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Defamation is harming the reputation of person. But in some conditions, defamation involve freedom of speech , it not only has some space, but also involve freedom of speech and right of reputation. How to make perfect balance of two kinds of right is core of defamation act.
     This dissertation is concern about following issue:
     First, the definition of defamation. Defamation come from protect personal freedom of speech. Growing with the history, defamation makes serial changes and come to present meaning. Defamation is faulty publish false and defamatory statement concerning another; harm the reputation of another as to lower him in the estimation of community.
     Second, freedom of speech and protection of right of reputation. Freedom of speech and protection of right of reputation are two kinds of base right of human right. They are protected by international treaty, constitution, civil law, criminal law and administrative law. But they are also limited right and they are limited each other. Law of defamation is aim to balance this two right. Dichotomy is a best way to resolve this problem.
     Third, elements of defamation. Defamation has some elements: false and defamatory statement, publication, fault, identification, lower estimation of community and harm the reputation. Compared with elements of American defamation and study some cases, we focus on publication and reputation damage. Combined with internet publication, we study how ISP has a liability in internet publication. Otherwise, we study reputation injury relation with emotional distress and pecuniary injury. Reputation injury is base and requirement for others. Our research has some shortage on it.
     Fourth, defenses. Defenses are not subject to liability for defamation. We analyze some defenses and point out our laws have some defects, they did not classify the defenses. Compared with American defamation, I conclude some defenses: consent, true statement, absolutely privileges and conditional privileges. I analyze conditional privileges, from its theory to function, we know this privileges aim to protect freedom of speech, public interests, but they require some conditions.
     Fifth, remedies. I analyze damages and correction and classification, fair comment and fair damages. Compared with American defamation, Swiss civil law and civil law of Chinese Taiwan area and civil law of Ethiopia. I think our damages system have some defects, we must create system of reputation damages because it is damage by defamation and base for others damages. Draw lesson from other nations, we need to create systems of correction and classification, fair comment and fair damages.
     Sixth, create law of defamation. All over the world countries are concerning defamation, and how to deal with the litigations of defamation are big problems. Some countries are innovation, and they make some measures to deal with defamation issues. The most famous is UCCDA. It prefers remedy reputation to damages timely and adequately. It is way for us to resolve defamation.
     In the last, I create draft of law of defamation.
    [2]The act of harming the reputation of another by making a false statement to a third person.Defamation:1.If the alleged defamation involves a matter of public concern,the plaintiffis constitutionally required to prove both the statement's falsity and the defendant's fault.2.A false written or oral statement that damages another's reputation.
    [3]P.H.Winfied,ATextbook of the Law of Tort§72,at 242(5th ed.1950),"Defamation is the publication of a statement which tends to lower a person in the estimation of right-think members or society generally;or which tends to make them shun or avoid that person."。
    [4]中国社会科学院语言研究所词典编辑室 编:现代汉语词典,商务印书馆,1984年,第315页。
    转引Your Soupoff V.Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer(1934),50T.L.R.501.
    转引John G Fleming:《民事侵权法概论》,何美欢译,香港中文大学出版社1992年版,第173页。
    [3]Rodney A·Smolla.Law of defamation,[M].New York,N.Y.:Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p1-8.
    [1]Rodney A·Smolla.Law of defamation,[M].New York,N.Y.:Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p1-9
    [2]Aaron Perzanowski:Relative Access to Corrective Speech:A New Test for Requiring Actual Malice,CALIFORNIA LAW REVIEW,Vol.94:833.
    转引:《外国法制史资料选编》 上册,北京大学出版社1982年版,第50页。
    [2]施春强:英美诽谤的历史发展,硕士论文,2006年华东政法学院硕士论文,转引dorothy whitelock ed.,english historical documents,vol.1,eyre&spottiswoode ltd.,london,1995,p372.
    转引R.H.Helmholz,the oxford history of the laws of english,vol.1,the canon law and ecclesiastical jurisdiction from 597 to the 1640s,oxford university press,2004,pp572-573.
    [2]Rodney A.Smolla,Law of defamation,[M]New York:N.Y.Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p1-4。
    转引:Willianm E.Francois,Mass Media Law and Regulation,four edition,Macmillan Publishing Company,1986 at 86.
