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     (7)企业应对危机的知识管理体系构建目前研究的非常少,其中Amrit Tiwana(2004)四阶段模型框架和Wei-Tsong Wang和Salvatore Belardo(2005)模型框架等标志着这一研究的开始。本文在上述基础上建立了一个比较合理、比较全面的体系框架。该框架认为企业应对危机的知识管理体系包括知识资源系统、知识运行系统和支持保障系统。①知识资源系统包括危机管理组、危机专家组(管理组和专家组在人员上有交叉)、危机知识库以及管理这些隐性知识和显性知识的知识管理系统。②知识运行系统实质就是知识的流动系统,它是整个系统中最鲜活的部分,包括危机研究、危机准备、危机预控、危机识别与预警、危机处理、危机恢复总结、危机决策。③保障支撑系统比较多,主要有信息系统、资源系统和行动小组。
The key reason of enterprise emerging crisis is short of enough knowledge, inadequate knowledge let enterprise less crisis sense, do not know the law of crisis development. Invalid crisis management is because the knowledge and skills is inadequate. No necessary the knowledge and ability, enterprise is not able to answer crisis effectively. Strengthening crisis knowledge management can outstandingly improve enterprise competence to answer crisis and avoid of threaten. Consequently, it is a new trend to study crisis management in the perspective of knowledge or knowledge management. However, at present, the study about crisis knowledge management has small scale, not enough depth and systematicness. This paper base on existing research, and make relatively all-sided integration and new development.
     This paper take research methods such as literature search, expert inquisition, fact finding, statistics analyses, inductive reasoning, analysis and synthesis, and case study to retrospect and analyze the current situation and content of crisis management research and knowledge management. This paper explores the relation between crisis management and knowledge management, and put forward a concept: crisis management based knowledge management, build up an index system about crisis degree and an index system about crisis management ability. Then, the paper point out to apply knowledge management to improve enterprise's ability to answer crisis. Based on above, this paper builds a more advanced knowledge management system model which orient to enterprise crisis management, and describes theirs mechanism and technology.
     This paper studies mainly as follows:
     (1) The crisis management and knowledge management is current research focus. Crisis management researches aboard is earlier and so more mature than at home. This research at home is little later, but develop quickly. Knowledge management research is very active both at aboard and home, and keep step with each other, but to present, it has not been a completely theoretical system. With the increasing of complexity and uncertainty of interior and exterior environment, there is a larger field of research about crisis management and knowledge management, and emergences a mingling phenomenon with each other, there are some researchers begin studying knowledge management of crisis or crisis management of knowledge.
     (2) Enterprise crisis is a certain extraordinary situation which threaten to enterprise' strategic goals require enterprise making a quick response and critical decision. It takes on some representative characteristic, such as outburst, emergency, threat, harm, dynamic and irreversibility. Crisis is a dangerous turn point, not is danger and opportunity. Clarifying this recognition has an important sense to build correct crisis idea. Enterprise' obstacle, problem, threat, accident, bale have affinity relationships are different phases. We can divide enterprises crisis management into several stages, which managed according to certain principles.
     (3) Knowledge management has much rich connation, but no a uniform definition. But it is no doubt that knowledge management plays a very important role to enterprise' development. The research of knowledge management system is an important field of knowledge management research, there emerge many models, which explain their constitution and elements. The different understanding about the nature of knowledge management leads to a different understands about the consisted elements of knowledge management system. This paper analyses it from the viewpoints such as business process, knowledge process, technology etc. These' analyses are the base to build a knowledge management system of crisis.
     (4) Fundamentally, the reason of enterprise crisis broke out is short of knowledge, little knowledge results in bad management and operation, make enterprise be not able to find out and eliminate crisis, and find the survival chance. Meantime, some characteristics of knowledge management show the ones of crisis management. Crisis management is close to knowledge management, knowledge management affects critically crisis management, crisis management enriches knowledge management' meaning. Imperfect knowledge management will lead crisis management. Knowledge management determines enterprise' core competence and further development. Crisis management decides whether enterprise have solidity and the ability of survival. The enterprise management can be divided into daily management, innovation management and crisis management. The three are overlapped, and interlaced with knowledge management at the same time, so we think knowledge management have internal logistic relation. Based the above, this paper puts forward crisis knowledge management, and explains the concept of crisis knowledge management, which provide an initial theoretical foundation for this paper.
     (5) Crisis degree of enterprise is an important index, other similar index as alarm degree, pain coefficient cannot describe the fact that enterprise crisis exist in a way of circle. Crisis degree of enterprise not only can be applied to alarm crisis but also play role in settling and resume stage. Therefore, Crisis degree of enterprise is a whole index. By measuring and forecasting the crisis degree of enterprise, we can foresee the time point to fore-alarm, fore-control, settlement and renewing. This paper calculates the crisis degree of two companies, introduces the grey forecasting of crisis degree, and by this method calculates a company.
     (6) The abilities for enterprise to deal with crisis includes 6 elements:
     - Cohesive force: crisis culture taking crisis consciousness and knowledge sharing as core
     - Integrated force: organization structure adapt to crisis management and knowledge management
     - Intelligence force: crisis talent who have necessary both knowledge and ability
     - Settlement force: knowledge resource base and knowledge management system to deal with crisis
     - Supporting force: the knowledge management technology based on IT
     Different combination of them evolves as all kinds of distinguishing crisis management ability. This paper classify the crisis management ability into 6 different degree as strongest, stronger, strong, less strong, weak, weakest. This paper gives an example, which is evaluated by the way of fuzzy evaluation. This paper points out the general theorem, which is combination, externalization, internalization, and socialization of knowledge, to improve crisis management ability of enterprise. The main method of knowledge management to improve the crisis management ability is encouragement. The design of encouragement mechanism has a trouble, so it is critical to find a way to solve this problem.
     (7) At present, the research about building knowledge management system to deal with crisis is few, among them; Amrit Tiwana (2004) 4 phase's framework model and Wei-Tsong Wang& Salvatore Belardo (2005) framework model sign the beginning of this research. This paper builds a more reasonable and complete system framework which think that knowledge management system to deal with crisis is consist of knowledge resource system, knowledge operation system and knowledge supporting system. In detail, it is
     - Knowledge resource system includes crisis management team, crisis expert team (the two have some overlap), crisis knowledge base and knowledge management system which manages these tacit knowledge and coded knowledge;
     - Knowledge operation system is in nature knowledge flow system, it is the best live part of the whole system, includes crisis research, crisis pre-control, crisis distinguishing and pre-alarm, crisis handling, crisis recovery and summing-up, and crisis decision-making;
     - Knowledge-supporting system has many parts, mainly information
     system, resource system and executing team.
     After described the system framework, knowledge management mechanism dealing with enterprise crisis is further analyzed in this paper, it begins from analyzing "K10" knowledge chain and "PSCA" closed loop, the mechanism of gathering, organization, learning and sharing, transferring and application of enterprise crisis knowledge management. This paper describes several companies from crisis communication, settlement, incentive and preparation.
     (8) Knowledge management technology and instrument is necessary during the crisis management. It includes:
     - Basic technology: These technologies include cutting-words disposal, text expressing, and automation index.
     - Process technology: gathering technology (intelligence agent, data mining, and data warehouse), classifying technology (categorizing and clustering), sharing technology (groupware and Internet), retrieval and navigation technology (retrieval technology, navigation technology, and portal technology), knowledge expressing, and ration technology.
     -Some technological algorithm such as cutting-words algorithm, text-expressing algorithm, classifying algorithm and ration algorithm.
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