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Region is the "prospective field "of circular economy's rooting and developing. Regional circular economy is one of the important application patterns of circular economy in space, the priority of which is organically combining circular economy with reginal development to promote Chinese ecomonoy's good and quick development in high standard and high starting level. Developing regional economy is the fundamental practical path to separate economy's development and resource consuming from environment deterioration.
     In recent years, Chinese circular economy has kept on developing very quickly like "blowing out". It has showed that opportunity to push forward development of regional circular economy in China is coming and its importance and urgency can not be neglected. Development of regional circular economy has outstanding features like troublesome, dynamic, complexity, strategy, externality, difficult to coordination. It relates to diverse benefits, diverse participation patterns of subjects, diverse effective supply of systems, and diverse values and so on. As an issue of sustainable development, regional circular economy has become a hot issue of multidisciplinary including economics, ecology, management, engineering and law at present and its deep, quick, and healthy development require further exploration from academic theory and practical aspects.
     For this, the dissertation conducted research on several issues of Development of regional circular economy and had published articles as following:A Study of the interaction between recycle-economy benefit and its law benefit, on circular economy public's participation mechanism and its safeguarding; re-definition to law concept of circular economy; system construction of circular economy in western regions; on consumer legal duty attending in circular economy; on construction of circular economy in nationality areas in western china--necessity and obstacle.
     The dissertation includes8chapters and its content and framed structure is as follows:
     The first chapter elaborates origin of the topic, significance of theory and practice, fundamental content and idea, research methods and means, research difficulties and innovation.
     The second chapter is on literature background. This part reviewed original source of circular economy, elaborated and assessed current research literatures of domestic and overseas and thus provided related theory resources of research on development of regional circular economy.
     The third chapter is on essential elements of regional circular economy. The concept of circular economy in this dissertation was concluded.Then from aspects of system, subject and function, the essential elements of regional circular economy was elaborated.
     The fourth chapter is on current situation and barriers of development of circular economy in China. This part described that regional circular economy's good effect has been shown in China at present, but its industrialization is still in the starting phase and development degree is very different. Then this part discussed on barriers from seven aspects including economics theory, incentive mechanism, recycling and reusing system of waste, premise of binding system's effect, driving mechanism of government, and participation mechanism of society.
     The fifth chapter, the sixth chapter and the seventh chapter discussed some issues on development of regional circular economy by logic mainline of subject, object and efficiency. From angle of subject, this part practically analyzed and prospectively studied roles of multiple subjects as government, enterprise and the public in development of regional circular economy in details like"dissecting a sparrow".From angle of object, this part This part creatively explained circular economy from aspects of process, history, space (PHS) and distinguished concept of "circular economy" with other relating concepts, thus canceled the intuitive deductions and misunderstandings of concept of "circular economy". Then, this part conducted empirical analysis on cognitive misunderstanding of circular economy and reached the conclusions as following:so called "closed circular economy" is open in nature, partial construction of ecological chains and parks is not real "circular economy"; scientific measurement of circular economy is ecological efficiency not"circular rate". From the angle of efficiency, this part set an assessment index system of regional circular economy including three types'indexes of efficiency, material-flowing, human-being development based on target system of circular economy and applied the system to assess circular economy's development of LanZhou city to evident applicability of this system. This part is one of the emphases of the dissertation.
     The eighth chapter is on soft-law safeguard and multiple-policy of development of regional circular economy. This part analyzed property of soft-law safeguard to development of reginal circular economy based on the soft-governent requirement. Then this part constructed multiple-policy system of regional multiple-policy including regulating policy, marketing policy and participation policy based on role analysis to government, enterprise and the public in development of regional circular economy. This part is one of the emphases of the dissertation.
     The ninth chapter is the conclusion of the dissertation. This part elaborates main conclusions and expectations of the continuing research.
① “如果我们继续以目前实施的速度使用地球的不可更新资源(地球的石油、煤炭和矿藏),继续以我们目前实施的速度错误使用地球的可更新资源(地球的肥沃土地、清洁的水和森林),那么,整个系统将会在未来的某一阶段陷入崩溃”。P.班亚德、F.摩根-格伦威尔:《绿色选择》,伦敦梅修恩出版社,1987年,第3页。转引:[英]安得鲁·多布林著,郇庆治译:《绿色政治思想》,山东大学出版社,2005年,第91页。
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    ② 此种差异显然可以理解,因为即使是关于循环经济的概念,学术界目前也是尚有争议,《中华人民共和国循环经济促进法》以法律形式确定的循环经济概念在笔者看来也极有不妥之处。详见笔者论文《循环经济 法律概念的再界定》,载《北方民族大学学报》2012年第3期。
    ① 此部分内容参见拙文《循环经济视野下公众参与机制及其保障》,发表于《河南财经政法大学学报》2012年第6期。
    ① 马庆钰,《非政府组织何以能够生存与发展》,人民网,2006年7月11日访问。
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    ③ 此部分内容参见拙文《论消费者参与循环经济的法律义务》,发表于《河南师范大学学报》2012年第5期。
    ① 郑也夫.轿车文明批判[N].光明日报.1994-8-9.转引自郑也夫.走出囚徒困境[M].北京.光明日报出版社.1995.
    ① “绿色经济就是生态经济,它包含了循环经济和低碳经济”。此论断见《新经济概念的实质》,《中国环境报》之焦点关注,2010年6月3日。
    ② 此部分内容参见拙文《循环经济法律概念的再界定》,发表于《北方民族大学学报》2013年第3期。
    ② 1 Watt sec=l Joule.
    ③ Faber.M, Niemes H, Stephan G. Entropy, Environment.and Resources [M]. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg NewYork,1995.
    ① 保罗·霍肯要求“把废物消灭在生产过程中”的理念及其“以大自然为榜样”的思考,将人类与资源从“单向无归”的线性,变成“首尾续接”的环性循环经济模式,旨在彻底改变环境持续恶化的不利局势,实现人与环境的和谐相处。详见保罗·霍肯:《商业生态学》,上海译文出版社2001年版,第14页。
    ① 《中华人民共和国循环经济促进法》第三条。
    ② 《中华人民共和国循环经济促进法》第十一条
    ③ 《罗利新闻与观察家》1990年2月4日,第17A页,转引自前引[美]丹尼尔-A.科尔曼《生态政治》(建设一个绿色社会),上海译文出版社,2006年版,第40页。
    ① 《中华人民共和国循环经济促进法》第三条。
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