    [1]Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;or abridging the freedom of speech,or of the press;or the right of the people peaceably to assemble,and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances。
    [1]Rodney A.Smolla,Law of defamation,[M]New York:N.Y.Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p1-19。
    [5]Rodney A.Smolla,Law of defamation,[M]New York:N.Y.Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p1-19,Freedom to think as you will and to speak as you think are means indispensible to the discovery and spread of political truth.
    转引:谢怀轼:《外国民商法》 (上),第30页。
    [1]托比·门德尔(Toby Mendel):诽谤的定义:言论自由与保护名誉的原则,载陈力丹编《自由与责任:国际社会新闻自律研究》,河南大学出版社,2006第1版,第173页。
    转引:参见Open Door Counselling and Dublin Woman Well Centre and Other诉爱尔兰一案,1992年10月29日,申请号1423/88及142335/88(欧洲人权法院),第73段。
    [4]Rodney A.Smolla,Law of defamation,[M]New York,N.Y.:Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,P1-16。
    [1]The First Amendement declares that "no law" shall abridge the freedom of speech or of the press."No law" means no law.Speech and press are absolutely protected from interference by the government.There are no exceptions.This is what was intended by the men who drafted the First Amendment。
    转引:Rosenblatt v.Baer,383U.S.75(1966).
    [1][英]SALLIE SPILSBURY:MEDIA LAW,武汉大学出版社,2004年第1版,第94页。
    [2]Rodney A.Smolla,Law of defamation,New York:N.Y.Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p6-12。
    [1]James A Henderson,The Torts Process,2003,at 695.
    [2]Peter F Carter-Ruck、Richard Walker、Harvey N A Starte,Carter-Ruck on Libel and Slander 1992,at 36-37.
    [1]Rodney A.Smolla,Law of defamation,New York:N.Y.Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p6-12。
    [2]Rodney A.Smolla,Law of defamation,[M]New York:N.Y.Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p4-3,
    转引Prosser and Keteton,supra note 1,§111,at 773.
    [3]Rodney A.Smolla,Law of defamation,[M]New York:N.Y.Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p4-3,
    转引Parmite v.Coupland,6 M.& W.105,109,151 Eng.Rep.340,342(1840),quoted in L.Eldredge,The Law of Defamation § 7,at 31(1978).
    [4]Rodney A.Smolla,Law of defamation,[M]New York:N.Y.Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p4-3,
    转引Gallagher v.Johnson,611 P.2d 613(Mont.1980).
    [1]A communication is defamatory if it tends so to harm the reputation of another as to lower him in the estimation of the community or to deter third persons from associating or dealing with him.
    [1]Brian Neill,Richard Rampton.Duncan and Neill on defamation,London Butterworths,1983(1),p10.
    [2]John W.Wade,Victor E.Schwartz,Kathryn Kelly,David F.Partlett.Cases and materials on torts.[M]Westbury,New York:the foundation press,Inc.1994(9).P872.
    [1]John W.Wade,Victor E.Schwartz,Kathryn Kelly,David F.Partlett Cases and materials on torts.[M]Westbury,New York:the foundation press,Inc.,1994(9).P872.
    [1]John W.Wade,Victor E.Schwartz,Kathryn Kelly,David F.Partlett.Cases and materials on torts.[M]Westbury,New York:the foundation press,Inc.1994(9).P873.
    [2]Sheldon W.Halpern.The law of defamation,privacy,publicity,and moral right.[M]JPm book,columbus,ohio(4).P12.
    [3]Rodney A.Smolla,Law of defamation,[M]New York,N.Y.:Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,P4-60.
    [1]Rodney A.Smolla,Law of defamation,[M]New York:N.Y.Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,P15-8.
    [2]John W.Wade,Victor E.Schwartz,Kathryn Kelly,David F.Partlett.Cases and materials on torts.[M]Westbury,New York::the foundation press,Inc.1994(9),P872.
    [1]Brian Neill,Richard Rampton.Duncan and Neill on defamation,[M]London Butterworths,1983(1),p10.
    [2]Rodney A.Smolla,Law of defamation,[M]New York:N.Y.Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,P4-60.
    [3]Rodney A.Smolla,Law of defamation,[M]New York:N.Y.Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,P4-60.
    [1]Rodney A.Smolla,Law of defamation,[M]New York:N.Y.Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,P4-62.
