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Firstly, the origins of the kidney essence combing traditional Chinese medicine on a refined definition, whether it is the essence of broadly or narrowly the essence subtle substance with the intent of the word "essence" at this point. For the formation of ancient philosophy "essence doctrine", I believe that the first is from the medicine,"the doctrine of the essence" to establish, or at least should be subject to the ancients of the observation and thinking of their own "essence, qi". Men and women married, the formation of people, pointed out that the "essence" is an important role in the formation of human life. Ancient philosophy of "the doctrine of the essence" doctrine in medicine essence, but its connotation and extension without limitation, especially as the methodology of the philosophical level, improving the theory has a more profound meaning of guidance. Essence points in the hierarchy of four levels: the "essence" of the ancient philosophy of the universe primitive is an abstract concept in the entire hierarchy of the top of a hierarchy of " essence " by the ancient philosophy of the essence produce specific the body of the essence in the second level; constitute the essence of the human body's innate essence and acquired essence of the third level; essence of the human body are distributed in the ministries of human ministries of human sperm in the fourth level. Ancient philosophy, the essence water one idea is to build the renal phenomenological theory "kidney essence" and the philosophical basis of the theory of the kidney water. Therefore, the theory comes from the most primitive anatomy and physiology, are united in the ancient Chinese philosophy, a perfect combination of a model of Medicine and Philosophy in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
     Emphasized by the ancient philosophy of essence or essence gas already exist in the universe is abstract. Human beings as a biological species, inherent intrinsic subject of the essence of the universe, thrive, constantly updated, evolving. Therefore, we have reason to believe that the human body is the perpetual movements exist in the universe, invisible essence or gas metaplasia. From the source of the essence can be divided into congenital essence and acquired essence. Congenital essence is adhering to the parents'reproductive essence, constitute the raw material of embryonic development, mainly closed Tibet in the kidney, both parents'reproductive's essence, but also from the mother of the essence of the individual's reproductive. Congenital essence is the important factors that determine individual Congenital and innate righteousness. Has to promote the body of the physiological function, and promote the body's growth and development of functional, to a certain extent, when this essence gas filling, the formation of "menstruation", and also a direct impact on the aging process. In Chinese medicine, the essence of breathing after the birth of the human body and Mizutani Precision collectively referred to as "acquired essence". The Neijingsingled out under the premise of the five internal organs are the essence and kidney essence, is to emphasize the essence of the kidney and other organs of the essence, especially reproductive essence of kidney essence of the argument basis. Kidney essence and internal organs of sperm in storage, transshipment, the mutual adjustment of dynamic, multidirectional, depends not only ensures adequate renal possession fine, but also promotes the storage of the various organs of the body essence and adjustment, only the kidney essence is part of the essence of the five internal organs, play an important role in the activities of human life, but can not replace the essence of the organs or the essence of the body. The renal organs of the essence of the meaning are two folds:on the one hand description of this viscera function of the kidney to rely on viscera function be guaranteed, on the other hand the description of the kidney essence it viscera play an important regulatory role. The kidney dominates the bones, manufactures the marrow to replenish the brain,of physiological functions, is in fact an important part of the function of kidney essence, that is to promote the body's growth and development. Kidney essence filling the bone marrow biochemical active, the nourishment of the bones to get bone marrow solid and strong. Kidney essence of the pulp can be divided into the bone marrow, spinal cord and brain. The Rise and Fall of the kidney essence, but also affect the filling and development of the spinal cord and brain. Spinal cord through the brain, marrow and poly from the brain, it is called as the reservoir of the marrowTherefore, the kidney essence filling, marrow support, the development of the brain sound, you can play a physiological functions of the "smart house". Kidney essence is overcast sky urgent essence, can stress, strain, emphasizing the kidney to regulate the body and the balance between the external environment, maintaining the health of the body. The people's ability of this strain is closely related to what we call the righteousness, and the Rise and Fall of the essence.
