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This dissertation gives a phonological comparison study on Han-Viet Dialect (汉越语) and the Chinese languages. In this paper the Chinese phonology means the Middle Chinese in Qieyun and the Mordern Chinese with Beijing dialect's pronunciation because of the close relationship of phonological renovation of Han-Viet Dialect and Chinese languages.
    In analyzing and discussing Sino Vietnamese or Han Viet Dialect,linguists ordinarily put it into the loanwords' theory frame.Based on the social functions of Han Viet Dialect for thousands of years in Vietnamese society as well as the four main distinction features of language and language variety:standardization,autonomy,historicity,vitality , for the first time,we point out that Han Viet Dialect is a kind of Literature Language.It plays the role as the High Dialect of Vietnamese between the year 939 to 194S. We make a phonological comparasion among Han-Viet Dialect and Middle Chinese,Han -Viet Dialect and Modern Chinese.sum up corresponding rules and give preliminary explanation of these rules. For the first time,the close relationship between HanViet Dialect and Mordern Chinese (Beijing Dialect) is established and explaned .Han Viet Dialect has the general chatacteristic of all the Oriental Langguages:Multiple-Origin Unity (多元一体).This is definititely a historical process,so we have to classify it from both a historical and a contemporary point of view. This study may provide some valuable language materials for Chinese dialectology, traditional Chinese phonology, Vietnamese phonology and Chinese Historical Iinguistics.It also may be used as a reference for Chinese or Vietnamese Teaching as a Foreign Langguage.
    The dissertation can be divided into the following seven parts:
    Introduction.We provide a brief introduction of history, geography, society, population and a panorama of ethnicities and languages in Vietnam, emphasizing the "Multiple-Origin Unity" characteristics of ethnicities and languages in Vietnam. And then we introduce the close relationship between Han-Viet Dialect and Mordern Vietnamese as well as between Han-Viet Dialect and Chinese. We also indicate theoritical background and data origin of this dissertation.
    Chapter I. The form, evolution and research of Han-Viet Dialect.We discuss the form, evolution of Han-Viet Dialect ,and the relationship between the Han-Viet Dialect and Mordern Vietnamese based on a comprehensive description of Han-Viet Dialect's phonology.HanViet Dialect has some important effects upon the Vietnamese ,and at the same time, it has been co-existed with the Vietnamese phonology for thousands of year and probably is a main part of Vietnamese Phonology . We also define many important concepts such as Sino Vietnames, Han-Viet phonology (汉越音), Han loan words (汉语借词) and Han-Viet Vocabulary (汉越词语), and reviews on previous and present research of Han-Viet Dialect.
    Chapter II. Phonological system and its features of Han-Viet Dialect. We provide a new description of HanViet dialect's phonology after reviewing many related descriptions such as Wang Li (王力)and Torosu Mineya(三跟谷彻). We emphasize the phonological system and origin of Han-Viet Dialect, gives a detailed introduction of some phonological features in the perspectives of Initial, Final, Tone and Rhyme Class (Deng). By means of Han-Viet Dialect's comparison studies, we comes to an important conclusion of Rhyme Class (Deng).It is due to tough's front-back or high-low position when the whole syllable is spelled rather than that just of the medium phoneme .The distinction feature between Kai kou and He kou is the mouth shape [ ± round], some
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