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Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a great contribution of Chinese people to the human being. But the internationalizing and modernizing of TCM was restricted because of its complex matrix and undefined active components. Therefore, screening of active components in TCM is benificial for its modernization. Although animal models are commonly used screening method, it requires a long cycle, high cost and is easily influenced by the surroundings. With the development of the receptor theory, some new approaches for drug screeing have been developed using receptors as target molecules. These methods can combine with some analytical techniques with definite goals. And what’s more it can shorten the screening period. So it becomes an important and intensively used method in modern drug screening.
     In present study, platelet was used as receptor to establish an open tubular capillary electrochromatography (OT-CEC) method, and some TCM extracts including salvia and pseudo-ginseng were screened. Furthermore, a formula related to the binding constant was deduced, by which the interaction between receptor and ligand can be evaluated quantitatively. The main contents of present study were as follows:
     ①A new OT-CEC was established which was executed by physically attached of platelet onto the inner wall of the capillary. By varying the coating length of the platelet, the corresponding sample mobility can be obtained and the binding constant can be calculated by the deduced formula. By optimizing the platelet density, washing solution and running buffer, the working conditions was carefully selected. Finally this method was used to evaluate the interaction between HSA and pazufloxacin. The result is almost agreed with the records which proved the method can be used to evaluate the interaction between the target and receptor.
     ②The established method was used to evaluate the interaction between platelet and aspirin, pazufloxacin, respectively. The result was compared by fluorescence spectrum and affinity extraction which revealed that the established method can be applied to evaluate the specific interaction.
     ③Applied the established method to screen the anti/promote platelet compounds from the mixture of nucleosides. The compounds were picked out in preliminary screening depending on the change of peak shape. And then the binding constants for the selected compounds were calculated separately to evaluate the binding strength quantitatively.
     ④The developed method was applied for the screening of platelet active components in the TCM extracts, and the binding constants were calculated for each peak. The result provide useful information for the further screening studies.
     ⑤The contents of four nucleosides in nine mushroom samples were determined by CE. Combined with the screening result in④, the potential anti- or pro- platelet effects of the investigated mushrooms can be predicted, which may be beneficial for the further pharmacology research of those mushrooms.
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