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  • 英文题名:Writing Heritage: Cultural Discourse and the (Re-)Making of Local Past in Ouzhou, China
  • 副题名:以浙江衢州为中心
  • 作者:侯松
  • 论文级别:博士
  • 学科专业名称:英语语言文学
  • 学位年度:2014
  • 导师:吴宗杰 ; Peter Schmidt
  • 学科代码:050201
  • 学位授予单位:浙江大学
  • 论文提交日期:2014-03-01
  • 答辩委员会主席:范捷平
This dissertation is a study of the writing of heritage, or the making and remaking of heritage through textual production. Confronting the universalized discourse and its cultural politics in contemporary heritage movement, it aims to explore cultural, alternative constructions of what we today call "heritage" in local-historical settings and possible ways to transform homogeneous representation of the past towards multi-discursive dialogue. More specifically, based itself in the city of Quzhou (衢州), Zhejiang, Eastern China, the project delineates the ways how "heritage" was documented in the pre-modern local gazetteers and how we may renarrate and reconstruct heritage with insights from there. These are achieved through three steps. First, adopting a cultural-historical approach to discourse analysis, it examines the writing of guji (古迹) in the pre-modern local gazetteers of Quzhou. It shows how such a Chinese concept was understood as a cultural Other to contemporary heritage discourse in respects of categorization, materiality and site. Second, it turns to analyze the local gazetteer writing of Quzhou "heritage" through intertextuality, poetry and annotation, unraveling the meaning-making process of the past in the present in the light of Confucian discourse ethics. Third, using a lost guji, the Wenchang Palace in Quzhou as case study, it explicates how authentic texts, local understandings and the fundamental Chinese cultural fabric Li (礼) are creatively remobilized to compose a multi-discursive ethnography of heritage. Through this renarrating towards multi-discursivity, the Wenchang Palace is re-understood and remade as local heritage.
     The study is simultaneously a critical and a constructive project. It challenges the universality and truthfulness of Western-originated, expert-disciplined heritage and urges us to rethink how contemporary Chinese heritage is defined, identified, represented, valued and managed. This is, however, attained by turning our attention to alternative expressions and ways of speaking "heritage" in the local-historical contexts of Quzhou and meaningfully interpreting the underlying cultural logic, mode of thinking and sense of historicity. More importantly, it also shows how we may creatively use these cultural ways of writing and thinking of the past to rewrite and whereby remake local heritage in the present.
1 See the introduction to China as one of the state parties at the UNESCO World Heritage Centre's website: http://whc.unesco.org/en/statesparties/CN/.
    2 See "China-Intangible Cultural Heritage" at the UNESCO Intangible Heritage Website: http://www.unesco.org/culture/ich/index.php?lg=en&pg=00311&cp=CN.
    3 It is reported that 70,000 items are nominated in the Chinese intangible heritage listing system, which includes national, provincial, municipal and county-level lists. See Intangible Cultural Heritage in China(中国的非物质文化遗产)at http://news.xinhuanet.com/ziliao/2003-09/27/content1169344.htm. As for tangible heritage, China has an enlisting system for conservation called wenwu baohu danwei (文物保护单位),which is used to be translated as "unit of cultural relics" and now more often rendered as "unit of cultural heritage". There are virtually uncountable national, provincial and municipal key units of cultural heritage in this system.
    4 The interview was conducted in English by Hou Song and Xie Jieyi in Hangzhou on Nov. 6, 2013 and was transcribed by Xie Jieyi. I am very grateful to Xie for sending me the transcription of the interview.
    5 By this, I am referring to not only those who label themselves critical discourse analysts, but also other discourse scholars whose research has a critical orientation to social and cultural issues. Excluded are discourse analysts and text linguists who do not consider social, cultural problems in real life the orientation of their research.
    6 Sponsored by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) of the UK, it is officially the Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England. See the entry "English Heritage" in Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_Heritage) for an introduction and its official website (http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/) for more.
    7 Zhongguoshi Xulun(中国史叙论On Chinese Historiography) was first published in September, 1901 in the Qingyibao(清议报)and Xin Shixue (新史学New Historiography) was first published in February, 1902 in the Xinmin Congbao (新民丛报).
    8 Zhu passed away in 2011.
    9 By "old Quzhou urbanity", I refer to the urban area of the old Quzhou enclosed by the ancient city walls.
    10 In the remainder of this dissertation, the translations from Chinese sources are all mine if not otherwise pointed out.
