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Industrial Economics have a long history, however with the formation as an independent subject in the middle of 20th century. As a“new”subject, Theory of Industrial Economics has a large room to innovate and to develop. At the present time, existing Theory of Industrial Economics generally includes Theory of Industrial Organization, Theory of Industrial Structure, Theory of Industrial Distribution and Research of Industrial Policies. However, the purpose of our research on the theories of industrial organization, structure, distribution and policies is to guide the industrial practice better, and in other words, is to realize safe existence and development of industries. From this point of view, Industrial Safety should be the main line that runs through the existing Theory of Industrial Economics, and should also be the ultimate purpose of the research and practice of the Theory of Industrial Economics.
     Industrial Safety is the basis of economic safety and development, and is also the basic starting point of the government when it makes industrial policies and carries out economic intervention. In the background of the integration of world economy, though the problem of Industrial Safety is paid much attention to in the practice of industrial policies in many countries and regions in the world, the research of its theory is generally ignored. In many treatises, Industrial Safety is sometimes included in the research of the National Economic Safety or Theory of International Trade, and has not until now, formed an independent and complete theoretical system. From this point of view, the research of Theory of Industrial Safety is the widening of the frame of Industrial Economics and the development of the theory of Industrial Economics.
     Forming the Theory of Industrial Safety, analyzing the affecting factors in depth and perfecting the evaluating and early warning system not only helps to maintain the practice of Industrial Safety, to further optimize industrial structure and industrial distribution, and to enhance the competitive edge of the industries, but also helps to promote further perfection and improvement of the Theory of Industrial Economics, such as Industrial Organization, Industrial Structure and Industrial Distribution, etc. Research of Theory of Industrial Safety meets the requirements of the development of Theory of Industrial Economics, realizes innovation in the research work of Industrial Economics, and makes important complement to the Theory of Industrial Safety.
     The research content and innovative ideas are shown as the following
     1.The thesis first reviews the evolving of security concept and emphasizes that the appearing of industrial security concept is the main change and an important supplement to the economic security concept. The core concept of industrial security enriches the meaning of national economy security concept.
     2.According to analysis on the current industrial security research findings, the thesis innovatively defines the concept of industrial security and also expand on the properties, category and influential factors of industrial security.
     The thesis also establishes a five-section industrial security system, which includes industrial protection theory, industrial damage theory, industrial theory of international competition, industrial controlling theory, industrial security assessment and pre-warning
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