    [1]以上英国的四点判定标准,是本人整理David Price LL.B.,defamation law,procedure & practice,2001 second edition,p28-29.
    [1]1 Responsibility for publication(1) In defamation proceedings a person has a defence if he shows that-(c) he did not know,and had no reason to believe,that what he did caused or contributed to the publication of a defamatory statement.
    [2]§ 560.Defamation of Deceased Persons:One who publishes defamatory matter concerning a deceased person is not liable either to the estate of the person or to his descendants or relatives。
    [1]No cause of action for defamation of,or against,deceased persons:A person(including a personal representative of a deceased person) can not assert,continue or enforce a cause of action for defamation in relation to-(a) the publication of defamatory matter about a deceased person(whether published before or after his or her death。
    [2]杰弗里·S·布罗姆伊 著:论群体组织名誉权的五因素分析法,载名誉侵权责任,张民安主编,2008年第1版,第222页。
    [3]杰弗里·S·布罗姆伊 著:论群体组织名誉权的五因素分析法,载名誉侵权责任,张民安主编,2008年第1版,第223页。
    [3]A communication is defamatory if it tends so to harm the reputation of another as to lower him in the estimation of the community or to deter third person from associating or dealing with him.
    [1]Accordingly,the publication of defamatory matter of any kind is actionable without proof of special damage.
    [1]Rodney A·Smolla.Law of defamation,[M].New York,N.Y.:Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p9-11.
    [2]Rodney A·Smolla.Law of defamation,[M].New York,N.Y.:Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p9-12.
    [3]Rodney A·Smolla.Law of defamation,[M].New York,N.Y.:Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p9-12.
    [4]Rodney A·Smolla.Law of defamation,[M].New York,N.Y.:Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p9-12.
    [6]Rodney A.Smolla,Law of defamation,[M]New York:N.Y.Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p3-36。,
    [2]Rodney A.Smolla,Law of defamation,[M]New York:N.Y.Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p3-37,
    转引起Id.at 732.
    [3]Rodney A.Smolla,Law of defamation,[M]New York:N.Y.Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p3-37——38,
    转引See Stone v.Essex County Newspapers,Inc.,367 Mass.849,886,330 N.E.2d 161,173(1975).
    [4][德]迪特尔·施瓦布 著:民法导论,法律出版社,2006年第1版,198页。
    [6][德]迪特尔·施瓦布 著:民法导论,法律出版社,2006年第1版,198页。
    [1]史尚宽 著:债法总论,中国政法大学出版社,2000第1版,第116页。
    [3]史尚宽 著:债法总论,中国政法大学出版社,2000第1版,第115页。
    [1]史尚宽 著:债法总论,中国政法大学出版社,2000第1版,第116页。
    [2][德]迪特尔·施瓦布 著:民法导论,法律出版社,2006年第1版,198页。
    [4]史尚宽 著:债法总论,中国政法大学出版社,2000第1版,第116页。
    [5]史尚宽 著:债法总论,中国政法大学出版社,2000第1版,第116页。
    [6]史尚宽 著:债法总论,中国政法大学出版社,2000第1版,第116页。
    [2]With knowledge that it was false or with reckless disregard of whether it was false or not.
