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As a legal monopoly right, the intellectual property right (IPR) is an important mechanism design to drive the progress of science and technology, economic prosperity and social development, so it is usually as an exception to the application of anti-monopoly law. However, the IPR as exclusive right often makes its owner get monopoly or dominant status in a certain market which restricts the market competition, especially in some circumstances the owner may abuse the exclusive right and perform unfairly the IPR to restrict the market competition illegally, as such violating the anti-monopoly law.
     Making the‘refusal of permission in the IPR’which is suspicious of performing the IPR unfairly as a research object, and from the of jurisprudence and comparative law, the thesis discusses the application of the unfair performance in the anti-monopoly law,and puts forward concrete advice on the control of abusing the refusal of permission in the IPR so as to make the theories of anti-monopoly law and the IPR law. In the meantime, the pertinent theoretical basis and concrete reference opinions are also brought forward on our on-going anti-monopoly legislation and its future legislation on the IPR field.
     The thesis holds that as for the IPR especially for the patent, the discretion to authorizing or not is its core right content, so in usual circumstance the refusal of authorizing by the owner of the IPR is not illegal. But once the owner’s such conduct may cumber, restrict or even eliminate competition and by thus damaging the social public interests, it is necessary for the anti-monopoly law to interfere.
     However, as to a concrete permission refused in the IPR, how to classify whether it constitutes the prescribed object or not is a disputed focus in the theory and practice, and it is also a rub in the application of anti--monopoly law of the permission refused in the IPR. Starting from the four modes of the permission refused in the IPR, the thesis discusses the relevant law and regulation on the cognizance of the illegality of the permission refused in the IPR to give some guidance to the cognizance. As for the legal remedy of permission refused in the IPR, the thesis thinks that the main approach is to exert the obligation of compulsory permission to the owner of the IPR, including the positive compulsory permission and passive compulsory permission- refusing to award the injunctive by the court to restrict the IPR owner’s monopolizing markets.
     The thesis is formed of five chapters in structure:
     The first chapter is‘permission, permission in the IPR and permission refused in the IPR’which briefly introduces their concepts, nature, characteristics and their relations with the anti-monopoly law.
     The second chapter‘the cognizance of the illegality in the anti-monopoly law of the permission refused in the IPR’is an emphasis in this thesis. The chapter, starting from the four kinds of the permission refused in the IPR, analyzes their respective conditions in the establishment of violating the anti-monopoly law. In the cognizance of the illegality in the anti-monopoly law of the four kinds of permissions refused in the IPR, the writer believes that for the modes of permission refused such as combined permission refused, conditional permission refused and exclusive transaction, the traditional theory of the anti-monopoly law can give enough theoretical support, but for the cognizance of the illegality of purely unilateral permission refused, it is necessary to introduce the theory or method of‘key establishment’, presumption of rationality and counter evidence to review and prove. The third chapter‘the legal remedy to the permission refused in the IPR’introduces in chief the legal norms after the cognizance of the permission refused in the IPR. This thesis mainly considers the issue in remedy level, holding that the remedy to the victims of the permission refused in the IPR is the compulsory authorizing, including the frontal compulsory permission and awarding the injunctive by the court.
     The fourth chapter‘the discussion on the issue of anti-monopoly legislation on our country’s permission refused in the IPR’analyzes chiefly the monopoly problems faced our country’s IPR domain and puts forward the countermeasures and schemes to these problems.
     The fifth chapter is Conclusion that summarizes the main opinions of the thesis.
1 [美]Jay Dratler,Jr.著,王春燕等译:《知识产权许可》(上),清华大学出版社 2003 年版,第 1 页。
     2 [美]Jay Dratler,Jr.著,王春燕等译:《知识产权许可》(上),清华大学出版社 2003 年版。第 16-24 页。
    3 [美]Jay Dratler,Jr.著,王春燕等译:《知识产权许可》(上),清华大学出版社 2003 年版。第 24-30 页。
     4 see Angel Tradacete, Competition Law and Intellectual Property Rights,“公平竞争与市场经济”上海国际研讨会综合资料。
     5 刘宁元、司平平、林燕萍著:《国际反垄断法》,上海人民出版社 2002 年版。第 174 页。
     6 王晓晔、[日]伊从宽主编:《竞争法与发展经济》,社会科学文献出版社 2003 年版,第 55-56 页。
    8 see Notices on the application of the comptition Rule to access agreements in the telecommunications sector(1998) ,转引自文学国著:《滥用与规制》,法律出版社 2003 年版,第 429 页。
     9 [美]Jay Dratler,Jr.著,王春燕等译:《知识产权许可》(上),清华大学出版社 2003 年版,第 444-445页。
    10同上,第 448 页。
    11 195 F.3D 1346(Fed.Cir.1999.转引自杨宏晖:创新诱因的维护与竞争法规范。《公平交易季刊》第十二卷第二期,第 67-112 页.
