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     整个系统是在Windows系统平台下,基于Visual C++开发工具,以C++为语言进行开发工作的;同时采用GUI的设计原则和方法,较好的实现了交互式的系统界面。
Being on the increase of the geological data and for the various efficient analyses of them, computer technology is more and more applying to geology. Geological section database and graph-auto-making system with the base of the advanced computer software, hardware, database technology and arithmetic, make the illustration of the different graphs and other works much more quickly and conveniently, it is more and more important in stratigraphy and the relevant researches.
     Considering the large number of the geological stratum sections, traditional method to note data by hand put the researchers to extreme inconvenience in the coming works. Oppositely, it can assure that they are shared, security and integrity, and raise research efficiency to manage the data with a computer database. The present research has tried to make the database management preliminarily of the K-bentonites-bearing sections (Late Ordovician-Early Silurian) in south China, which can add, delete, change, inquire and analyses about the data with the ADO technology and the SQL.
     Traditionally, the stratum section columns and other graphs are drawn on the graph-software manually. It is a hard work for everyone that needs much time, not very precise and bad for farther analyses. The present paper reports the initial achievements on the graphs-auto-making techniques of the K-bentonites-bearing sections (Late Ordovician-Early Silurian) and contour plot of the K-bentonites potential distribution in south China by design and debugging of the computer programs. The former one is the stratum section column auto-making program that can draw any section by the computer itself with the relevant data from the database of the K-bentonites in south China mentioned-above.. The key technologies mainly refer on the symbols and patterns filling of the lithological characteristics, the description of the stratigraphic chart systems and the lithological layers, the setting
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