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无线自组织网络是一种无基础设施的、以自组织和多跳方式形成的无线网络,具有部署便捷、组网灵活的优点,在没有基础通信设施或者基础设施遭到严重破坏(由于地震或其它不可控因素)的环境中具有重大的应用价值。然而,在很多实际应用中(如利用动物身上携带的传感器组成的网络对动物迁徙数据进行收集和借助于行驶在道路上的车辆组成的车载网络实现交通事故预警),由于节点移动、节点稀疏或节点通信能力随距离衰减等各种因素的影响,网络可能是间断连通的,即各节点之间可能不存在端到端的连通路径。为了实现上述应用环境中的数据通信,机会网络(Opportunistic Network)应运而生。在机会网络中,数据传输需要利用节点移动带来的通信机会,以“存储携带转发”的方式进行。作为一种特殊的自组织网络,机会网络不要求源节点与目标节点之间存在连通路径,因此其更符合实际的自组织网络的应用需求,并为未来普适计算的实现带来了希望。
     1.分析人类活动特点,进而提出了面向人类的DTMSN中基于传输延迟的数据路由策略DRP(Delay-based Routing Protocol)。该策略中,各社区的汇聚节点周期性广播hello消息,各传感器节点根据收到本社区hello消息的历史平均传输延迟衡量与汇聚节点的通信能力,平均传输延迟越小,节点通信能力越强。数据路由时,从平均传输延迟大的节点递交到平均传输延迟小的节点。为优化复本管理,DRP引入消息的优先级和生存时间ST(Survival Time)共同决定队列中消息传递的优先顺序和丢弃原则。本文利用MIT Reality数据库提供的人类真实运动场景对DRP进行了性能仿真,该数据库收集了MIT校园内100个学生和职工为期9个月的移动轨迹和相遇数据。实验结果表明:与现有的泛洪算法、直接传递算法和FAD算法相比,DRP显著改善了路由传输的性能。
     2.针对VANETs固有的特性,如节点高速移动、网络间歇性连通和拓扑高度动态变化等,提出了VANETs中基于停放车辆辅助的数据分发策略PADD(Parked-vehicleAssisted Data Dissemination),由路边停放车辆保持要分发的数据,并为行驶经过的车辆提供数据分发服务。针对停放车辆辅助的数据分发特有的问题,提供了相应的解决方案。具体而言,将目标区域内的路边停放车辆按照簇的结构进行管理;设计了从数据源到目标区域内选定停车簇的有效路由算法;采用了订阅/发布机制在停车簇一跳范围内实现数据分发。理论分析证明了停放车辆辅助的有效性;基于真实城市地图和交通数据的模拟实验结果表明,与现有的几种数据分发算法相比,本文提出的数据分发策略能以较低的网络负载和较小的传输延迟获得较高的数据传输成功率。
     3.针对城市区域寻找停车位非常困难这一事实,提出了一种VANETs中不依赖于基础设施的智能停车导航方法IPARK(Intelligent Parking Guidance Scheme)。IPARK中,停放车辆形成的簇自动生成停车场内部地图,并实时监控各停车位的占用情况,从而为寻找车位的车辆提供帮助。具体而言,IPARK可以为车辆用户提供两种服务:停车场外的停车统计信息分发以及停车场内的停车导航。为了实现上述两种服务,本文设计了一种高效的系统架构,并对在此架构上实现停车导航面临的关键问题进行了研究。例如,如何对停车场的所有停放车辆进行管理,如何获得停车场的内部地图以及如何响应车辆用户的停车数据查询请求。最后,本文通过真实实验和NS2仿真对IPARK进行了相关验证。实验结果表明,IPARK可以实现有效的停车导航。
A wireless ad hoc network is a decentralized, self-organizing and multi-hopwireless network, which does not rely on any pre-existing infrastructure. It has theadvantages of high flexibility and swift deployment, and thus has many practicalapplications, especially in the scenario without infrastructure or the infrastructure isdestroyed owing to the earthquake or other uncontrollable factors. In many applications,such as the one which exploiting the sensors carried by animals to collect the migrationdata and the one which taking advantage of the networks formed by the movingvehicles to achieve accident warning, the network is intermittent owing to the mobilityof node, the scarcity of the network or the attenuation of the communication capabilitywith the distance. That means it might not exist an end to end path among differentnodes. To achieve effective communication in the above scenario, the opportunisticnetworks are proposed. In opportunistic networks, data transmission needs to be carriedout in a carry and forward way using the communication opportunities brought by nodemobility. As a special case of ad hoc networks, the opportunistic networks do notrequire a connected path among the source node and destination node, which satisfy thedemand of practical applications very well, and thus have a great significance on theprocess of realizing ubiquitous computing.
