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In order to deal with global climate change and the reliance on the fossil energy, aswell as realize the sustainable development of the energy industry, the world's majordeveloped countries have all decided to develop intelligent power as a national strategy,which sets off a global range of smart grid construction boom. Intellectualization hasbecome the trend of international power grid development, China also puts forward thestrategy of smart grid development, as “The Outline of State Grid Development Plan(2009)” clearly puts forward: until the year of2020our country will build a strongsmart grid which takes special high-voltage electric network as its backbone network,takes the coordinate development of all levels of strong power grid network as thefoundation, with the support of communication and information platform, in possessionof the features of informatization, automation and interaction, contains each link inpower system of power generation, transmission, substation, distribution and scheduling,as well as covers all voltage levels, realize the fusion of highly-integrated smart grid ofthe “power flow, information flow and operation flow”.
     Smart grid construction is the important development strategy under the newenvironment of electric power industry development of our country, and its constructionwill promote the technology revolution of China’s electric power industry and theindustrial development. However, the construction of smart grid is a huge systematicengineering work, which not only needs to solve many difficult technical problems, butalso has impact on technical, economic, social and environmental factors and theirinteractions. Therefore, further researches of its supporting macro policy, socialeconomy, development strategy, market mechanism, business management, and othersoft science problem, which involves the interaction of economy, society, law, energy,information, and many other disciplines. But the present research of smart grid mainlyfocuses on technology aspect, the studies of the smart grid construction and economicand technical problems of operation are relatively weak. Smart grid will be the mainfeature of China’s power industry. On the basis of the development plan of China’ssmart grid and the features of China’s power industry, also around the industry outlook、industry science and technology support、industry operation management and industrypolicy management of smart grid construction, this thesis focuses on the macro benefit,evaluation of pilot projects, post-construction asset operation and management, technology innovation strategy of smart grid, the regulation of power industry and othertechnical-economic problems. Although there are a lot of research works on smart gridin China currently, most of them are from the technology perspective while someliteratures do some general and superficial studies of the economic problems of smartgrid. The study of this thesis is not only limited in one project analysis, but combinesmacro and micro as well as technology and market, expounds thetechnological-economic problems in the smart grid construction and operationcomprehensively and systematically, which shows distinct characteristics in topicselection.
     Compared with other research results, the main efforts and innovation of this thesisare as follows:
     1. This thesis makes a comprehensive evaluation and measurement of the macrobenefits and pilot projects in smart grid. At first it analyzes the construction investmentsof smart grid, then applies the input-output model in the evaluation of the effects ofinvestments on national economy and industry sector, then puts forward thetechnological utility evaluating model of smart grid projects based on grid full life cycleand fuzzy set theory, and studies the coordinated development of security, reliability,advancement and interactivity of pilot projects.
     2. An intelligent transform-condition-based maintenance model is built. This thesiscombines kinds of prediction methods and the forecast evaluation feature oftransmission and distribution power equipment, then chooses time series method andGrey theory as prediction method to build the model. It also puts forward riskassessment model of power transmission and distribution equipment based onqualitative evaluation, determines the evaluation and calculate methods of the assets,assets loss rate and mean failure rate of equipments, which has strong operability.
     3. The innovation strategy path and strategy organization form of China’s smartgrid is puts forward. This thesis applies technology innovation and strategicmanagement theory, combines China’s smart grid construction, technology innovationfeature and technology innovation level of China's power industry to put forwardindependent innovation path of China’s smart grid, and then puts forward the strategyorganization form of technology innovation of China’s smart grid, as well as clear theinnovation strategies of each links according to their different characteristics. The ideasand key points of China’s power industry’s regulation is proposed under theenvironment of China’s smart grid. The structure of China’s electric power industry under the background of smart grid is different from not only the traditionalmonopoly-integration industry structure but also some foreign structures of electricpower industry, of which marketization reform has already taken place. According tothis feature, the thesis comes up with the ideas and key points of China’s powerindustry’s regulation, using SCP paradigm (market structure--market conduct--marketperformance).
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