game to achieve the pareto optimal state, to form the stable cooperative relationship. When we put into some professional investment, the more professional the investment is, the stronger of the contract stability. The main factors affecting the performance of farmers are farmers' personal characteristics, farmers' moral hazard behavior characteristics, whether farmers have special assets investment in their production, the form of contract, corporate incentive mechanisms for farmers. Among them, the farmers'income changes, whether there is specific asset investment, the price of the contract, the payment for goods, incentive mechanisms have significant influence on farmers' performance behaviors. In the management of cooperation between enterprises and farmers which includes contractual management and relationship management, relationship management in the cooperation between green food enterprises and farmers includes trust, mutual benefit and interact, which becomes more and more important in maintaining the stability of the cooperation between enterprises and farmers.
     The innovation of this paper is:first, the research object is innovative. Consumer demand for green food, but the present supply is shortage. It is crucial to producers to strengthen quality control and Green Food supply. Because of the short history of green food development in our country, in practice,"enterprise+farmers" is a main mode,but also an effective mode. The paper focuses on producers main behavior of Green Food market, and make the Green Food producers quality control behavior as the research object. Therefore, the object selection in this paper has certain novelty.
     Second, the research contents are innovative. Few studies on the quality control behaviors of green food producers in existing literature behavior researches.In this paper, the research contents is all about quality control behaviors of green food producers, including enterprise and farmer, which including factors affecting the implement of quality control behaviors,and combine research the enterprise and farmers behavior, make game analysis of two behavior.By theoretical analysis and empirical analysis of the contracted farmers performance and influencing factors. This article has certain novelty in its contents.
     Third, the research conclusion is innovative. Based on the empirical study on the Green Food farmers, the paper draw a conclusion of the significant influence factors of farmers quality control behavior. Based on the empirical study on the Green Food enterprise, the paper draw a conclusion of the significant influence factors of enterprise quality control bahavior. Based on the empirical study on the Green Food farmers' performance, the paper draw a conclusion of the significant influence factors of farmers performance. The conclusion provides decision-making basis for promoting the development of Green Food industry in China.
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