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     本文结合雅瑶立交主桥施工监测和控制实践,对数字水准仪、Leica TCA2003高精度智能型全站仪、振弦式应变计运用于公路大型构筑物变形监测中的一些关键技术进行了研究。首先,研究了Leica TCA2003全站仪、数字水准仪等先进测量仪器在公路大型构筑物变形监测中的应用情况,针对一些具体技术问题,设计了专项试验,得出一些有益结论,为使用高精度、智能化的先进仪器设备进行公路大型构筑物变形监测积累了一定经验。其次,总结了在本桥施工监测中振弦式应变计安装、测试的实践经验,探讨测试数据的处理方法并进行了实证,从全程测试的数据分析结果看,这种数据处理方法比较合理,符合现场实际情况。最后,通过雅瑶立交主桥施工监测实践,解决了变形监测中一些技术问题,同时也说明了高精度、智能型仪器设备应用于公路大型构筑物变形监测的前景广阔,应用价值高。
Deformation monitoring is an important measure for huge highway building to ensure their quality and security, and as an important part in the construction and management system.The new structure, new technique, new material appeared continuously, it puts forward the higher request towards deformation monitoring & control of huge highway building, not only need to monitor its outer deformation but also need to monitor its inside deformation and stress state. In domestic, there are cases that apply GPS, total station and leveler on the deformation monitoring of huge highway building. Compare with abroad, the means of the deformation monitoring is backward, the level of automation is low. Therefore, study deeply to apply high accuracy and intelligent advance instruments to collect data, solve new technique problem in practice, and set up consummate deformation monitoring system is very important.
     This paper associates the practice of construction monitoring & control of the main section of the Yayao overpass, carrying on a research to the key technology problem of deformation monitoring of huge highway building by applying Leica TCA2003 total station, digital leveler; vibrating wire sensor. In the first, it takes research on digital leveler and Leica TCA2003 total station in deformation monitoring, several experiment items for some concrete technique problems are designed, and some useful conclusions are obtained. It accumulates experience for deformation monitoring of huge building by applying high accuracy and intelligent advance instruments. Secondly, practical experience in install and test vibrating wire sensors is summed up. The method of data process is explored and putted into practice. It provides reference to the further analogous work. In the end, through practice of construction monitoring & control of the main section of the Yayao overpass, some technique problems in deformation monitoring is resolved, also explained that the high accuracy and intelligent instruments apply in deformation monitoring is broad prospects.
     We hope this paper will become the bases of the further research in the field.
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