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     首先,揭示了来源国文化和环境因素对FDI的影响机制。通过选取《中国对外经济统计年鉴》(1979-1996年)收录的统计数据和《Business China》和《ChinaBusiness Review》收录的1997-2005年的企业层面数据,在国际生产折衷理论、文化理论框架下将国家环境和文化因素分为国际关联、市场状况、经济状况和人口状况和文化维度五个方面的因子,构建了来源国国家环境与文化影响跨国投资行为的模型,结果发现影响FDI的环境因素是国际关联、市场状况、经济状况和人口状况,文化影响FDI的维度是不确定性规避和长期短期取向。
     其次,采用World Bank(2005)的调查数据,揭示东道国环境因素和文化影响FDI的效果,发现影响FDI的东道国环境因素主要是市场状况和经济状况,并补充市场准入对FDI的作用,研究结果还认为影响FDI的文化维度是个体主义/集体主义。
The basic insight of the eclectic theory of international production and culturetheory is that the country environment and national culture have impacts on FDI(foreign direct investment).Investigating the implications of the impacts aresignificative for the investment overseas and absorbs foreign direct investment.Basedon the analysis of the environment and culture factors of home country and host country,this dissertation is mainly concerned with the influences of cultural and environmentalfactors of home country and host country on cross-boundary investment behavior,andcomparative research the similarities and differences on the impacts of home countryand host country.The main contents and conclusions are as follows.
     Firstly,this dissertation studies the impact of country environment and nationalculture in FDI of home country.By extracts information from China Foreign EconomicStatistical Year Book (1979-1996),Business China (1997-2005) and China BusinessReview (1997-2005) as the research sample,and based on the frame of the eclectictheory of international production and culture theory,this dissertation divided countryenvironment and national culture into five factors,which include global links,states andmarkets,economy,people and culture dimensions.This dissertation constructs a modelof home country environment and culture affect on cross-boundary investment behavior.The results indicate that the home environments factors affect on FDI are global links,states and markets,economy,and the culture dimensions affect on FDI is uncertaintyavoidance.
     Secondly,this dissertation use investigates information of world developmentindicators database,reveal the effects of host country environment and culture affect onFDI.The results indicate that the host country environments factors affect on FDI areglobal links,states and markets,economy,while the culture factor affect on FDI isindividualism and collectivism dimension.
     And then,this dissertation compares the mechanism of the impacts of homecountry and host country,and found that there exist distinct differences.For example,the impacts of industry value added percent of GDP on home country and host country are contrary.
     Lastly,this dissertation investigates the impacts mechanism of cultural andenvironmental factors of home country and host country on FDI,reveals the impacts ofculture heterogeneity on entry mode choice.The results provide theory guide for thechina company's internationalization management strategy,and instruct companies howto choose host country and enter mode.Consequently,it enhances the competitivenessof Chinese enterprises.The results also apply a conference for constituting relatedpolicies for countries.
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