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     6、江苏省国土资源异构空间数据转换平台的构建。在对江苏省国土部门的国土空间数据现有情况进行综合分析的基础上。采用加拿大Safe Software公司的FME提供的COM组件接口(FME objects)进行构件式开发,从而构建针对江苏省国土部门量体裁衣的新一代空间数据转换共享平台软件。
This thesis is from the relevant theoretical research about the sharing of multi-source spatial data to set about at first. Through the study about multi-source spatial data share theory, technology and method, have introduced in detail to GIS data semantic share. Draw the conclusion, it is only based on semantic level to implement spatial data share of multi-source make real spatial information sharing of meaning can be realized. And then carry on deep research to Multi-source Spatial Data Translation Model in semantic level and explain in detail to the definition, principle, organization of the model. In order to satisfy the modal study with the need of practical application, have done the further discussion in technological route realized to physics of the model. At last, take spatial data transform platform software development project, that is subject of the land and resource information-based demonstration project--"Land and Resource spatial /non-spatial data administrative skill and the integrative information manage "—in Jiangsu Province, as an example, have carried on further practice to the practical application of the model.Main content this thesis studies is:1. Trough comparison of several ways of the spatial information sharing, we concluded that spatial data share based on semantic level is the major way of spatial information sharing.2. Trough the semantic research of GIS data, we defined the level mechanism that the geographical information sharing can be realized.3. The research of multi-source spatial data. We carry on research to the data format and the way of logic organization in present major GIS platform, auxiliary platform and the DBMS.4. Trough the research of multi-source spatial data translation model based on semantic level, we proposed a view that when the spatial data are transformed, the conflict between various kinds of spatial data models can be solved and replaced through semantic information's inherit and expansion.5. Trough design and further use designing of transform engine of spatial data taking model as backing. We taking further research of Technological route that the model realizes.6. On the basis of analysis synthetically of the existing situation of information data to land and resource department in JiangSu province, we carry on component development to construct Jiangsu Province land and resource multi-source spatial data sharing platform—new generation spatial data transform platform to land and resource department with COM package interface~FME objects-that FME (Safe Software of Canada Company) offers.7. Necessity must be proceeded while the platform is built such as, mapping of spatial data logic model, translation under modal control, translation with semantic control, etc.
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    [41] ESRI Shapefile Technical Description An ESRI White Paper—July 1998
    [42] Modeling Our World Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.
    [43] Ontologies for Intelligent Search and Semantic Translation in Spatial Data InfrastructuresL. Bernard2, U. Einspanier2, S. Haubrockl, S. Hubner3, W. Kuhn2, R. Lessing1, M.Lutz2, U.Visser3
    [44] Heiner Stuckenschmidt, Ubbo Visser Center for Computing Technologies University of Bremen E-mail: fheiner, visserg@tzi.de
    [45] Semantic Translation Based on Approximate Re-Classication
    [46] Feature Manipulation Engine (FME(?))User Manual E-mail: info@safe.com·Web: www.safe.com
    [47] Feature Manipulation Engine (FME(?)) Readers and Writers E-mail: info@safe.com·Web:www.safe.com
    [48] Feature Manipulation Engine (FME(?)) Functions, Factories and Transformers E-mail: info@safe.com·Web: www.safe.com
    [49] Feature Manipulation Engine (FME(?)) Foundation E-mail: info@safe.com·Web: www.safe.com
    [50] "Break through spatial data translation obstacles" By Bob Lazar, technical development specialist, Rand McNally, 8255 N. Central Park, Skokie, IL 60076;
    [51] FME Object Application Developer's Guide E-mail: info@safe.com·Web: www.safe.com
    [52] website: www.seri.com, www.safe.com

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