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China has come to the period of thorough transition since the reform and
    opening----up. Economic changes have resulted in transformation in such
    field as culture, value tendency and life styles, whose developments have begun to exhibit features of multiplicity. The social life is spreading before us in an unprecedent way of colorfulness, divergency and abundance. Moral education in school is faced with great challenges from the changes of society. The concepts, as well as goals and manners, of school moral education which were identified under the condition of centralization, are now shaken and challenged by multiplicity, with an increasing number of shortcomings exposed to the sun. Owing to its own features, however, school education in ethics cannot easily give up the traditional values. Consequently, it has fallen into dive stracts. How can moral education extricate itself form the difficult situation? How will it reflect towards the challenges from multiplicity? This subject is worth urgent focus and solution .1 chose this subject with extreme interest and passion. From the viewpoint of multiple social life, I will point out 3 difficult aspects existing in contemporary school moral education. In addition, 1 will put forward constructive ideas about how to help moral education out of difficult situation. This article will mainly adopt such research methods as using documents, investigations and comparisons. Three parts in all :
    First, multiplicity----an inevitable social reality. It is mainly
    concerned with the concept of multiplicity in social life and the background of its prominence. The main purpose of this part is to depict social reality.
    Second, the actual difficulty in social moral education. I will discuss the difficulty form three directions. Specifically speaking, it includes difficulty
    in value education, evaluation concept and means of school moral education. This part mainly aims at depicting educational reality.
    Third, solutions to extricate contemporary school moral education from difficulty. In this part, I will make a thorough analysis on the realities of both society and education. At the same time, I will provide tractict, as a
    response, from 4 directions---searching for more while securing one in
    value education, emphasis on forming moral ability, attention to formation of subjective character and reforms on the means and manners of moral education.
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