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Under the background of China’s rapid economic and social development,problems like aging and the security of incompetent adults are becoming increasinglyprominent. Faced with the social reality of the annual increase of senior citizens,disabled elderly and mentally disabled people, coupled with practical dilemma like thechange of the unique“4-2-1 " family structure in our society and the weakening oftraditional family care functions, how to establish effective and realistic adultguardianship system has become a top priority. Canada, is known as "Paradise ofSenior Citizens", which adult guardianship system has developed from an inadequateone to an improved one, and provided China with positive inspiration for the futureestablishment of an adult guardianship system in China.
     Due to the fact that Canada had been colonized by the Great Britain and France,different sovereign states forced Canada to accept the institutions and concepts of twolegal systems in the world. Common law and continental law, which were enforcedwithin the field of Canada civil law, increased the complexity of legal formulation andapplication. Meanwhile, Canada gained the merits of two legal systems respectively,shaping the unique law with Canadian characteristics to some extent and makingCanadian legal system play an important part in the world.
     Reviewing the past is always giving us a more profound understanding of today.The origin of Canadian adult guardianship is studied in the first chapter of thisdissertation from the perspective of common law and civil law in Canada at first. It ispointed out that the Law of Parens Patriae in the UK and France’s Napoleon CivilCode contribute a solid foundation to the establishment of early Canadian adultguardianship system. Then, influenced by the two systems of England and France, the early Canadian adult guardianship used plenary guardianship, with full heteronomyinstead of autonomy, completely disregarding wards under the guidance of theprinciple of best interests, focusing on the protection of assets rather than physicalprotection which made the loss of humanity in the early system led by the concept oflaw paternalism. Hence, the early system is always criticized later during the processof adult guardianship systems. As Canadian population has been increasing, Canadaranked among the aging societies in 1951, and the foundation of the pension systemwas sufficed to be built on the ground of the economic boom in postwar Canada.Canada enacted a series of laws for senior-citizen security, with the increasingconcentrations on the aging of government and society, the improvement of technologyin mental medical treatment, the impact from American deinstitutionalizationmovement, the valued dignity of persons under guardianship, and the change of thelegislative concepts in the adult guardianship, a partial guardianship system wasadopted in the adult guardianship system,which typical example was Dependent AdultAct in Alberta in 1978, which denied the simplification and the ossification of thewhole guardianship system, and began to pay attention to the personal safety of thedependent adults; which came to realize the safeguarding ability of them that perhapsnot lack extremely that they may be competent in their daily life and developed theleast restrictive principle for the dignity and the freedom of them. In the meantime, inorder to solve the problems like the guardians’absence and the abuse of guardian’sright, the public guardianship system was established, therefore, the adult guardianshipsystem was ensured and legal regulations related to it were enforced smoothly underthe supervision of the public legal agencies.The promulgation of CanadianConstitution Law in 1982 marks Canada has been a truly sovereign state. Theimportant part of the Constitution, The Charter of Freedoms and Rights, madeCanadian society feel equality and freedom more important so that personal freedomwas stressed. The wide application of enduring power of attorney in theAnglo-American countries of common law system and the abolishment of thedeclaration of interdiction system of civil law system in countries like Germany and France made Canada notice the needs and direction of carrying out the reform of theadult guardianship systme. The promulgation of Substituted Decision Act of Ontarioand Civil Code of Quebec in 1990s brought intended guardianship into common lawand civil law to provide potential adult lacking competence with a chance to choose.And the establishment of the competency assessment system and the establishment ofthe Public Curator provided an institutional guarantee for choosing a mode ofguardianship and the application of supervision. The respect of self-determination inthe intended guardianship system brought the freedom of choosing the mode of theguardianship for the first time. Since the foundation of the adult guardianship system,the freedom and dignity of wards has been elevated to a historic height, the humanityhas been released. Baby-boomers in North America become aged people in thetwenty-first century. Guardianship for the aged becomes a serious problem. With thespreading of the aged home-support mode and the problem from the practice ofintended guardianship, adult guardianship is now engaged in finding out andsupplementing the shortcomings of previous guardianship, the result is that assistedguardianship arises. Different from other modes of guardianship, assisted guardians areno longer the conventional guardians who must make decision for represented adults.This guardianship allows represented adults who have self-determination rights andcan make decisions with guardians together or by themselves, or with the assistance ofguardians. The affected adults includes not only those adults who have no mentalcapacity,but also includes the adults who can have mental capacity with assistance. Theconcept of international human rights protection has been integrated into civil lawsystem as the result of its establishment and it also makes people happy who aresuffering from mental disorder, intellectual impairment or physical disability.