    11 The way in marking authorship for pre-modern Chinese local gazetteers was unique. The commissioner of the local gazetteer compiling, always the chief governor of the locale (county, prefecture, province), was put at the first. His contribution in commissioning and sponsoring the compiling practice is called'‘修”(xiu)in Chinese. Then the chief compiler (and his major co-workers) was named. Their contribution was called“纂”(zuan) in Chinese. This traditional order of marking authorship is followed when I list these prefectural gazetteers and the county gazetteers later.
    12 The simplified reference to each of these gazetteers follows Zheng Yongxi's way of referring to them. And for the one compiled by him, I will call Zheng's gazetteer.
    13 Mingsheng guji (名胜古迹) is usually understood as a compounding of mingsheng and guji. In Li Chunxia's article, she also explicates the word this way.
    14 See, for example, Xinhua Dictionary Online http://xh.5156edu.com/html5/230525.html and Handian(汉典)http://www.zdic.net/cd/ci/5/ZdicE5Zdic8FZdicA479483.htm.
    15 Wenwu Baohu Danwei(文物保护单位) refers to the immovable cultural heritages in mainland China. It is a main part of Chinese heritage preservation system. For more about this, see王运良.《中国文物保护单位制度研究》,复旦大学博士学位论文,2009.
    16 http://baike.baidu.com/view/112408.htm.
    17 (汉)许慎撰,(清)段玉裁注.《说文解字注》,上海:上海古籍出版社,1981,p.88.
    18 Ibid. After the English translation I reproduce the original text so that readers with knowledge of classical language can have not only a better view of my analytical process, but also wider space to interpret the text themselves. This format will be followed throught the whole dissertation. Moreover, most of the orginial Chinese text I quote does not have punctuations. In this one and others in the remainder of this dissertation, punctuations are all mine, if the source text listed in the References is not marked as punctuated version(标点本)or names of those who have done the punctuation.
    19 "zi gu zai xi" is a phrase from a poem entitled Na (那) in the Book of Poetry.
    20 (汉)许慎撰、(清)段玉裁注.《说文解字注》,上海:上海古籍出版社,1981,p.88.
    21 Ibid, p.7O. The distinction between bigger-and smaller-size characters is maintained as appeared in the source text. The bigger-size characters are the original text in Shuowen Jiezi, and the smaller-size characters are Duan Yucai's commentaries. In my English translation, this distinction is followed. In the remainder of the dissertation, the distinctions in word size in the citations and my English translation all resemble how they appear in the Chinese original.
    22 See dao in Encyclopedia Britannica Online, http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/582901/dao.
    23 (清)郝玉麟等监修,(清)鲁曾煜等编纂.《广东通志》,文渊阁四库全书本,卷五十三.
    24 (清)田文镜、王士俊等监修,(清)孙灏、顾栋高等编纂.《河南通志》,文渊阁钦定四库全书本,卷五十一The translation of the quotation from the Book of Poetry is copied from James Legge (see Legge 1876: 264).
    25 (清)赵弘恩监修, (清)黄之隽编纂.《江南通志》,文渊阁钦定四库全书本,卷二十九.
    26 Ibid.
    27 (汉)许慎撰,(清)段玉裁注.《说文解字注》上海:上海古籍出版社,1981,p.408.
    28 (清)张玉书等编纂.《康熙字典》(标点整理本)上海:汉语大词典出版社,2002, p.1112. The translation of the quotation from the I Ching is Legge's version.
    29 (汉)许慎撰, (清)段玉裁注.《说文解字注》,上海:上海古籍出版社,1981年,p.205.
    30 (清)陈鹏年修,徐之凯等纂.《西安县志》,清康熙三十八年刻本,卷首.
    31 A biography of Zhou Zhao is seen in the volume of Rulin(儒林Confucian scholars) in the gazetteer (see姚宝煌等1970:1295-1296).
    32 The book is divided into five parts: Tian (Heaven), Di (Earth), Ren (Humans), Wu (Objects), Shi (Events) and thus entitled A Collection on Five Issues.
    33 Sanqu is another way to call Quzhou.
    34 I will explicate the use of annotation in the next chapter.
    35 (清)嵇曾筠监修,沈翼机编纂.《浙江通志》,文渊阁钦定四库全书本.
