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     通过对森林景观展示系统支撑硬件的全面分析和对比,发现微软开发的Kinect传感器和多通道融合无缝拼接投影系统,是当前交互性能最好、沉浸感环境营造最强的两款硬件设备。文中基于这两款硬件设备开发了相应的软件平台,通过三维场景模拟、Kinect API开发、手势定义、多Kinect同步应用集成等关键技术的研究与应用,实现了基于体感交互的沉浸式森林景观展示系统(A full-body motion sensor based Immersive Forest Landscape Display),简称IFLD系统。本系统将多个Kinect体感控制器和多通道无缝融合投影系统集成在一起,并且实现了相互转换的接口,将其应用到森林景观展示当中。能够给参与者造就一个能够完全沉浸在其中的虚拟森林景观环境,并且参与者身体上不需要佩戴硬件设备便可与虚拟环境发生交互,进行自由的人机对话,带给参与者一种全新的交互体验和完全沉醉于其中的感官享受。从应用层面上提高了用户的舒适性和易操作性;从理论层面上,丰富了森林景观展示的视觉传达形式,扩展了林业可视化的应用领域,增强了生态文明和森林文化传播的效果。
Forest Landscape Display is a new form of communication in the modern culture of forestry, but neither its theory nor its practice has been systematically or comprehensively researched. By analyzing the context of its emergence, this thesis induced the concepts and connotations of Forest Landscape Display to characterize it in terms of content, technology and application, thus establishing a system of indicators that evaluates its equipment, exhibition, cognitive psychology and human factors; this evaluation system appraises the usability and sense of immersion with two second-order indices.
     A comprehensive review of current hardware led to the conclusion that the means to achieve the best interactive performance and the most immersive environment for Forest Landscape Display are Microsoft's Kinect sensor and Multi-Projector Edge Blending, both of which became the basis for the development of a software platform. Using many key technologies, such as three-dimensional virtual scenes, Kinect API developments, gestural definitions and multi-sensor synchronization, this platform implemented a full-body motion sensor based Immersive Forest Landscape Display (IFLD). IFLD is the first application of many of the mentioned software and hardware technologies in the field of Forestry. By creating a virtual environment for the participants to be immersed in completely and by freeing the participants from the need to wear or carry any device in their interactions with the immersive environment, IFLD affords human-computer interaction in a virtual forest that is sensual, comfortable and easy to operate.
     By enriching Forest Landscape Display as a form of visual communication, it expands the domain of visualization in forestry and allows for more effective communication of environmentally friendly ideas. To evaluate IFLD for every indicator in the mentioned system of evaluation for Forest Landscape Display, a series of experiments was designed and conducted. The experimental data showed that the evaluation system can provide good descriptive metrics for all aspects of Forest Landscape Display. IFLD is widely applicable:it is a suitable platform for displaying not only forest scenes, but also other contents, such as urban landscapes, Geographic Information System (GIS), plant growth simulations, virtual tours and virtual museums.
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