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Farmers'specialized cooperatives is the mutual aid organization for economic that producers and traders of similar agricultural products or providers and users of similar agricultural production and business services unite voluntarily to manage democratically in the base of farmers contracted management in the unit of family. In our country, farmers'specialized cooperatives as a rural organization innovation is making good use of its organizational advantages, based on local resources, to solve the conflict between small-scale production based on households and ever-changing large market, which make the decentralized household management more responsive to the market and adapt to international competition situation. Especially, under the background of the market deepening and financial deepening, farmers'specialized cooperatives play an increasingly important role to specialize and modernize the agricultural production by improving the degree of farmers'organization and market competition ability. However, as a whole, farmers'specialized cooperatives in our country are also at lower levels of development. On the one hand, the organizational advantages of farmers'specialized cooperatives that have not yet developed are vastly underexplored. On the other hand, many problems are emerging in regulating the operation and sustainable development in many relatively fast developed and larger scale specialized cooperatives. Completing internal governance structure of farmers'specialized cooperatives, and improving the governance mechanism are the keys to resolving above two issues.
     Effective governance is a sine qua non for improving performance of farmers'specialized cooperatives, and performance is the most direct and effective reflection on the soundness of governance level and governance structure of farmers'specialized cooperatives. The farmers'specialized cooperatives of sound governance have relatively strong growth and profitability, and have much higher member satisfaction. Therefore, as to farmers'specialized cooperatives still in early stages, it could create favorable conditions and environment for cooperatives corporation, and improve cooperatives performance to make the organizational advantages of cooperatives full play by improving the governance structure and governance mechanism. And for the relatively mature farmers'specialized cooperatives, improving the governance structure and governance mechanism are the keys to further enhance competitiveness, and lead the Chinese agriculture to internationalization and Chinese farmers to participate in international market competition.
     Relative to general corporate, the business objectives of farmers'specialized cooperatives possess the double property of social equity and economic efficiency, which determines not only the uniqueness of the governance structure and governance mechanism, but also determines the construction of performance evaluation system of farmers'specialized cooperatives. This paper uses the analytical paradigm of institutional economics and evolutionary economics, combined with the development background of Chinese farmers'specialized cooperatives, to research the governance mechanism of farmers'specialized cooperatives in our country, and initially establish an analysis framework on the governance mechanism and performance of farmers'specialized cooperatives. Meanwhile, this paper derive inferences to complete the governance structure of farmers'specialized cooperatives, improve the governance mechanism and performance of farmers'specialized cooperatives by using the modeling method and deductive method. These inferences not only amend and improve the current domestic findings of the farmers'specialized cooperatives, as well as provide a reference for the current normative development of Chinese farmers'specialized cooperatives. This dissertation consists of seven chapters. Chapter1:introduction, and this chapter describes the background, purpose and significance of the study, review the current research at home and abroad, and clear research emphasis, idea and methods. Chapter2:basic theories of the governance mechanism of farmers'specialized cooperatives in our country, and this chapter describes the unique governance mechanism faced by farmers' specialized cooperatives by combining the theoretical basis of organizational analysis and characteristics dimension of farmers'specialized cooperatives, and build the model to explain. Chapter3:the development analysis of farmers'specialized cooperatives, and this chapter from the political system, the economic model and cultural concept discusses the development environment of our farmers'specialized cooperatives, analyze the development course of our farmers'specialized cooperatives, and summarize the development characteristics of our farmers'specialized cooperatives and existing problems. Chapter4:the governance mechanism and performance of farmers' specialized cooperatives:sample selection and data collection, and this chapter introduce the sample area selection, questionnaire design and data collection methods in empirical research, and analyze the recycling questionnaire. Chapter5:the performance evaluation index of farmers'specialized cooperatives and model selection, and firstly, this chapter introduces the theoretical basis and method of the performance evaluation index selection of farmers'specialized cooperatives, followed by an analysis of principal components analysis and model selected to evaluate the performance of fanners' specialized cooperatives, and calculates the performance of153samples of farmers' specialized cooperatives. Chapter6:the empirical analysis of the governance mechanism and performance of farmers'specialized cooperatives. In this chapter, we establish some verifiable assumptions through the above theoretical analysis to explore the influence of the different governance mechanisms on the performance in the theoretical analysis. Chapter7:conclusions and outlook. In this chapter, we synoptically summarize key findings in our full-text, and indicate the enlightenment of the theoretical analysis and empirical study to complete the governance structure of fanners'specialized cooperatives and improve the governance mechanism of farmers'specialized cooperatives. At last, we analyze this research deficiency and future research prospects.
     In the base of a large number of related literature at home and abroad and investigating the actual data collected, this article try to make a contribution in the following areas:(1) We select a special perspective, that is a systematic study of the relationship between governance mechanism of farmers'specialized cooperatives and its performance, to lucubrate the problems of the governance structure and the governance mechanism of farmers'specialized cooperatives. This innovation from the research perspective overcomes the lack of the existing research results, which mainly use logical reasoning and canonical parse so that to lack empirical test, and too excessively emphasize the formal structure of the governance structure of farmers'specialized cooperatives to relatively neglect the fundamental objective of governance.(2) We establish the performance evaluation index system of farmers'specialized cooperatives based on balanced scorecard, and apply the measurement results, such as principal component analysis, into comprehensive evaluation of performance of farmers' specialized cooperatives. It overcomes the limitation to select single target or simple weighted score to measure performance in the existing performance evaluation study of farmers'specialized cooperatives, which better reflects the objectivity of the performance evaluation of farmers'specialized cooperatives.(3) The empirical study to153samples data of farmers'specialized cooperatives identifies the relationship between governance mechanism of farmers'specialized cooperatives and its performance, and expand and deepen research on the governance of farmers'specialized cooperatives. Meanwhile, the relevant conclusions drawn provide some bases and support for the theoretical study of the governance mechanism of farmers'specialized cooperatives.
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