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China is the largest steel producer and consumer in the world, but it is still the one with few iron ore resource. Due to the extraordinary development of steel industry over the past decade, the situation of depending upon overseas supply of iron ore is becoming more and more serious. Within the six years from 2003 to 2008, the international benchmark price of iron ore rose accumulatively by up to 270.52%. The soaring price of iron ore not only puts huge cost pressure on the iron and steel enterprises in China, but also casts a thick shadow on their future healthy development. For such a developing country like China, the acceleration of industrialization process needs iron and steel industry to undertake an irreplaceable task, while the latter demands for a long-term iron ore deposit supply. Therefore, it is urgent to develop a strategy aimed at stable supply of iron ore resource, and this will be a great strategic project which is crucial to the survival and sustainable development of iron and steel industry.
     Assimilating some research findings such as theory of industrial organization, theory of enterprise competitiveness, institutional economics, theory of games and other theories in related areas, this dissertation investigates the supply of iron ore resource and its constraint on the development of iron and steel industry in China, in the methods of combining qualitative analysis with quantitative analysis as well as combining normative analysis with empirical analysis, attempting to investigate systemically on the following two issues:(1) From the point of view of industrial chain, this dissertation demonstrates the constraint by iron ore resource supply on the development of iron and steel industry in China. (2) From the point of view of industrial supply chain, this dissertation reveals that our country, on the one hand, implements the development of resource industry, on the other hand, integrates the industrial chain in the iron and steel industry and optimizes the strategy of supply chain, so that global optimization of allocation of iron ore resource can be achieved. Concerning these two issues, the research and content of this dissertation are illustrated as following:
     (1) The research on the reason and mechanism of constraint on the iron and steel industry by resources.
     In the chain of iron and steel industry, the iron ore resource in our country can not meet the needs of iron and steel industry in either quantity or quality for their natural property. Among three steel industrial links of mining, smelting, and machining, the investment of capital and technology in the mining link has trailed seriously behind the other two links, and it still remain stagnant in the development of steel industry. In our country, the production of iron ore deposit has been the appendage of steel industry for a long time, therefore the iron ore deposit supply is the weakest link in the whole chain of steel industry, as well as the bottleneck in the sustainable development of steel industry.
     (2) The game analysis of industrial organization in the international iron ore market.
     From the global point of view, this dissertation analyzes the characteristics of industrial organization of international iron ore enterprises. These analyses are made respectively from the aspects of market structure formed by their extreme oligarch monopoly, the formation of trade system of iron ore, the negotiating mechanism of trade price, the allied game theory existed among them, and the game theory between the suppliers and buyers of iron ore. This structure will exist for a time for lack of good quality iron ore supply around the globe.
     (3) The anatomy on the actual industrial value chain of steel resource industry in our country.
     Applying the theory of industrial chain, this dissertation penetrates into actual steel industrial and steel resource industry in our country from five-dimensional angles of spatial chain, enterprise chain, supply chain, value chain, and logistics chain. Then the underlying reason for constraint on the development of steel industry in our country can be educed. In addition, conclusions that steel industrial chain is severely unbalanced and that steel industrial value chain is unreasonable can be drawn, which will lay the foundation for further research.
     (4) The integration of industrial chain in steel industry and the structure mode of industrial supply chain.
     Faced with the situation of iron ore resource at home and abroad, this dissertation puts forward the thought of developing domestic iron ore resource industry as soon as possible and reorganizing main resources. Concerning the shortage of steel resource, this dissertation concludes that domestic steel enterprises should enhance industrial centralization through industrial restructuring, reshuffle of enterprises and integration of industrial chain. It also points out that those enterprises which are the key links of upstream and downstream in the industrial chain should be integrated, in the manner of investment, stock controlling and equity merger at home and abroad. To solve the problem of iron ore supply constraint, a smooth, stable and complete mode of industrial chain should be constructed, and the optimal supply chain relation between steel enterprises and iron ore supplier ought to be formed. Through the game analysis of Stackelberg, this dissertation constructs the industrial supply chain of international iron ore resources leader-follower alliance and analyzes the decision variable of allocation of profits in both two sides of alliance. The result proves that the alliance ralation which is established in the centralized mode by the international iron ore leader-follower will achieve the maximization of benefit for both sides.
     (5) The optimization of allocation of imported iron ore resource from all over the globe.
     At home, based on the sustainable development of iron ore resource, this dissertation indicates that the annual optimal exploitation quantity by domestic iron ore manufacturer should be controlled and the strategic reserves for iron ore resource at national level should be established. On that basis, we should optimize the allocation of the imported quantity of iron ore resource across the globe, and throw away the over reliance on individual international iron ore organization, as well as form the optimal supply chain of domestic iron ore resource supply in order to meet the need of the development of domestic steel industry.
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