    [1]Rodney A.Smolla,Law of defamation,[M]New York:N.Y.Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p3-38。
    [2]Rodney A.Smolla,Law of defamation,[M]New York:N.Y.Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p3-29。
    [3]本案例来源于魏永征的从沙利文原则到雷诺兹特权——对借鉴外国诽谤法的思考, http//www.zjol.com.cn/05cjr/system/2007/08/09/008683898.shtml。
    [1]1 Responsibility for publication(c) he did not know,and had no reason to believe,that what he did caused or contributed to the publication of a defamatory statement.。
    [3]李国民:公共人物 实际恶意 公正评论,载检察日报。
    [1]李国民:公共人物 实际恶意 公正评论,载检察日报。
    [2]李国民:公共人物 实际恶意 公正评论,载检察日报。
    [1]Sheldon W.Halpern.The law of defamation,privacy,publicity,and moral right.[M]JPm book,columbus,ohio(4):19。
    [1]http://www.squidoo.com/cda230,In that case,the plaintiff sued America Online,Inc.for failing to remove defamatory messages posted by an identified third party,refusing to post retractions of those messages,and failing to screen for similar postings after being made aware of the defamatory nature of the messages。
    [3]http://www.squidoo.com/cda230,The Court specifically rejected Zeran's contention that Section 230 eliminated only publisher liability,leaving the liability of distributors of defamatory material intact,holding that distributor liability was "merely a subset,or species,of publisher liability,and is therefore also foreclosed by § 230"。
    [1]Defamation Act 1996,1 Responsibility for publication(1) In defamation proceedings a person has a defence if he show that-(a) he was not the author,editor or publisher of the statement complained of,(b) he took reasonable care in relation to its publication,and(c) he did not know,and had no reason to believe,that what he did caused or contributed to the publication of a defamatory statement。
    [2]Defamation Act 1996,1 Responsibility for publication(2)(2) For this purpose "author","editor" and "publisher"have the following meanings,which are further explained in subsection(3)—"author" means the originator of the statement,but does not include a person who did not intend that his statement be published at all;"editor" means a person having editorial or equivalent responsibility for the content of the statement or the decision to publish it;and "publisher" means a commercial publisher,that is,a person whose business is issuing material to the public,or a section of the public,who issues material containing the statement in the course of that business。
    [1]Defamation Act 1996,1 Responsibility for publication(3) A person shall not be considered the author,editor or publisher of a statement if he is only involved—(a) in printing,producing,distributing or selling printed material containing the statement;
    [2]Defamation Act 1996,1 Responsibility for publication(3) A person shall not be considered the author,editor or publisher of a statement if he is only involved—(c)In processing,making copies of,distributing or selling any electronic medium in or on which the statement is recorded,or in operating or providing any equipment,system or service by means of which the statement is retrieved,copied,distributed or made available in electronic form。
    [3]Defamation Act 1996,1 Responsibility for publication(3) A person shall not be considered the author,editor or publisher of a statement if he is only involved—(e)As the operator of or provider of access to a communications system by means of which the statement is transmitted,or made available,by a person whom he has no effective control。
    [4]Defamation Act 1996,1 Responsibility for publication(5) In determining for the purposes of this section whether a person took reasonable care,or had reason to believe that what he did caused or contributed to the publication of a defamatory statement,regard shall be had to—
    (a) the extent of his responsibility for the content of the statement or the decision to publish it,
    (b) the nature or circumstances of the publication,and
    (c) the previous conduct or character of the author,editor or publisher。
    [1]http://www.cyber-rights.org/reports/demon.htm,According to Mr Justice Morland,"this posting was squalid,obscene and defamatory of the plaintiff." Furthermore,in the judgment of Mr Justice Morland,"the defamatory posting was published by the Defendants and,as from the 17th January 1997 they knew of the defamatory content of the posting,they cannot avail themselves of the protection provided by Section 1 of the Defamation Act 1996 and their defence under Section 1 is in law hopeless"。
    [2]http://www.cyber-rights.org/reports/demon.htm,The main legal issue discussed within this case is section 1 of the Defamation Act 1996 which deals with the defence of innocent dissemination.(8) For the defence to succeed under section 1,the defendant needs to establish that(a) he was not the author,editor or publisher of the statement complained of;(b) he took reasonable care in relation to its publication;and(c) he did not know,and had no reason to believe,that what he did caused or contributed to the publication of a defamatory statement.。
    [3]http://www.cyber-rights.org/reports/demon.htm,The defence of innocent dissemination has never provided an absolute immunity for distributors,however mechanical their contribution.It does not protect those who knew that the material they were handling was defamatory,or who ought to have known of its nature.Those safeguards are preserved,so that the defence is not available to a defendant who knew that his act involved or contributed to publication defamatory of the plaintiff.It is available only if,having taken all reasonable care,the defendant had no reason to suspect that his act had that effect。
    [1]http://www.cyber-rights.org/reports/demon.htm,ISPs cannot now put their heads in the sand and kid themselves they are not publishing libelous messages."