    36 In Yao's gazetteer, it is called the Five-branch Camphor (五枝樟),and in Zheng's gazetteer it is called the Five-finger Camphor(五指樟).
    37 Mu(亩)is a Chinese measurement of area. 1 mu is about 0.0667 hectares.
    38 Penghou(彭侯)refers to the spirit in the tree. It has human's face and dog's body. It can be eaten. See李剑国.《新辑搜神记》,北京:中华书局,2007,p.267.
    39 The Mount Emei is in Sichuan, Southwestern China. It is one of the most famous mountains in China. The idea that this mountain suppressed the seat of the prefectural government might be a consideration on the perspective of Fengshui.
    40 Zhang (丈) is a Chinese measurement. 1 zhang is about 3.33 meters. 口 is used to refer to a character unrecognizable at the place in the original. One may guess that the word is 许 or 余. Not knowing that character exactly, I suppose it is safe to translate "丈口" into several meters.
    41 Although intangible heritage is a concept Eastern countries initialize to confront Western definition of world heritage that prioritizes physically-tangible remains of the past, it does not totally remove the consideration of materiality and is still caught by the AHD (see for example, Smith 2006; Waterton 2010a).
    42 Zhengmeng (征梦) means that the dream is later verified in real life.
    43 For example, in Shen's and Zhao's gazetteers, the entry of the Zhengmeng Pavilion, what is seen is also the said story, but with a few more details(沈杰等2009:40;杨准等2009:161);in Yao's and Zheng's gazetteers, that story and a couple of poems related constitute the entry of the Zhengmeng Pavilion consists(姚宝煃等1970:544-545;郑永禧1984:762).
    44 (清)陈鹏年修,徐之凯等纂.《西安县志》,清康熙三十八年刻本,卷三.
    45 Li(里)is a Chinese measurement of distance, 1 li equals to 500 meters.
    46 See Appendix 1
    47 The Li classics include the Zhouli (Rites of Zhou), the Yili (Book of Etiquette and Ceremonial) and the Liji (Book of Rites). Together they are called "Sanli" (Three Rites). They are the most ancient texts that document Li. And in the Chinese history there are numerous books studying and making interpretations of them.
    48 (清)盛世佐.《仪礼集编》,文渊阁钦定四库全书本,卷六.
    49 (清)江永.《仪礼释宫增注》文渊阁钦定四库全书本.
    50 (清)陈鹏年修,徐之凯等纂.《西安县志》,清康熙三十八年刻本,卷三.
    51 Ibid.
    52 Zhuangyuan (状元)was the title for the one who won the first place in the final highest level of the imperial exams.
    53 Here my attention is on discourse representation. I will come to the intertextual register later.
    54 An official whose responsibility is compiling history.
    55 (清)陈鹏年修,徐之凯等纂:《西安县志》,清康熙三十八年刻本,卷三.
    56 (宋)苏洵著,曾枣荘、金成礼笺注.《嘉佑集笺注》.上海:上海古籍出版社,1993年,p.232.
    57 The deputy head of the legislative bureau of government.
    58 These two volumes collect prose written about different places in Quzhou. Most of the prose are inscriptional records.
    59 Wei Su(危素1303-1372)(?)was a scholar-official in the late Yuan and early Ming dynasties. He was also a famous calligrapher. Huang Jinhua(黄金华)is another way to call Huang Jin (黄溍1277-1357).
    60 An official position first set up in the Tang dynasty. During the Song dynasty, it became a position without much real power.
    61 An official equals to the deputy prefecture during the Song dynasty.
    62 See http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1334.
    63 Fei Ge Liu Dan means a flying-like penthouse with beautiful red colors floating.
    64 (清)嵇曾筠监修,沈翼机编纂.《浙江通志》,文渊阁钦定四库全书,卷二百二十.
    65 Quzhou and Jinhua were all in the territory of the Dongyang prefecture at that time.
    66 (汉)毛亨传, (汉)郑玄笺, (唐)孔颖达疏.《毛诗正义》(十三经注疏,标点本),北京:北京大学出版社,1999年,p.10.
    67 The Chaojing Gate was another name for the Shutting Gate.
    68 Nianer refers to the Emperor Wu of the Liang dynasty, Xiao Yan(萧衍464-549)This is his childhood name.
    69 A stupa is a mound-like or semi-hemispherical structure containing Buddhist relics, typically the ashes of Buddhist monks, used by Buddhists as a place of meditation (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stupa).
