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The issue of corporate social responsibility has attracted more and more attention of the society and the theoretical circles. In fierce competition of the market, business ethics and social responsibility have become the key link of gaining the enterprise competition advantages and sustainable development. Mature business linked the corporate social responsibility up to the corporate strategic, CSR has already changed from the past" businessman social responsibility " into a fully competitive resources strategy, and with the enterprise decision-making closely. Review the previous literature, the study of top management team paid more attention to team characteristics research, while corporate social responsibility research especially the empirical researches focused on the relation of corporate social responsibility and corporate performance. In view of this, this paper attempted to integrate the theory of top management team into CSR, on a variety of issues such as social responsibility orientation of top management team, corporate social responsibility strategy choice, the stage characteristics of strategy mode evolution, and the process mechanism of corporate performance, and etc, launched a series of empirical researches.
     First, we used multi-cases of four typical enterprises to comparatively analyze the key incidents reflecting TMT CSR orientation and CSR strategy characteristics, concluded the basic rules in the multi-factors system of TMT CSR strategy choice. Based on the literatures and interviews, TMT orientation of CSR could be divided into economic performance guide (regard the economic responsibility and legal liability) and Social performance guide(regard the ethics responsibility and philanthropy responsibility), And through key examples of three specific aspects internal liability, external liability, public liability, combined TMT orientation of CSR, divided Corporate social responsibility strategy into four types:passive, reactive, positive and active. Through multiple case comparison research, we further discoveried that there was some specific relation existed in TMT characteristic, TMT CSR orientation, social responsibility of the enterprise choice, social responsibility strategy evolution, corporate social performance and enterprise performance. Above-mentioned results established a preparatory construct framework for following studies.
     Secondly, we put forward and validated the relationship between TMT CSR orientation and enterprise CSR strategy choice. Based on literatures and interviews, TMT CSR orientation and enterprise CSR strategy questionnaires were developed, and delivered to enterprises in Hunan Province, Beijing City and Shenzhen City, exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis of478valid questionnaires in156TMT orientation of CSR had three dimensions including economic responsibility dimension, legal liability dimension and ethics dimension, CSR strategy had two dimension including economic performance-oriented and social performance-oriented two dimension. The result of structural equation model revealed that TMT orientation of CSR had significant affection on the choice,of enterprise CSR strategy. Meanwhile, ANOVA showed that TMT CSR orientation had significant affected by the TMT individual heterogeneity and enterprise heterogeneity.
     Through in depth interview, explored the enterprises especially for high performance enterprises CSR strategy pattern evolution rule which had different individual characteristics in different life cycle. Interviews revealed that high performance enterprises in different life cycle, maybe adopt different social responsibility strategy mode:negative response CSR strategy, positive reaction CSR strategy, leading behavior CSR strategy, interact CSR strategy. The interview result were further verified through questionnaire interviews corroborative studies through frequency analysis on76high performance enterprises' CSR strategy in different stages, the results displayed that the enterprises at different stages of development adopted significant differences CSR strategy.
     Last, we put forward and validated the process model which reflected corporate TMT CSR strategy choice and enterprise performance by EQS model based on478valid questionnaires in156TMT. The results showed that TMT CSR choice had significant affect on corporate social performance, but had no direct effect on enterprises performance., its effect was through CSR to corporate performance completed.
     This paper also put forward the countermeasure and implementation path which could strengthen the construction of Chinese enterprise social responsibility from the goverment, NGO and enterpise three dimension.
     The creative points of this paper are as follows:
     (1) We put enterprises TMT CSR orientation, TMT CSR strategy choice, corporate social performance, enterprises performance on the same theoretical framework system for the first time, cleared their relations, verified the mediating effect of which corporate social performance had played, broke the previous social responsibility research, enriched the theory of knowledge.
     (2) Compared with the existing model, this paper constructed a corporate social responsibility process conduction model which was more consistent with real system, we put TMT's personal traits, enterprise characteristics, external functions into the same model, and searched for the path factors which TMT CSR orientation influencing the enterprises performance by empirical method, revealed the internal contact among TMT CSR orientation TMT CSR strategy choice and enterprise performance, this may contribute to the enterprises on their social responsibility understanding to a new height, help enterprises to include social responsibility in their business strategy formulation and selection.
     (3) Break through the general division of corporate social responsibility strategy, this paper revealed high performance corporate social responsibility strategy pattern evolution law and phase characteristics by evolution of ideas.
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