    [2]http://www.cyber-rights.org/reports/demon.htm,the decision could have a profound impact on the entire Internet community if Internet Service Providers are charged with responsibility for monitoring personal opinions carried over the Internet."(20) Demon Internet further argued in a post judgment press release that the possibility of an Internet Service Provider being held liable for any content posted on the Internet,"opens up the debate on free speech and censorship of such content"。
    [3]http://www.cyber-rights.org/reports/demon.htm,this decision will have a profound effect on cyber-speech," and the ruling,if not reversed on appeal "would make Britain,a very hostile place for network development in the Information Age."(21) According to the organization,"the Defamation Act does not give adequate protection to the ISPs" and "the decision will have a chilling effect over the Internet communications"。
    [4]http://www.cyber-rights.org/reports/demon.htm,It is also totally unacceptable that an offended party should simply notify an Internet Service Provider claiming the information to be legally defamatory.The current state of the UK laws forces the ISPs to be the defendant,judge,and the jury at the same time.Notice should not be enough in such cases。
    [2]Consent:the word "consent" is used throughout the Restatement of this Subject to denote willingness in fact that an act or an invasion of an interest shall take place.
    转引:Pulverman v.A.S.Abell Co.,228F.2d 797(1956).
    转引:Pressley v.Continental Can Co.,250 S.E.2d 676(1978).
    [2]That the freedom of speech and debates or proceedings in Parliament ought not to be impeached or questioned in any court or place out of Parliament。
    [3]For any speech or debate in either house,they shall not be questioned in any other place.
    [1]刘兴善 译:美国法律整编侵权行为法,司法周刊杂志社印行,1986年5月印,485页。
    [2]United states v.Johnson,383 U.S.169,178(1966)。
    [3]Rodney A.Smolla,Law of defamation,[M]New York:N.Y.Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p8-13。
    [4]Rodney A.Smolla,Law of defamation,[M]New York:N.Y.Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p8-13。
    [5]Rodney A.Smolla,Law of defamation,[M]New York:N.Y.Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p8-15。
    [1]Rodney A.Smolla,Law of defamation,[M]New York:N.Y.Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p8-6。
    [3]Rodney A.Smolla,Law of defamation,[M]New York:N.Y.Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p8-7。
    [1]Rodney A.Smolla,Law of defamation,[M]New York:N.Y.Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p8-18。
    [1]Rodney A.Smolla,Law of defamation,[M]New York:N.Y.Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p8-18。
    [2]http://www.altlaw.org/vl/cases/851075,The defense of Philco is that its report to the United States is protected by an absolute privilege two-fold grounded.First,it was a communication required of and made by Philco as an agency of the United States government;and secondly,it was the initial step in a quasi-judicial proceeding,i.e.the administrative inquiry provided by the Defense Department as a remedy for an unjust implication.Since we hold the communication absolutely privileged on the first ground,we neither explore the mechanics of the administrative inquiry nor resolve the contention of the plaintiffs that it is not in any sense a judicial proceeding.
    [2]Rodney A.Smolla,Law of defamation,[M]New York:N.Y.Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p8-20。
    [3]Rodney A.Smolla,Law of defamation,[M]New York:N.Y.Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p8-20。
    [1]梁书文、杨立新、杨洪逵 编著:审理名誉权杂件司法解释理解与适用,中国法制出版社,2001年第1版,第40页。
    [2]梁书文、杨立新、杨洪逵 编著:审理名誉权杂件司法解释理解与适用,中国法制出版社,2001年第1版,第40页。
    [1]梁书文、杨立新、杨洪逵 编著:审理名誉权杂件司法解释理解与适用,中国法制出版社,2001年第1版,第48页
    [1]梁书文、杨立新、杨洪逵 编著:审理名誉权杂件司法解释理解与适用,中国法制出版社,2001年第1版,第28页。
    [2]Defamation act 1996:(1) In defamation proceedings a person has a defence if he shows that-(a) he was not the author,editor or publisher of the statement complained of.
    [1]梁书文、杨立新、杨洪逵 编著:审理名誉权杂件司法解释理解与适用,中国法制出版社,2001年第1版,第43页。
    [2]王利明、杨立新 主编:人格权与新闻侵权,中国方正出版社,2000年第2版,第648页。
    [1]王利明、杨立新 主编:人格权与新闻侵权,中国方正出版社,2000年第2版,第648页,
    [1]Rodney A.Smolla,Law of defamation,[M]New York:N.Y.Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p8-20。
    [1]参见Zuschek v.Whitmoyef Lab,Inc.