    12 Debra A . Valentine, Abuse of Dominance in Relation to Intellectual Property : U. S .Perspectives and the Intel Cases, Before the Israel International Antitrust Conference , November 15 ,1999,http : //www. ftc. gov, last viewed at December 2 ,2002. 。
    13 IMS Health INC .v .EC Commission,Case T-184/01 R I,[2002]4C.M.L.R.1. 转引自[美]D.D.埃利斯:《TRIPs 协议中的知识产权与竞争法:美国与欧盟的经验》,载王晓晔、[日]伊从宽主编:《竞争法与发展经济》,社会科学文献出版社 2003 年版。第 215 页。
     14 Vgl. Emmerich, Kartellrcht,Murnchen 1999,s.47ff.转引自韩赤风:《对 DVD 事件中知识产权滥用的法律思考》,载《法商研究》2005 年第 3 期。
     15 36 F.3d 1147(1 Cir.1994),转引自(台湾)陈志明:反托拉斯法规范掠夺行为之现在和未来——新经济制度下之省思。《政大法学评论》第 81 期,2004,第 261—262 页。
     16 Vgl. Emmerich, Kartellrcht,Murnchen 1999,s.17ff.转引自韩赤风:《对 DVD 事件中知识产权滥用的法律思考》,载《法 商研究》2005 年第 3 期。
     17国家知识产权局知识产权发展研究中心:《规制知识产权的权利行使》,知识产权出版社 2004 年版。第87-111 页。
    18 Vgl. Emmerich, Kartellrcht,Murnchen 199,s.47f.转引自韩赤风:《对 DVD 事件中知识产权滥用的法律思考》,载《法商研究》2005 年第 3 期。
     19 王晓晔著:《欧共体竞争法》,中国法制出版社 2001 年版,第 88 页。
    20联合国《竞争法示范法》,李墨丝译,林燕萍校。载《华东政法学院学报》2005 年第 4 期。
     21 理查德·A·波斯纳著、孙秋宁译:《反托拉斯法》,中国政法大学出版社 2003 年,第 281 页。
    22 美国《知识产权许可中的反垄断指南》,转引自国家知识产权局知识产权发展研究中心:《规制知识产权的权利行使》,知识产权出版社 2004 年版,第 402—403 页。
    23 Faull & Nikpay, The EC Law of Competition, Oxfora, University Press,1999,p633. 转引自文学国著:《滥用与规制》,法律出版社 2003 年版,第 457 页。
    24 冯洁菡著:《公共健康危机与 WTO 知识产权制度的改革》,武汉大学出版社,2005 年版,第 113 页。
    25 国家知识产权局知识产权发展研究中心:《规制知识产权的权利行使》,知识产权出版社 2004 年版,第341 页。
    26 国家知识产权局知识产权发展研究中心:《规制知识产权的权利行使》,知识产权出版社 2004 年版,,第429 页。
    27 [日本]丹宗昭信等:《现代经济法入门》,谢次昌译,群众出版社 1985 年版,第 208 页。
     28 郑成思著:《WTO 知识产权协议逐条讲解》,中国方正出版社 2001 版,第 205 页。
     29 [美]Jay Dratler,Jr.著,王春燕等译:《知识产权许可》(上、下册),清华大学出版社 2003 年版,第 233页。
    30 国家工商总局公平交易局反垄断处:《在华跨国公司限制竞争行为表现及对策》,载〈工商行政管理〉2004(5),
    31 国家知识产权局知识产权发展研究中心:《规制知识产权的权利行使》,知识产权出版社 2004 年版,第118 页。
    32 国家知识产权局知识产权发展研究中心:《规制知识产权的权利行使》,知识产权出版社 2004 年版,第15 页。
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