     Data delivery is an important research topic in opportunistic networks. However,the inherent characteristics of opportunistic networks, such as the node mobility andintermittent connectivity, make data delivery over it a challenging issue. The nodemobility is a double-edged sword. While extending the data delivery in both time andspace, it also makes data delivery extremely complicated. Moreover, the opportunisticnetworks have a broad range of applications. Different applications have differentcharacteristics, which makes the data delivery closely related to the specific scenario. Inview of the aforementioned fact, this dissertation focuses on two typical types ofopportunistic networks, Delay Tolerant Mobile Sensor Networks (DTMSN) andVehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs), and investigates the data delivery issue in theseapplications. After analyzing the characteristics of these two types of networks thoroughly and systematically, this dissertation makes an in-depth and concrete study ondata delivery in the corresponding scenarios. Apart from the data delivery, applicationdevelopment is another key research topic in opportunistic networks. As they extend thedata delivery both in time and space, opportunistic networks expand the applicationscope of traditional ad hoc networks greatly. Thus, it has great practical meaning toconduct in-depth research on the application of opportunistic networks. This dissertationconducts a thorough analysis of the characteristics of VANETs. Motivated by the factthat it is difficult to find an available parking space in crowded urban areas, it proposesa novel parking guidance scheme, which doesn’t rely on any infrastructure and couldprovide efficient guidance for vehicle users.
     The major contribution in this dissertation is as follows:
     1. The characteristics of human mobility are analyzed, and a novel delay-basedrouting protocol (DRP) is proposed for human-oriented DTMSN. In DRP, a sensor nodecalculates the estimated data delivery delay and takes it as a measure of the deliverycapacity, the smaller the estimated delay, the higher the delivery capacity of a sensornode. When two nodes meet, data messages are forwarded to the one with smallerestimated delay. To minimize transmission overhead, DRP employs the message rankand survival time to decide message’s transmission or dropping. The proposed schemeis evaluated in a real human moving scenario provided by MIT Reality datasets, whichcollected the traces of100individuals of MIT over the course of9months. Simulationresults have shown that the proposed DRP routing protocol achieves a betterperformance than some other DTMSN data delivery approaches.
     2. In view of the unique characteristics of VANETs, e.g., high mobility of vehiclenodes, intermittent connectivity, and rapidly dynamic topology, a parked-vehicleassisted data dissemination (PADD) paradigm is proposed for Vehicular Ad HocNetworks. In PADD, data to be disseminated is maintained at the roadside parkedvehicle, which continuously provides services for the vehicles passing by. Thisdissertation analyzes the challenging issues in parked vehicle assisted datadissemination and proposes one possible solution for each issue. To be specific, theparked vehicles in the target area were managed on the basis of parking cluster; arouting scheme was designed for data forwarding from the data source to the selectedparking clusters; the pub/sub scheme was adopted to achieve data dissemination within one hop of the parking cluster. Theoretical results illustrate the effectiveness of ourapproach, and simulation results based on a real city map and realistic traffic situationsshow that the proposed data dissemination paradigm achieves a higher delivery ratiowith lower network load and reasonable transmission delay.
     3. Motivated by the fact that it is difficult to find an available parking space incrowded urban areas, an intelligent parking guidance scheme IPARK is provided forurban VANETs, which taps into the unused resources (e.g., wireless device,rechargeable battery, storage capability) offered by parked vehicles to perform parkingguidance. In IPARK, the cluster formed by parked vehicles generates the parking lotmap automatically, monitors the occupancy status of each parking space in real time andprovides assistance for vehicles searching for parking spaces. Overall, IPARK couldprovide the drivers with two kinds of services: parking availability informationdissemination outside the parking lot and real-time parking navigation inside theparking lot. This dissertation proposes an efficient architecture for IPARK andinvestigates the challenging issues in realizing parking guidance over this architecture,e.g., how to manage the parked vehicles and how to generate the parking lot mapautomatically. Finally, this dissertation investigates IPARK through realisticexperiments and simulation. The numerical results obtained verify that IPARK achieveseffective parking guidance in VANETs.
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