     Canadian Adult Guardianship System provides a useful reference model for China.Among the existing laws of China, Only do a few laws and regulations include theprovision of adult guardianship system, like General Principles of Civil Law enactedin 1986, Suggestions on Civil Opinion, Protection of Disabled Persons and Rights ofthe Elderly Security Law etc. The comprehensive and systematic Adult Guardianship System has not been established. Meanwhile, China has a long way to go, comparedwith the world’s contemporary development of Adult Guardianship System, inlegislative concepts and in selection of guardianship modes. The basic structure ofCanadian adult guardianship brings inspiration to the Chinese establishment of AdultGuardianship System, like changing legislative notions, using the principle of bestinterests and least restrictive, emphasizing self-determination and normalization ,enlarging scope of represented adults and building a public guardianship system tobuild our future adult guardianship system.
    [1] See Kleinig J.Paternalism [M].Totowa,N.J:Rowman &Allanheld, 1984:8.
    [2] See Johns A.F.,Bowers V.J.Guardianship Folly.The Misgovernment of Parens Patriae and the Forecast of itsCrumbling Linkage to Unprotected Older Americans in the Twenty-First Century—A March of Folly? Or Just AMask of Virtual Reality? [J].Stetson Law Review,1997,27(1):16.
    [3] See Johns A.F.,Bowers V.J.Guardianship Folly.The Misgovernment of Parens Patriae and the Forecast of itsCrumbling Linkage to Unprotected Older Americans in the Twenty-First Century—A March of Folly? Or Just AMask of Virtual Reality? [J].Stetson Law Review,1997,27(1):16.
    [1] See T W S. Creditors' Rights in the Administration of Insane Persons' Estates[J].Virginia Law Review,1938,24
    [1] See Renton W A. Comparative Lunacy Law [J]. Journal of the Society of ComparativeLegislation, 1899,1(2):253.
    [2] See Means R,Smith R. From Poor Law to Community Care[M].Bristol: The Policy Press,1998:89.
    [1] See Means R, Smith R. From Poor Law to Community Care[M].Bristol: The Policy Press,1998:78.
    [3] See Butler R N, Lewis M I.Ageing and Mental Health [M]. St.Louis:Mosby,1973:67.
    [1] Gray K G.The Mental Hospitals Act,1935[J].The University of Toronto Law Journal,1937,2 (1):106.
    [2] See Renton W A.Comparative Lunacy Law [J]. Journal of the Society of Comparative Legislation,1899,1(2):258.
    [3] Dana H,Porter G F,Curtis, et al.Survey of Canadian Legislation[J].The University of Toronto Law Journal,1938,2 ( 2 ):379.
    [1] See Frankenburg F. The 1978 Ontario Mental Health Act in Historical Context [J]. Journal of the History ofCanadian Science, Technology and Medecine, 1982,6(3):172.
    [2] See Dana H,Porter G F,Curtis,et al. Survey of Canadian Legislation[J].The University of Toronto Law Journal,1938, 2 ( 2 ): 376.
    [3] Gray K G.The Mental Hospitals Act,1935[J].The University of Toronto Law Journal,1937,2 (1):105.
    [1] See Frankenburg F.The 1978 Ontario Mental Health Act in Historical Context[J].Journal of the History ofCanadian Science, Technology and Medecine,1982,6(3):174.
    [2] Hale, B. Mentally Incapacitated Adults and Decision Making: The English Perspective [J]. International Journalof Law and Psychiatry, 1997,20:70.
    [3] Frankenburg F.The 1978 Ontario Mental Health Act in Historical Context[J].Journal of the History of CanadianScience, Technology and Medecine,1982,6(3):174.
    [3] Thomas McCord.The Civil Code of Lower Canada [M].2nd ed.Montreal:Dawson Brothers,1870:48-49.
    [4] Thomas McCord.The Civil Code of Lower Canada [M].2nd ed. Montreal:Dawson Brothers,1870:49.
    [1] Thomas McCord.The Civil Code of Lower Canada [M].2nd ed.Montreal:Dawson Brothers,1870:49.
    [2] Thomas McCord.The Civil Code of Lower Canada [M].2nd ed.Montreal:Dawson Brothers,1870:49.
    [3] Thomas McCord.The Civil Code of Lower Canada [M].2nd ed.Montreal:Dawson Brothers,1870:49.