     Experimental studies have shown the kidney essence and the close contact of the stem cell research, as well as research on brain and male infertility, female infertility, anemia research."Kidney essence" of clinical research, found that application of the principles and Supplementary kidney essence method from kidney, immune function disorders, senile dementia, infertility, chronic regeneration anemia and osteoporosis has significant therapeutic efficacy.
     jiangthinking stems from the ancient concept of taking in images of natural selection process, as a thing or hexagrams, and other abstract symbols or digital systems to express the characteristics of things. The formation of the dynamic of xiang, and speculated that the universe in order to achieve change, revealing the purpose of the contact of things. Has the characteristics of the image, image is isotropic, multi-media nature, universality, and regularity. In recent years, the induction of " xiang thinking" interpretation of the following categories: Number Thinking, thinking in images, the image of logical thinking to take thinking like thinking, imagery and symbolic thinking. Interlinked by the ancient property and research within the various things xiang thinking to create the "yin and yang Model" and "Five Elements Model" analysis, summarized a variety of things and phenomena of an epistemology and methodology." xiang thinking " to build the integrated use of the xiang to stand like taking in images, image, imagination, and Lenovo and other methods. These methods do not exist in isolation, but organic combination of close contact, and may even be superimposed, with the dynamic mobility and layers of depth. As a typical oriental thinking xiang thinking, hieroglyphics carrier of thinking, its special mechanism to confuse the subject, object, and the concept of3D images as basic elements, on the basis of intuition, self-experience model explain the objective external world, mutual infiltration, by analogy, imagine the system as a whole Lenovo image integration in an orderly way of thinking, image, image, dynamic integrity, potential logical characteristics. Modern cognitive psychology from the cognitive domain of the "black box, white box" theory fully affirmed the scientific and advanced to xiang thinking.
     xiang thinking in traditional Chinese medicine theory performance in specific applications like way of thinking and as thinking model. Chinese medicine through the construction of the "Yellow Emperor" became Chinese medicine theory of the way of xiang thinking. Through the xiang of the organs, the xiang of the six elements, the signs of the disease and syndrome, the signs of four diagnostic and hair cut prescriptions as the study highlights the classified as analogizing from the similarity of their appearances, dynamic way of thinking successfully the ancient philosophy of " xiang thinking model" into the construction of traditional Chinese medicine theory, created the TCM theory of " yin and yang model" and "Five Elements model " to doctors based on clinical diagnosis and treatment xiang recognition model.
     This article focuses on the scientific content of the kidney as studied from the point of view xiang thinking. Ancient literature from the quantity, weight, location, shape, color and other aspects of the body described as kidney anatomy. The Neijing with the functions of the main official position of the national regulatory agencies like the organs function to analog. The kidney viscera preserve the vital essence (and mind) instead of discharging (them) it unduly. The Neijing Description kidney belong to the element of water, in the corresponding five parties, and "North" in order to establish a link with the five acts of the signs of kidney space. Kidney due to year, month, hour in different variations on the time change, showing a different time as the human body to show different physiological and pathological conditions,"seasons health " based on health care, reflects the Chinese medicine "Heaven corresponding characteristics". Like the performance of the viscera contact of the kidney and it is:the heart and kidney water and fire both the economy; homologous B capric the hepatorenaltwo visceras; splenorenal two visceras successively days alternate; lung and kidney two visceras Goldwater Aioi. As one of the characteristics of the thinking is the emphasis on the overall function of dynamic, xiang thinking renal function of the kidney should be on the body's overall functional relationship between physical activity research, normal renal function, the body will be healthy, Can be expressed in normal growth and development, reproductive function is strong; smooth water metabolism; breathing and mix thoroughly; sturdy bones, more than a sea of marrow; great vitality; blood filling. When kidney dysfunction, the body will be showing the signs of the pathology, namely, back pain, tinnitus, deafness; mouth hot, dry tongue can not speak; heads swollen, and the eyes can not see, the teeth off; gray hair, hair loss; frequent urination, urinary urgency or incontinence; edema; swarthy; pulse delay weakness; respiratory disorders. Performance from kidney diseases, summed up the diagnosis of kidney. The strong water of the main focuses on the treatment of kidney, to the system of the sun; the source of the fire, in order to eliminate the shadow; diarrhea South to fill the North and Goldwater each other generate as thinking principle.