    [1]Rodney A.Smolla,Law of defamation,[M]New York:N.Y.Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p8-29。
    [1]Rodney A.Smolla,Law of defamation,[M]New York:N.Y.Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p8-30。
    [1]Rodney A.Smolla,Law of defamation,[M]New York:N.Y.Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p6-12。
    [2]Rodney A.Smolla,Law of defamation,[M]New York:N.Y.Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p6-16.3。
    [3]See Restatement of Torts § 566 comment c(1977)。
    [4]Pritsker v.Brudnoy,http//masscases.com/cases/sjc/389/389mass776.html.
    [1]ROBERT W.SIBLEY vs.HOLYOKE TRANSCRIPT-TELEGRAM PUBLISHING CO.,INC.http://masscases.com/cases/sjc/391/391mass468.html,The purpose of the privilege is to ensure that publications may perform the important function of informing the public of actions taken by the courts.
    [2]Rodney A.Smolla,Law of defamation,[M]New York:N.Y.Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p8-34。
    [1]潘维大 编著:英美侵权行为法案例解析,高等教育出版社,2005年第1版,440页。
    转引:See W.V.Horton Rogers ed.,Damages for Non-Pecuniary Loss in a Comparative Perspective,Springer Wien New York,2001,P.280.
    [1]Rodney A · Smolla.Law of defamation,[M].New York,N.Y.:Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p9-4.
    [2]Brian Neill,Richard Rampton.Duncan and Neill on defamation[M],London Butterworths,1983(1),p123.
    [3]Brian Neill,Richard Rampton.Duncan and Neill on defamation,London Butterworths,1983(1),p123.
    [1]Rodney A · Smolla.Law of defamation,[M].New York,N.Y.:Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p9-5.
    [2]Rodney A · Smolla.Law of defamation,[M].New York,N.Y.:Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p9-5.
    [3]Rodney A · Smolla.Law of defamation,[M].New York,N.Y.:Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p9-5.
    [5]Rodney A · Smolla.Law of defamation,[M].New York,N.Y.:Clark.Boardman CO.,Ltd.1986,p9-7.
    [1]Rodney A · Smolla.Law of defamation,[M].New York,N.Y.:Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p9-7.
    [1]Rodney A · Smolla.Law of defamation,[M].New York,N.Y.:Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p9-7.
    [2]Sheldon W.Halpern.The law of defamation,privacy,publicity,and moral right.[M]JPm book,columbus,ohio(4):159。
    [1]Rodney A · Smolla.Law of defamation,[M].New York,N.Y.:Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p9-11.
    [2]Rodney A · Smolla.Law of defamation,[M].New York,N.Y.:Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p9-11.
    [3]Rodney A · Smolla.Law of defamation,[M].New York,N.Y.:Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p9-12.
    [4]Sheldon W.Halpern.The law of defamation,privacy,publicity,and moral right.[M]JPm book,columbus,ohio(4):159。
    [5]Rodney A · Smolla.Law of defamation,[M].New York,N.Y.:Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p9-12.
    [6]Rodney A · Smolla.Law of defamation,[M].New York,N.Y.:Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p9-12.
    [7]Rodney A · Smolla.Law of defamation,[M].New York,N.Y.:Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p9-12.
    [1]Rodney A·Smolla.Law of defamation,[M].New York,N.Y.:Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p9-14.
    [2]Rodney A·Smolla.Law of defamation,[M].New York,N.Y.:Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p9-14.
    [3]Rodney A·Smolla.Law of defamation,[M].New York,N.Y.:Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p9-14.
    [2]Sheldon W.Halpern.The law of defamation,privacy,publicity,and moral right.[M]JPm book,columbus,ohio(4):167。
    [1]Sheldon W.Halpern.The law of defamation,privacy,publicity,and moral right.[M]JPm book,columbus,ohio(4):177。
    [2]Sheldon W.Halpern.The law of defamation,privacy,publicity,and moral right.[M]JPm book,columbus,ohio(4):177。
    [5]公开宣称救济(declaratory judgments),有时也译成确认判决或径行判决,似类于我国民事诉讼中的确认被告所说是诽谤的。
    [6]刘兴善 译:美国法律整编侵权行为法,司法周刊杂志社印行,1986年5月,第517页。
    [1]刘兴善 译:美国法律整编侵权行为法,司法周刊杂志社印行,1986年5月,第519页。
    [2]刘兴善 译:美国法律整编侵权行为法,司法周刊杂志社印行,1986年5月,第519页。
    [2]Article 19(the press-freedom NGO) states(Section 2,Principle 4),Regional Conference on Defamation and Freedom of Expression-Strasbourg,17-18 October 2002).