    [4] Thomas McCord.The Civil Code of Lower Canada [M].2nd ed.Montreal:Dawson Brothers,1870:49.
    [5] Thomas McCord.The Civil Code of Lower Canada [M].2nd ed.Montreal:Dawson Brothers,1870:50.
    [6] Thomas McCord.The Civil Code of Lower Canada [M].2nd ed.Montreal:Dawson Brothers,1870:50.
    [1]See Kultgen J.Autonomy and Intervention:Parentalism in the Caring [M].Oxford:Oxford UniversityPress,1995:45.
    [1] McLaughlin,Re[1905]A.C.343(P.C.)
    [2] See Ridler.Re.65 O.L.R.539[1930]4D.L.R.597(H.C.)
    [3] See Young Re,[1942]O.R.301.[1942]3D.L.R.185(C.A.)
    [1] Thomas McCord.The Civil Code of Lower Canada [M].2nd ed.Montreal:Dawson Brothers,1870:50.
    [3] See Feinberg J.Legal Paternalism[J].Canadian Journal of Philosophy,1971,1(1):105.
    [1] Thomas McCord. The Civil Code of Lower Canada [M].2nd ed. Montreal: Dawson Brothers ,1870: 51.
    [2] Thomas McCord. The Civil Code of Lower Canada [M].2nd ed. Montreal: Dawson Brothers ,1870: 52.
    [3] [德]黑格尔.法哲学原理[M].范扬,张企泰译,北京:商务印书馆1982:54.
    [3] See Ismael J.The Canadian Welfare State: Evolution and Transition[M].Edmonton:The University of AlbertaPress,1987:30.
    [2] See Biegel E, Shore B,Gordon E. Building Support Networks for the Elderly: Theory and Applications[M].Beverly Hills:Sage Publications,1984:47.
    [2] See Wilber K H.Alternatives to Guardianship Revisited: What's Risk Got to Do with it? [M].// Smyer M,SchaieK W,Kapp M B.Older Adults’Decision-making and the Law.New York:Springer Publishing,1996:219.
    [3] See Haber C.Beyond Sixty-Five: The Dilemma of Old Age in America's Past [M]. New York:CambridgeUniversity Press,1983:71.
    [1] See Kultgen J.Autonomy and Intervention: Parentalism in the Caring [M].Oxford:Oxford UniversityPress,1995:32.
    [2] See Smyer M, Schaie K W, Kapp M B. Older Adults' Decision-making and the Law [M].New York:SpringerPublishing,1996:88.
    [1] See Osinchuk,Re(1983),A.R.132(Surr.Ct.)
    [2] See Eve,Re.[1986]2.S.C.R.388,13 C.P.C.(3d)6,8C.H.R.R.D/3773,31D.L.R.(4th).
    [3] See Dependent Adults Act, RSA 2000, c D-11§7.
    [1] See Park Re.[1988]N.W.T.R.274,30E.T.R.226(S.C.)
    [2] See Mental Incompentency Act .R.S.O.1990,c.M.9§.9.
    [3] See S.S.1989-90,c.D25-1,§18-20.
    [1] See S.S.1989-90,c.D25-1,§20(1).
    [2] See S.S.1989-90,c.D25-1,§35-37.
    [3] See Mental Health Act,§.69.See Craig v. Craig(1986),44 Man.R.(2d)73(C.A.)
    [1] See Robertson G. Mental Disability and the Law in Canada[M].2nd ed.Toronto:Carswell Thomson,1994:99.
    [2] See Robertson G. Mental Disability and the Law in Canada[M].2nd ed.Toronto:Carswell Thomson,1994:102.
    [3] See Robertson G. Mental Disability and the Law in Canada[M].2nd ed.Toronto:Carswell Thomson,1994:67.
    [1] Mental Incompentency Act R.S.O.1990,c.M.9§.10.
    [1] See Advisory Committee on Substitute Decision-Making for Mentally Incapable Persons.FinalReport[R].Toronto:Ministry of Attorney General,1988:34.
    [2] See Hommel P A.The More Things Change: Principles and Practices of Reformed Guardianship[M].// SmyerM,.Schaie K W,Kapp M B .Older adults' decision-making and the law.NewYork:Springer Publishing,1996:227.
    [1] See Dependent Adults Act,§2(2)&21(2)(Alta.)
    [2] See Kenned I,Grubb A.Medical Texts and Materials [M].London:Butterworths,1989:220.
    [3] See Code of Civil Prodedure ,R.S.Q.1977,c.C-25.§877.
