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Based on the status of domestic spectral imaging technology and the demands ofapplications of atmosphere sounding, this dissertation mainly studies time-resolvedFourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy and its applications. The associated majorresearches and results are stated as the following:
     1. The spectral imaging technology and its status of applications are classifiedand summarized. The development and trends on different spectral imagingbeam-splitting techniques are classified and summed up. The technical characteristicsand research status of the time-resolved Fourier Transform spectral imagingtechnology are analyzed and summarized.
     2. The fundamental theory of time-resolved Fourier Transform spectral imagingtechnology is systematical studied. The key techniques including phase error,misalignment of interferometer and non-ideal of velocity in the time-resolved FourierTransform imaging spectrometer are studied.
     3. Segment-Divided models of multi-pass configurations for interferometer areproposed and established, based on which both the optical principle and thetechnological scheme of a sixteen-pass Fourier Transform Infrared spectrometer areimplemented. A system model is established and the Optical Path Difference (OPD)of the system is analyzed, as well as error tolerances of the system regarding themisalignment of the moving mirror, the dynamic and static lateral errors, the swayerror and velocity error are analyzed and studied.
     4. For the application of atmospheric sounding, the scheme of the sixteen-passFourier Transform Infrared spectrometer is designed, and the system is simulated. Thesimulated results proof the validity of the system design and the advance of thetechnological scheme.
     5. The application study for atmosphere observing is performed based on thedesign and development of a reflecting rotating Fourier Transform Infraredspectrometry. The detecting methodology for atmospheric component is devised, andthe mathematical proof and algorithms of quantity analysis for atmosphericparameters retrieving are established, and then the concentrations of atmosphericcomponents are retrieved with highly accuracy. Furthermore, to improve the spectralresolution of the reflecting rotating Fourier Transform Infrared spectrometry, a newtechnological scheme of spectrometry is proposed. Also, a novel method called Point-Image method that using mirror imaging principle and computer simulation tocalculate the OPD is proposed, which is proved feasible and efficient.
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