    [4]http://www.osce.org,The European Court of Human Rights has on at least four occasions rejected states' attempts to punish with penal sanctions for defamation(WPFC 2005,7).。
    [5]http://www.osce.org,The United Nations Human Rights Commission regards the use of criminal penalties in defamation cases as an indication of the restriction on freedom of expression(WPFC 2005,7)。
    [6]台湾中时:马英九撤回告诉,要不要功德做到底?http://www.chinareviewnews.com,2008-07-25 08:44:16。
    [6]Introduction to defamation,http://mavrkylawofdefamation.blogspot.com/2007/01/introduction-to-defamation-chapter-1.html.
    [1]Iowa Libel Research Project,http://faculty.wartburg.edu/stein/law/IowaLibelProject.htm.
    [2]Iowa Libel Research Project,http://faculty.wartburg.edu/stein/law/IowaLibelProject.htm.
    [1]California Anti-SLAPP Project:Metabolife v.Wornick,http://www.casp.net/cases/Metabolife%20International%20v.%20Wornick%20I.html.
    [2]Rodney A.Smolla,Law of defamation,[M]New York:N.Y.Clark.Boardman Co.,Ltd.1986,p9-46-9-52.
    [1]草案的具体内容参见袁雪石、陈怡:在激进与保守之间:1958年德国民法典人格和名誉保护改革法草案评述,载王利明葛维宝 主编:中美法学前沿对话人格权法及侵权法专题研究,2006年第1版,439-457页。
    [1]托比·门德尔(Toby Mendel):诽谤的定义:言论自由与保护名誉的原则,载陈力丹编《自由与责任:国际社会新闻自律研究》,河南大学出版社,2006(1),第169。
    [2]托比·门德尔(Toby Mendel):诽谤的定义:言论自由与保护名誉的原则,载陈力丹编《自由与责任:国际社会新闻自律研究》,河南大学出版社,2006(1),第169。
    [3]以下具体内容参见托比·门德尔(Toby Mendel):诽谤的定义:言论自由与保护名誉的原则,载陈力丹编《自由与责任:国际社会新闻自律研究》,河南大学出版社,2006第1版,第172-190页。
    [1]S02G0361.Mathis v.Cannon,http://www.securitymanagement.com/archive/library/Georgia_Internet1202.pdf.
    7、郑冲 贾红梅译:《德国民法典》,法律出版社1999年5月第1版。
    9、[英]戴雪著 雷宾南译:《英宪精义》,中国法制出版社2001年4月第1版。
    14、陈力丹著:《精神交往论——马克思恩格斯的传播观》,中国人民大学出版社 2008年7月第1版。
    37、[美]唐·R·彭伯著,张金玺、赵刚译:《大众传媒法》,中国人民大学出版社2005 年7月第1版。
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    78、Stephen A·Saltzburg著,段重民译:《美国联邦证据法》,司法周刊杂志社1985年6月第1版。
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    12. Raymond E. Brown: The Law of Defamation in Canada, Carswell Company Limited, 1987.
    14. Brian Neill, Richard Rampton: Duncan and Neill on Defamation, London BUTTERWORTHS, 1983,Second Edition.
    15. Barbara Dill: The Journalist's Handbook on Libel and Privacy, THE FREE PRESS. 1986.
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    18. JANE WRIGHT: Tort Law and Human Rights, HART PUBLISIHING, 2001.
    19. David Price: Defamation Law, Procedure&Practice, SWEET&MAXWELL Limited, 2001, Second edition.
    21. Sheldon W. Halpern: The Law of Defamation, Privacy, Publicity, and Moral Right Cases and Materials on Protection of Personality Interests, JPm books, 2000, Fourth Edition.
    22. PHILIP S. JEAMES: General Principles of the Law of Torts, London BUTTERWORTHS, 1978.
    23. Robert L. Rabin: Perspectives on Tort Law, LB Company, 1995, Fourth Edition.
    25. Steven L. Emanuel: Property, 中信出版社, 2003 年第1版。
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