    [1] Wright V. Wright[1951]S.C.R.741.
    [2] See Re D. (1975),57D.L.R.(3d)724(B.C.S.C.)
    [1] See McNeal v. Few(1975),63 B.C.L.R.281(C.A.)
    [2] See Scow,Re(1985),63B.C.L.R.287,5C.P.C.(2d)28(S.C.)
    [3] See Meade,Re(1979),13B.C.L.R.39(S.C.)
    [4] See McDonald P L, Hornick J P,Robertson G B,et al.Elder Abuse and Neglect in Canada[M].Toronto:Butterworth,1991:235.
    [1] See Dependant Adults Act,R.S.A.1980,c.D-32,§6.
    [2] See Dependant Adults Act,R.S.A.1980,c.D-32,§25.
    [3] Johannsen,Re(1983),48A.R.15(Surr.Ct.).
    [1] See Gordon R M,Verdun-Jones S N.Adult Guardianship Law in Canada [M].Toronto:CarswellThomson,1992:3-47.
    [2] See Gordon R M,Verdun-Jones S N.Adult Guardianship Law in Canada [M].Toronto:CarswellThomson,1992:3-47.
    [3] See Gordon R M,Verdun-Jones S N.Adult Guardianship Law in Canada [M].Toronto:CarswellThomson,1992:3-47.
    [4] Clark v. Clark(1982),40 O.R.(2d)383(Co.Ct).
    [1] McNeal v. Few(1975),63 B.C.L.R.281(C.A.).
    [1]See Karp N,Wood E. Guardianship Monitoring:Promising State and Local Court Practices to ProtectIncapacitated Older Adults[J].Aging Policy and the States,2008,32(3):25.
    [1]See Gordon R M, Verdun-Jones S N.Adult Guardianship Law in Canada [M].Toronto:CarswellThomson,1992:3-43.
    [1] See Gordon R M,Verdun-Jones S N.Adult Guardianship Law in Canada [M].Toronto:CarswellThomson,1992:3-44.
    [2] Dependent Adults Act, RSA 1980, c. D-32§11.
    [1] Demontigny,Re(1982),19 Alta.L.R.(2d)118(Q.B.).
    [1] Koch, Re.33O.R.(3rd)485.[1997]O.J.No.1487.
    [2] See Malette v. Shulman (1987), 47 D.L.R. (4th) 18 (Ontario High Court of Justice).
    [1] See Fleming v. Reid, [1991] 4 O. R.(3d) 74 (Ontario Court of Appeal).
    [1] SeeHaber C.Beyond Sixty-Five.The Dilemma of Old Age in America's Past [M].New York: CambridgeUniversity Press,1983:79.
    [2]参见[日]更田彦.人权保障としての成年後见制度[M],东京:一桥出版社, 2002:91,转引自李霞.禁治产制度的废止及我国相关制度的检省[J].法学论坛,2008(3):128.
    [1]参见刘德宽.成年监护制度之比较研究-以日、台、德为中心[ J].月旦法学杂志, 2003, ( 5):55.转引自李霞.禁治产制度的废止及我国相关制度的检省[J].法学论坛,2008(3):128.
    [3] See Gordon R M, Verdun-Jones S N,MacDougall D.Standing in their shoes:Guardianship,Trusteeship and theElder Canadian[R].Burnaby:Simon Fraser University,1986:34.
    [1] Novac M.Ageing & Society—A Canadian Perspective [M]. 2nd ed. Scarborough: Nelson, 1993:56.
    [2] Harry H.The Limits of Medical Paternalism [M].London:Routledge,1991:220.
    [1] Mental Health Act,R.S.M.1987,c.M110.§80(2).
    [1] See Medical Consent Act. R.S.N.S.1989,c.279.§3(1).
    [1] See Glass K C.Refining Definitions and Devising Instruments:Two Decades of Assessing MentalCompetence[J].International Journal of Law and Psychiatry,1997,20:18.
    [2] See King N M P.Making Sense of Advance Directives[M].Washington D.C.:Georgetown UniversityPress,1996:189.
    [1] See Monk A,Cox C. Home Care for the Elderly:An International Perspective [M].New York:AuburnHouse,1991:167.
    [2] See Quinn M J & Tomita S K.Elder Abuse and Neglect [M].New York:Springer,1986:234.
    [3] See Advisory Committee on Substitute Decision-Making for Mentally Incapable Persons.Final Report[R].Toronto: Ministry of Attorney General,1988:23.
