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The research of corporate social responsibility(CSR) has been done in weatern countries for half centure,and some scholors began to do CSR-related in China from 1990s,it has been more than 10years.With the globalization and integration of the world economic and markets,and China's formally entering the WTO,the increasing corporate knowledge density made the key resources of business competitive advantage expand from the traditional tangible resources quickly to the responsibility,ability, reputation,patents and other intangible resources.Recently with the increase of the international trade frictions and non-tariff barriers,the number of the literature papers explosive grows,and the research temperature on CSR is increasingly rising.
     The theoretical CSR research has been more than a decade,but there have not reached a consensus yet in its theoretical system,theory base and concept construct,etc.Therefore,this paper takes CSR as the ground-breaking research topic.Based on the resource-based theory,the study examines the relationship between the CSR and the financial performance in Zhejiang Province by employing the method of theoretical interpretation,model construction and statistics analysis, which includes statistcs tools of SPSS15.0 and Structural Equation Modeling(SEM)AMOS7.0.The main conclusions of this paper include:
     (1)The dimension deconstruction of corporate social responsibility has been a hot topic in CSR study.Based on resource-based theory,this study conducts confirmatory factor analysis(CFA) by limited information analysis after the data collection through the queationnair from interview. The results show that the dimension of the corporate social responsibility includes four dimensions,which are environment responsibility,human responsibility,technical responsibility and reputation responsibility.
     (2)This paper establishes a conceptual framework of the CSR's impact on the corporate performance with control of the firm size and sectors.Nested model analysis method was proposed as an alternative of the four nested models,chi-square difference test results show that the synergy model,which is hypothetical model of this study,fits better than the saturated model,the independent model,and has proved to be more simple.The results show the CSR has a positive effect on corporate suatainable performance and operation performance.
     (3)The results of the synergy model shows that the environment responsibility is positive to the sustainable performance,but no positive correlation with the operations performance;The human responsibility are positively related to corporate performance,which means the human resources can enhance the enterprise's financial performance,and promote sustainable performance as well;A positive correlation between technical responsibility and corporate sustainable performance is exist, which shows that technical responsibility can promote corporate long-term performance,but for short-term operating performance such relation is not significant.Corporate reputation responsibility has a positive correlation with the financial performance.The results suggest that external network will contribute to corporate performance.
     (4) This paper analyzes the effects of latent variables both directly and indirectly.The results show that the direct relationship between environment responsibility,human responsibility,technical responsibility and reputation responsibility has a positive effect on the sustainable and operating performance.The synergy effect of environment responsibility and reputation responsibility plays a positive role in corporate performance.Similarly,the synergy effect between human responsibility and reputation responsibility has a positive effect of corporate performance,as well as human responsibility and technical responsibility.
     The main innovations of this dissertation are as follows:
     (1)Based on resource-based theory,this article develops and tests the four-dimensional model of corporate social responsibility.The conclusion of the study can not only for the measurement of corporate social responsibility to provide empirical support for the development,but also for our corporate social responsibility practices,and corporate social responsibility of our quantitative study of measurement theory to provide a reference.
     (2) By employing the method of content analysis and SEM,this study examines the direct relationship between corporate social responsibility and corporate performance,and has comprehensive, systematic analysis of corporate social responsibility at the economic interests of enterprises and sustainable development for CSR management in order to promote the role of performance.
     (3)An Empirical Study of the impact of corporate social responsibility on corporate performance expands previous research in this area,and contributes the study of the inherent mechanism between CSR and corporate performance.
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