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Traction power system is one of the core systems for urban rail transit. Now the main problems of traction power system are the regeneration energy absorption and low power factor at night. Hybrid traction power equipment composed of24-pulse rectifier and PWM rectifier seems to be the best solution. In this dissertation, for the purpose of power supply quality improvement, technical requirement of hybrid traction power equipment is described. And then AC harmonic current suppression strategy and stability analysis, DC harmonic voltage suppression strategy and the capacity improvement with low DC voltage are investigated in detail.
     Firstly, AC harmonic current suppression strategy of hybrid traction power equipment and its stability analysis are investigated:for the AC harmonic current suppression, the corporating criteria of LCL filter's component is analyzed, then the design and optimization method of grid side filter to obtain optimum result is proposed; for the resonance problem of the filter, based on the PWM rectifier's current control model in Z-domain, the action law of controller's parameter-tuning for stability and dynamic performance is summarized, and the influence of damping resistor, resonant frequency, additional grid side inductor and additional delay is analyzed, then the solution is proposed.
     Secondly, the dc voltage spectrum of24-pulse phase-shifting traction rectifier under non-ideal conditions is analyzed, and based on the small-signal model of hybrid traction power system's DC side, the DC harmonic voltage suppression strategy is proposed, which is mainly about the optimization value of the dc filtering inductor to eliminate the problem of resonance:the problems caused by negative-sequence voltages and the error of phase shifting are discussed, a novel method was proposed to solve the value of DC harmonic voltage; the small-signal model of hybrid traction power system's DC side is derived, optimization method of dc filtering inductor is introduced, the examples to explain this method is also given.
     Thirdly, for the problem that PWM rectifier can't work properly with traditional control scheme when the DC voltage is low, the active and reactive power unified control scheme is proposed to increase the capacity, improve the dynamic performance and power factor. The improved active and reactive power unified control scheme is introduced for the existing equipment; while through the optimized design of grid side voltage and optimized active and reactive power unified control scheme, the new equipment could further improve the capacity of active and reactive power.
     The validity of theoretical analysis is proven by simulations and experimental results in each chapter. Besides, megawatt hybrid traction power equipment has also been used successfully in subway Line10of Beijing, application effect is also shown to prove the equipment's advantages at last.
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