    [4] See MacLean M J.Abuse and Neglect of Older Canadians:Strategies for Change[M].Toronto:ThompsonEducational Publishing,1995:112.
    [1] See Israel Doron.Mental Incapacity,Guardianship,and the Elderly:an Exploratory Study of Ontario’s Consentand Capacity Board[J].Canadian Journal of Law and Society,2003,18(1):136.
    [2] See Quinn M J,Tomita K S.Elder Abuse and Neglect:Causes,Diagnosis,and Intervention Strategies[M].2nd ed.New York: Springer,1997:146.
    [3] See Robertson G.Mental Disability and the Law in Canada[M].2nd ed. Toronto:Carswell Thomson,1994:32.
    [4] Robertson G.Mental Disability and the Law in Canada[M].2nd ed. Toronto:Carswell Thomson,1994:33.
    [5] Hoffman B.The Law of Consent to Treatment in Ontario[M].2nd ed.Toronto:Butterworths,1997:54.
    [1] Capacity Assessment Office. Guidelines for Conducting Assessments of Capacity[R]. Toronto: Ministry of theAttorney General,2005:4.
    [2] See Zimney G.H,Grossberg G.T. Guardianship of the Elderly[M].New York:Springer Publishing,1998:259.
    [3] Capacity Assessment Office. Guidelines for Conducting Assessments of Capacity[R]. Toronto: Ministry of theAttorney General,2005:5.
    [4] Capacity Assessment Office. Guidelines for Conducting Assessments of Capacity[R]. Toronto: Ministry of theAttorney General,2005:5.
    [1] See Capacity Assessment Office. Guidelines for Conducting Assessments of Capacity[R]. Toronto: Ministry ofthe Attorney General,2005:6.
    [2] See Capacity Assessment Office. Guidelines for Conducting Assessments of Capacity[R]. Toronto: Ministry ofthe Attorney General,2005:6.
    [1] See Gordon, R.M. The Emergence of Assited (supported) Decision-making in the Canadian Law of AdultGuardianship and Substitue Decision-making [J]. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry,2003,23(1):64.
    [2] See Capacity Assessment Office. Guidelines for Conducting Assessments of Capacity[R]. Toronto: Ministry ofthe Attorney General,2005:7.
    [3] See Capacity Assessment Office. Guidelines for Conducting Assessments of Capacity[R]. Toronto: Ministry ofthe Attorney General,2005:7.
    [1] See Capacity Assessment Office. Guidelines for Conducting Assessments of Capacity[R]. Toronto: Ministry ofthe Attorney General,2005:7.
    [2] See Capacity Assessment Office. Guidelines for Conducting Assessments of Capacity[R]. Toronto: Ministry ofthe Attorney General,2005:7.
    [1] See Gordon R M,Verdun-Jones S N.Adult Guardianship Law in Canada [M].Toronto:CarswellThomson,1992:5-16.
    [2] See Gordon R M,Verdun-Jones S N.Adult Guardianship Law in Canada [M].Toronto:CarswellThomson,1992:5-16.
    [1] Public Curator Act.S.Q.1989,c.54.
    [1] [日]山本敬三.民法讲义I总则[M].解亘译,北京:北京大学出版社,2004:75.
    [2] See Israel Doron.Mental Incapacity,Guardianship,and the Elderly: an Exploratory Study of Ontario’s Consentand Capacity Board[J].Canadian Journal of Law and Society.2003,18(1):139.
    [2] See British Columbia Law Institute.Report on the Recognition of Adult Guardianship Orders from Outside theProvince[R].Vancouver:British Columbia Law Institute,2005:7.
    [1] See British Columbia Law Institute.Report on the Recognition of Adult Guardianship Orders from Outside theProvince[R].Vancouver:British Columbia Law Institute,2005:7.
    [1] See Canadian Centre for Elder Law Studies.A Comparative Analysis of Adult Guardianship Laws in BC, NewZealand and Ontario[R].Vancouver :British Columbia Law Institute ,2006:11.
    [2] See British Columbia Law Institute.Report on the Recognition of Adult Guardianship Orders from Outside theProvince[R].Vancouver:British Columbia Law Institute,2005:7.
    [1] Thomas McCord.The Civil Code of Lower Canada [M].2nd ed., Montreal :Dawson Brothers ,1870:52.
    [2] Thomas McCord.The Civil Code of Lower Canada [M].2nd ed., Montreal :Dawson Brothers ,1870:50.
