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Renal Cell Carcinoma occurs more commonly in urinary system, which is associated with more aggressive and extensive metastatic characteristics. One third patients have been in advanced stages when being detected for the first time,and forty percent patients reoccur or metastasize after operatiaons with worse prognosis. Renal Clear Cell Carcinoma is first most common subtype of Renal Cell Carcinoma. Therefore,developing a series of metastatic associated biological marks will be of great significance in detecting RCC effectively with the potential to reduce the death rate. It is critical step for screening and identifying metastatic associated biological mark that Renal Cell Carcinoma cell lines with different metastatic potential is established in the same genetic background.According to tumor heterogeneity theory:neoplasms contain subpoppulatiopn of cells having different metastatic potential,only those tumor cells can establish a metastasis which are capable of completing the entire process:dissociating from the primary mass,migrating through the interstitial extracellular matrix,invading from the basement membrance underlying the vascular endothelial cell layer and basement membrance to enter the interstitial matrix and establish a metastasis.Therefor,invasive and metastatic associated factors can be used as basis for isolating tumor cells with different invasive, metastatic potentials.
     Malignant cells must traverse basement membrances during their migration to sites distant from the primary tumor.Matrigel is a solubulized basement membrance preparation extracted from the Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm mouse sarcoma,a tumor rish in ECM proteins.Its major component is laminin,followed by IV collagen,heparin sulfate proteoglycans,and entactin.At room temperature, Matrigel polymerizes to produce biologically active matrix material resembling the mammalian cellular basement membrane ,which are thin continuous sheets applied over filters in transwell insert,blocking non-invasive cells from migrating through the membrane.In contrast, invasive tumor cells are able to detach themselves from and invade through the Matrigel and the 8 micron membrane pores.Therefor,it is well suited for selecting differently invasive cell phenotypes in response to a chemoattractant. Then we extract total RNA from high invasive and low invasive renal cell carcinoma cells respectively and analyze them.At last we use SMART to synthesis cDNA.
     Objective : To isolate the high invasive and low invasive renal cell carcinoma cells from human renal cell carcinoma (RCC) cell line ACHN in vitro, extract total RNA from high invasive and low invasive renal cell carcinoma cells respectively and synthesis cDNA.
     Methods: The renal cell carcinoma cell line ACHN was serial subcultivation in vitro. Then in vitro invasion assay using the Transwells coating Matrigel were performed for separation and recovery of high invasive and low invasive cells from the serial subculture of cells. The concentration of Matrigel, trypsinization and recovery time were subsequently optimized.Then we extract total RNA from high invasive and low invasive renal cell carcinoma cells respectively and analyze them, then we use SMART to synthesis cDNA.
     Results: Matrigel (diluted into 1.17mg/ml) was coated onto the filter of the Transwell; cell suspension was at a concentration of 5×10~5/ml and invasive cells were recovered on the 48h of culture. When all above were prepared well, the recovery of invasive cells was performed ideally. The growth of non-invasive cells was sporadic, while that of the invasive cells was accumulative. Total RNA extracted from high invasive and low invasive renal cell carcinoma cells are good. SMART can be used to synthesis cDNA with a small quantity of RNA.
     Conclusions: In vitro the Transwell is able to quickly separate, recover and culture the highly invasive RCC cells. At the same time, the cell line ACHN had a nice representation,and it can easily go down to the future generation. we successfully extract total RNA from high invasive and low invasive renal cell carcinoma cells respectively and synthesis cDNA, which lay a substantial fundament for researching metastatic associated genes.
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    6.Hemmerlein B,Johanns U,Halbfass J,et al.The balance between MMP-2/-9 and TIMP-1/-2 is shifted towards MMP in renal cell carcinomas and can be further disturbed by hydrogen peroxide.Int J Oncol,2004;24(5):1069-1076
    7.Nelson AR,Fingleton B,Rothenberg ML,et al.Matrix metalloproteinases:biologic activity and clinical implications.J Clin Oncol.2000;18(5):1135-49..
    9.Libby P,Aikawa M.Stabilization of atheroselerotic plaques;new mechanisms and clinical targets.Nat Med,2002,8:1257,
    10.BariteA,CovicL.AgarwalA,et al.PART is a matrix metalloprotease-1 receptor that promotes invasion and tomorigenesis of breast cancer c ells.Cell,2005,120(3):303.
    11. Evans TR.Pentheroudakis G .Paul J ,et al.Aphase I and pharmacokinetic study of capecitabine in combination, with epirubicin and cisplatinin patients with inoperable oesophag -ogastric adenocarcinoma.Ann Oncol.2002,13 (9); 14 69 .
    12. Masai D .Naldini AC.Carraro F ,et al.Experssion of portease- activated receptors land 2 in melanocytic nevi and malignant melanoma.Hum Pathol,2005,36(6)s676
    13. ouatasT , Salerno M , PalmieriD , etal.Basic and Translational advances In Cancer metastasis:Nm23.J Bioenerg Biomembr, 2003.35:73-9
    14. Dong JT, Suzuki H, Pins, etal.Down-reguation Of the KAll Metastasis Suppressor Gene During The Progression Of Human Prostatic Cancer Infrequenily Involves Gene Mutation orallelic loss .CancerRes, 1996, 56:4387-90.
    15. Shevde LA , Welch DR, Metastasis suppressor Pathways-an Evolving paradigm. Cancer Lett 2003, 198:1-20.
    16. Noordzij MA, van stenbruge CJ, Schreder FH. et al.Decreased expression of cd44 in metastatic prostate cancer.Int J Cancer, 1999, 84:478-83.
    17. Li H, Liu J , Hofmann M, et al.Diferential CD44 expression patterns in primary brain tumour and brain metastases.Br J Cancer, 1995, 72:160-3.
    18. TengDH, Perry WL3rd, HoganJK, et al.Human mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase4 as a candidate tumor suppressor.Cancer Res, 197, 57:4177-82.
    19. Kim HL, vander Griend DJ, Yang X, etal. Mitogen-activated Protein kinase kinase4 metastasis suppressor gene expression is inversely related to histological patternin advancing human prostatic cancers.Cancer Res, 2001, 61:2833-7.
    20. Hori A, Honda S, Asada M, etal. Metastin suppresses the motility and growth of CHo cells transfected with its receptor .Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2001, 256:958-63.
    21. Shirasaki F, Takata M, Hatta N, et al.Loss of expression Of the metastasis suppressor gene KSSI during melanoma progression and its association with L0H of chromosome 6ql6.3-q23 .Cancer Res, 2001, 61:7422-5.
    22. Rotblat B, Yizhar O, Haklai R, et al. Ras and its signals diffuse through the cell on randomly moving nanoparticles. Cancer Res. 2006;66(4):1974-81.。
    23. Roger L, Gadea G, Roux P. Control of cell migration: a tumour suppressor function for p53.Biol Cell. 2006 ;98(3):141-52. Review.
    24. Sirotkovic-Skerlev M, Krizanac S, Kapitanovic S, et al .Expression of c-myc, erbB-2, p53 and nm23-H1 gene product in benign and malignant breast lesions: coexpression and correlation with clinicopathologic parameters. Exp Mol Pathol. 2005;79(1):42-50. Epub 2005 Apr 7.

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