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With the social development and the expansions of ecological education research, the classroom environment research increasingly cause concern of psychologists widespread in various countries, and it has become a hot topic subject in the field of education sociology, educational psychology, environmental psychology and science education. Until now, there are amount of study on classroom environment in primary and middle school, and the results have demonstrate that classroom environment has a positive effect on academic self-efficacy. The related study in the area of higher education is just on and it needs a lot more concern.
     In this study, based on the analysis of the theoretical and empirical research in this area, the author conducted a survey on 380 college students of a university in Shanghai.The study takes class as a organism with unique function and role, based on the study of the status of classroom environment and academic self-efficacy of college students, the author makes correlation analysis, regression analysis and other statistical methods to analyze the relation between class environment and academic self-efficacy of college students.
     The main conclusions of this study are as follows:Firstly, the overall level of class environment of college students is high, and there is a significant difference in grades and classes, there is no significant difference in gender, major, birth place and family economic condition. Secondly, the overall level of academic self-efficacy of college students is high, and there is a significant difference in grade, there is no significant difference in gender, class, major, birth place and family economic condition. Learning ability efficacy has significant differences in gender and grade; learning behavior efficacy has no significant differences in gender, major, grade, class, birth place and family economic condition. Thirdly, the classroom environment and academic self-efficacy of college students is significantly correlated. And task orientation, student collaboration, teacher efficacy support a significant positive predicting effect on students'learning ability efficacy; student cooperation, student participation, the physical environment and the cohesion of student support a significant positive predicting effect on learning behavior efficacy.Forthly,the classroom environment of college students has a good predicting effect on academic self-efficacy.
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