    [4] See Israel Doron.Mental Incapacity, Guardianship, and the Elderly:an Exploratory Study of Ontario’s Consentand Capacity Board[J].Canadian Journal of Law and Society,2003,18(1):136.
    [1] See Vulnerable Persons Living with a Mental Disability Act.S.M.1993,c.29.§6(2).
    [2] See Vulnerable Persons Living with a Mental Disability Act.S.M.1993,c.29.
    [1] The Guardianship and Trusteeship Act(N.W.T.).§12(1).
    [2] [日]宇田川幸则.浅论日本关于成年人监护制度的改革[G]//渠涛.中国民商法研究(第一卷)[M].北京:法律出版社2002:387.
    [3] See Wolfensberger W. The Principle of Normalization in Human Services.[R]. Downsview: NationalAssociation for Mental Retardation, 1972:10.
    [2]联合国.世界人权宣言[EB/OL].(2003-01-20)[2012-03-13]http://news.xinhuanet.com/ziliao/2003-01/20/content_698168.htm 2012
    [3] See Wolf Wolfensberger and Stephen Tullman.A Brief Outline of the Pinciple of Normalization[J].1982,27(3):135.
    [2]参见Tom L.Beauchamp,James F.Childress, Principles of Biomedical Ethics, 5th ed, Oxford : Oxford UniversityPress, 2001,P.181 ,转引自朱涛.自然人行为能力制度研究[M].北京:法律出版社,2011:54.
    [1] Alberta Guardianship and Trusteeship Regulation, Alta Reg 219/2009,§1(d).
    [2] See Adult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act,SA2008,cA-4.2,§2(1).
    [3] Adult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act,SA2008,cA-4.2,§4(1).
    [4] Adult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act,SA2008,cA-4.2,§13(1).
    [5] SeeAdult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act,SA2008,cA-4.2,§2(2).
    [1] See Adult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act,SA2008,cA-4.2,§2(3).
    [2] See Adult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act,SA2008,cA-4.2,§2(4).
    [1] SeeAdult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act,SA2008,cA-4.2,§9(3).
    [2] SeeAdult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act,SA2008,cA-4.2,§17(1)&17(2).
    [1] SeeAdult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act,SA2008,cA-4.2,§22(3).
    [2] SeeAdult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act,SA2008,cA-4.2,§22(1).
    [3] SeeAdult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act,SA2008,cA-4.2,§4(3).
    [4] SeeAdult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act,SA2008,cA-4.2,§13(2).
    [5] SeeAdult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act,SA2008,cA-4.2,§13(3).
    [6] SeeAdult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act,SA2008,cA-4.2,§13(4a).
    [1] See Adult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act,SA2008,cA-4.2,§13(4a)&(4b).
    [2] See Adult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act,SA2008,cA-4.2,§13(5).
    [3] See Adult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act,SA2008,cA-4.2,§14(1).
    [4] See Adult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act,SA2008,cA-4.2,§17(5).
    [1] See Adult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act,SA2008,cA-4.2,§17(10).
    [2] See Adult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act,SA2008,cA-4.2,§21(1).
    [3] See Adult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act,SA2008,cA-4.2,§21(2).
    [4] See Adult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act,SA2008,cA-4.2,§21(3).
    [5] See Adult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act,SA2008,cA-4.2,§21(4).
    [1] See Adult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act,SA2008,cA-4.2,§21(5).
    [1] [法]狄骥:《宪法论》(第1卷),钱克新译,商务印书馆,1959:49,转引自韩德强.论人的尊严—法学视角下人的尊严理论的诠释[M].北京:法律出版社,2009:152.
    [1] See Barbara Carter.Supported Decision-making: Background and Discussion Paper[J].Melbourne :The Office ofthe Public Advocate,2009:9.
    [2] See Barbara Carter. Supported decision-making: Background and discussion paper[J]. Melbourne :The office ofthe Public Advocate,2009:6.(加拿大计划(Plan Canada)为加拿大全国性民间组织,总部设在不列颠哥伦比亚省,在艾伯塔省、萨斯喀彻温和安大略省有分支机构。最初是由一些残疾人的家属设立的,目标是帮助残疾人能过的好,帮他们计划未来。)
    [3] See Barbara Carter.Supported Decision-making: Background and Discussion Paper[J]. Melbourne :The Officeof the Public Advocate,2009:6.
    [4] Adult guardianship and trusteeship act,SA2008,cA-4.2,§14(1).
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    [3] Adult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act,SA2008,cA-4.2,§9(3).
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