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Small businesses are the seeds and medium-sized enterprises in the development process necessary stage, small business formation and early development stages of the accumulated knowledge and learning, management capacity of enterprises in the future development plays a vital role. Study the endogenous mechanisms of small businesses, not only in theory, allow us a more complete understanding of business systems development process and the nature of business, has important theoretical value, but also through the development of enterprises that we can seize the regional and macroeconomic general rules of operation for the development of various economic policies and regulations to provide strong support, has important practical significance.
     Based on the "power - the ability" dual mechanism of detailed analysis, that the process of small business is the driving force of endogenous mechanisms and capacity mechanisms combined result. "Power - the ability" is the core element of small business to generate, but also with the dominant factor in the development of small businesses. Lack of complementary and both are generated will directly affect the success of small businesses. External environmental factors according to their effect on the strength of small business and nature can produce small businesses to generate both positive and negative aspects of the role, but these effects have to go through the "power - the ability" dual mechanisms.
     Small businesses in the bud stage and the external environment, the establishment of various forms of contact, the nature and intensity of these contacts determine the survival of small businesses generated state. Some positive contact for small businesses to cluster future development path laid the foundation.
     In this paper, "small business generates border" concept, is "corporate boundaries" extension of the concept application, the application of the concept, to define small business to generate, to generate statistical success rate of small businesses to provide a reliable theoretical tool.
     This article is based on the small businesses as economic and ecological system to study the life of the body, small businesses follow the same natural laws of life, the life cycle of the body, and small business life cycle in large part by the regional economic development cycle. The generation of small business small business life cycle stage is an important part, small businesses generate phase will constitute the formation of a number of qualities and characteristics of small businesses with small business development as a whole.
     The early stage of development of small enterprises are small enterprises seeking survival mode, stable critical period of development. At this stage, "Power - ability to" dual mechanism still play a central role.
     "Power" in the school development process highlighted business to survive security pressures in the market interests of the gravity and thrust of scientific and technological progress in three areas. "Capacity" is highlighted in the resources and ability to integrate two aspects of team learning. Generated after the newborn baby as small businesses continue to learn from the outside world as nutrients, the accumulation of life experience and growing.
     As the smaller individual small businesses, the ability to contend with changes in the external environment is poor. In order to ensure their survival and sustainable development, small business, consciously or unconsciously, the link between business and geographical space to bring together, the emergence of agglomeration of small businesses, and between individuals continue to run through the adaptation, the formation of based on co-operation of industrial clusters, so that economic development in all economic regions show different characteristics.
     Small business in development is beginning to show signs of a gradual decline, as the class of beings, small businesses also have a process from birth to death. In this paper, the decay factor to the concept of trying to use molecular biology research methods, in a small enterprise to identify the core factors. Through the study found that small business recession is still "power - the ability" mechanism the result, that the gradual disappearance of power, capacity gradually degraded.
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