     Well-known scientist Qian_xuesen thinks that Systems Science is an integral part of modern science and technology system, which belongs neither to the natural sciences, does not belong to the social sciences, but in the parallel system of modern science and the natural sciences, social sciences, such as another major disciplines. He believes that the "complexity" is actually the dynamics of open complex giant system, or open complex giant system science, complexity is a very important characteristic of the open complex giant system. Systems thinking are a system of learning and thinking school cross product of fusion, should contain two levels of meaning. First, learn from the system starting to recognize the object as a system to understand and grasp. Second, learn from the thinking, understanding of the main brain thinking activities as a system specification and operation. Systems thinking will recognize the object systematic inspection problems holistic, integrated use of the overall thinking and analytical thinking, and grasp the internal regulations and external requirements, and has always attached importance to the system as a whole emerge. Because there will always be often unconscious use of non-systems thinking, so emphasis on systems thinking to get through the conscious practice.
     One of the most prominent features of systems thinking is the whole object of knowledge and problem-solving. Physical, systems thinking, the human body as a whole is constituted by the part of these components is indivisible in the structure, function coordination, pathological interactions. At the same time, into the human system of the universe, this is consistent with the nature of the system, manifested in the physical, namely "Heaven corresponding" theory of Chinese medicine. Due to internal and external environmental effects on these systems of the human body, leading to imbalances of certain aspects of the systems. Chinese medicine diagnostics is to grasp the human system as a whole emerged as the goal established, the information obtained through the four clinics of the look and smell are the characteristics of information emerged about the body as a whole. Information is integrated to form a dynamic "Symptoms", the characterization of good and evil and the struggle of mutual growth and decline throughout the lesion in continuity and mass change order in order to grasp the dynamic evolution of the entire disease process "Symptoms" Systems thinking are also the principal should require cognitive thinking as a system specification and operation. Chinese medicine is a huge, multi-level multi-dimensional complex system, whether it is the emerging model of a single herb or compatibility from the prescription, the system as a whole. The prescription of Chinese medicine can best embody the whole emergence of systems thinking characteristics. Chinese medical diseases to focus on self-regulation system objects, and will treat as he organized and self-organization process of combining. The human body is the most advanced and most developed self-organizing system, self-healing should be one of the medicine of the core concepts from organization theory.
     To creatively Basic Theory of TCM research must have a system of concepts, and will examine the object on the system of system complexity, systems thinking. According to the system-level features of any system can be divided into the parent system, subsystem, and subsystems, such as the various levels of the kidney can be seen as subsystems of the parent system of the kidney. The system includes elements of its interaction arising from the relationship, during which the existence of matter, energy, information exchange, such as the five internal organs of a human body system, the five organs and six fu and five internal organs between there are all kinds of information exchange between various system boundary and the outside world. Chinese medicine through the diagnosis and treatment aims to adjust the relationship between the system and the relationship between the various elements of the system internal to restoring the balance of the system inside and outside the steady-state, to ensure the health and longevity of the human body. The renal system as a human body system, one of the five functions including kidney, bladder, bone, marrow, brain, hair, ears, genitalia and anus, Chi and other elements. Functional status are presented by any system is the result of certain elements of the role, it must be material, energy, information interaction between the components co-produced the whole system emergent property. Therefore, based on systems thinking, analysis of kidney essence of living matter systems, regulation of body officer awakened, and Heaven relations system.
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