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Perovskite manganites with the formula R1-xAxMnO3 (R=La, Nd, Sm, Pr; A=Ca, Sr, Ba, Pb) have renewed interest since the colossal magnetoresistance was discovered in the epitaxial film. Perovskite manganites display the bigger magnetoresistive effect nearby the ferromagnetic Curie temperature(reach 106% under several Tesla magnetic field). Compare with the bulk materials, manganite films exhibit a stronger magnetoresistive effect. The microstructure of manganite films rely on the nature of substrate, moreover, the microstructure of manganite films influences strongly its magnetism and the transport property. Therefore, the study of the structure of the film will be helpful to understand a variety of peculiar properties in the perovskite-like manganites, and promote the development of magnetoelectronic devices based on such materials.
     In the past, all the reports on the growth of manganite films on the sapphire substrate have indicated that the films are polycrystalline in nature. In this article we used the traditional solid state reaction to manufacture La0.5Ca0.5MnO3 target, then we grew the La0.5Ca0.5MnO3 film through the pulse laser deposition on the (0001) orientation sapphire substrate. Through the adjustment of the experiment condition, we obtained the oriented film. In the article we used the conventional X-ray diffraction method to analyze the out-of-plane orientation relationship between the La0.5Ca0.5MnO3 film and Al2O3 substrate and the glancing incidence X-ray diffraction to analyze the in-plane orientation relationship between the film and the substrate, Finally we discovered three groups of parallel relationship between the film and the substrate:(110)f//(0006)s, (220)f//(3030)s, (112)f //(1210)s. But as a result of the X-ray diffraction technical limitation, we need to confirm the obtained in-plane orientation relationship by other experiment technology. In the experiment we also obtained the phenomena which are unable to be explained temporarily and need further studies.
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