    70 The Min Rebellion (闽变)refers to the war Geng Jingzhong (耿精忠) launched against the Qing government from 1673 to 1676. He started from Fuzhou, Fujian and soon controlled the whole province. He then moved his troops to attack Zhejiang.
    71 Siduo is the official in charge of cultural and educational affairs.
    72 The Kui Star, or Kuixing refers to the four stars in the bowl of the big dipper, or the one at the tip of the bowl.
    73 Keming means the scholarly honors won in the imperial exams (keju). It was of three levels. They were shengyuan(生员) or xiucai (秀才),juren (举人),and jinshi (进士)in order. To win the highest level jinshi was almost a guarantee of an official position, usually the magistrate of a county. The imperial exam system was initiated during the Sui dynasty (581-618) and abolished in 1905.
    74 See Appendix 2
    75 Literation (解放)refers to the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949.
    76 Zhou Mingxia (周明霞)was a well-known high school teacher in Quzhou. She was sister of Zhou Mingji(周明基1929-),a diplomat who had been in charge of Afican affair for many years.
    77 According to my fieldwork experience, Quzhou people call both Buddhism gods and Daoism and popular religion deities Laofo(老佛)or Pusha (菩萨)These two terms are literally translated as Buddha.
    78 See "No. 38, the Xiaying Street at the feet of the city wall" (城墙根的下营街三十八号)athttp://ranranju.blog.163.com/blog/static/51303222007268942185/.
    79 The Dacheng Palace (Dacheng Dian) refers to the main hall of the Confucian Temple. At that time the Confucian Temple in Quzhou serves as the County School (Xian Xue).
    80 For example, the West Lake Cultural Landscape in Hangzhou embodies a multitude of heritages and these heritages are interconnected, making the West Lake area a unique cultural landscape.
    81 See Text of Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage, Article 2-Definitions. http://www.unesco.org/culture/ich/index.php?lg=enandpg=00006.
    82 Actually Qu Yuan's Jiuge consists of eleven songs. The fifth one is entitled "The Great Siming" and the sixth is "The Junior Siming".
    83 In the rite ofyouliao, animal oblation is placed on the firewood and burnt; the light from it is believed to reach to the sky.
    84 The Chinese version of this quotation is "大宗伯之职……以槱燎祀司中、司命、风师、雨师”
    85 Zitong(梓潼)and Wenchang used to be two deities, but during the Yuan dynasty, they united as one. Zitong was also a county name in Sichuan. The first temple of the Zitong deity was at the Qiqu Mountain in that county.
    86 The state sacrifice system in imperial China usually had three levels:dasi (great sacrifice), zhongsi (middle sacrifice) and qunsi (common sacrifice).
    87 Guansheng (the Saint Guan), also referred as Guangong (Sir Guan, or the Duke Guan), Guandi (the Emperor Guan) is worshipped as a deity of martial arts or the God of War in China. He was originally a renowned general of Shu (蜀)in the age of Three Kingdoms named Guan Yu (关羽162-220)For more, see Prasenjit, D. (1988). Superscribing symbols:The myth of Guandi, Chinese God of War, The Journal of Asian Studies,47(4):778-795.
    88 Wen dance is one form of dances performed with the court music. It is used when the emperor offers sacrifice to the heaven and the earth and his ancestral. Eight-row wen dance is wen dance that has eight rows of dancers to perform it. According to the rites of the Zhou dynasty, only the emperor can have this kind of dance.
    89 http://www.lantian.org.tw/top/03/1.htm
    90 The punctuation is by Yang Bojun, See杨伯峻.《论语译注》,北京:中华书局,1983,p.139.
    91 See, for example,陈绍灿(2010).莫名其妙的追捧——对西门庆“受捧现象”的文化思考,《中学政治教学参考》10, pp. 4-5. Ximen Qing(西门庆)was depicted in Chinese literature as a corrupt social climber, a lustful merchant, a murder and an unethical luster living in the Song dynasty. The guy was anything but a good person.
    92 In pre-modern China, books and scholarship are generally divided into four parts: jing (classics), shi (historiography), zi (masters in different schools), and ji (collections of literary and miscellaneous works). The most important is jingxue (classic studies). Shi and zi are relatively less significant. Ji comes last.
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