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The financial industry as the economic development of endogenous and core factors, moreand more important position in the economy, especially in the development of the region, hasbecome the critical factor of regional core competitiveness. However, the development of regionalfinancial industry in China presents the obvious non balance phenomenon, to a certain extent thedifferences between regions, but also hindered the coordinated development of regional economy.The non balanced development of regional financial industry phenomenon has also aroused theattention of scholars at home and abroad. The western scholars focus on the regional financial andmonetary policy effects and regional allocation of financial resources and other issues, domesticscholars tend to focus on regional financial development impact on regional economic growth.From the research on the regional financial industry Chinese unbalanced development theory andempirical existing, the dependence on scale, heterogeneity and narrow issues neglected space,related research still needs to be improved and breakthrough. In the framework of regionaleconomic theory, regional development theory, new economic geography theory through theresearch of regional perspective and interpretation of the regional financial industryagglomeration, convergence of disequilibrium and geographical distribution, the in-depthdevelopment of Chinese regional financial industry has important theoretical and practicalsignificance of difference. The theory of spatial economics research focus on the relationshipbetween economic development and spatial distribution characteristics, variation, spatial locationselection and spatial location and economic development. Therefore, based on the regionaldevelopment theory, new economic geography, spatial economics, industrial economics and otherrelated theory, research method using spatial econometrics, combining with the current situationof the regional finance industry analysis of the non balanced development, from the multi anglestudy the financial industry of our country non balanced development characteristic, regularity,influence factors and other aspects, in order to provide certain reference value to the research onthe development of the regional finance industry of our country in the future.
     In the first chapter and the second chapter summarizes the theory of non equilibrium,regional spatial structure theory, financial development theory, the convergence theory and relatedliterature, demonstrate multi aspect, multi angle analysis of the non balanced development,financial development, spatial economics theory and their relations, and tries to establish the nongeneral analytical framework the theory of balanced development of the financial industry,in-depth, systematic study of the financial industry in China to provide theoretical support for thenon balanced development problem.
     The third chapter to7empirical analysis is the main method, in-depth study on thedevelopment of the regional financial difference of industry, agglomeration, convergence. First ofall, the analysis and summary of the non balanced development situation and characteristics ofChina's regional financial industry, including banking, securities, insurance, and based on therelevant academic achievements as well as the availability of data, the panel data of31provincesduring1997-2011, on China's regional financial industry to conduct an empirical Study on the nonbalanced development the problem, the factors change trend difference and influence thedevelopment of regional financial industry of our country from the measure. The results show that,whether from the national, regional or city wide perspective, the development of China's financialindustry has shown a significant non balanced development characteristic. The difference ofregional economic development level of the development of financial industry differentiationintensified. Regional differences in financial development in China is mainly due to thedevelopment of the financial industry of eight regional imbalance. Economic base has significantpositive effect on regional financial development in china. The difference between the provincesof China's economic development has caused the differences of provincial financial development.Secondly, the empirical analysis of the problem of imbalance of efficiency of China's regionalfinancial industry. Using the data of31provinces and cities in China, efficiency and changesthrough the Malmquist index and DEA three stage method of regional financial industry, and theeight economic regions were compared, to provide experience better for promoting the overalldevelopment of China's financial industry. The results show that, the development of China'sfinancial industry has characteristics of regional imbalance significantly, the polarizationphenomenon is very serious, which cause the differences of regional economic development inchina. Again, on the financial industry agglomeration in China present situation and influencefactors of spatial econometric analysis. Using the financial agglomeration index2000-2011Chinese31provincial calculation of Moran 'I index, analysis of spatial correlation of financialindustry agglomeration, status and influence factors of the financial industry agglomeration ofempirical analysis. The results confirmed our country eight economic zones2000-2011years offinancial industry agglomeration has obvious difference. Between the31provinces and cities inour country exists the phenomenon of cluster of clear space, and more significant regionaldifferences, rather than show completely random state. The distribution of31provincial financialindustry agglomeration degree in geography space have remarkable dependence and heterogeneity,and spatial distribution of dependence shows deepening trend. Next, on the convergence ofChina's regional financial industry has carried on the spatial econometric analysis. The coefficientof variation for further analysis of the characteristics of the development stage of regionalfinancial industry in China shows the trend of convergence at the same time, using the mixed regression model, fixed effect model for1978~2011years,1978~1990years,1991~2000years,2001~2011years of development of the regional finance industry of our country in the empiricaland correlation analysis. Study found that, in the presence of spatial fixed effect and time fixedeffects, the development of regional financial industry in our country has the absoluteconvergence trend is obvious, the development of the financial industry trend is influenced greatlyby the development scale of regional financial industry, spatial differences and geographicalproximity significantly affects the development trend of regional finance. At the same time, basedon the Panel-VAR model, the related data from1997-2010years Chinese31provinces, usingempirical estimates of the regional difference of macro economic growth effect of regionalfinancial development in industry of our country. The results show, the two-way interactionclearly exists between financial development and economic growth. The interactive relationshipbetween financial development and economic growth is non symmetry. From the point ofdifference between the macroeconomic effects of the regional perspective, the development ofthree major regional economic growth on financial industry contribution rate has great difference.Because of the financial development has the imbalance in regional development, relationshipbetween financial development and economic sector in the region also exist certain differences.
     Finally, through the theoretical and empirical analysis results, and on the basis of theconclusions on how to co-ordinate the planning of regional financial development, improve thecoordination development of regional financial industry, puts forward some countermeasures andsuggestions: establish and improve overall policy objectives of development of regional financialindustry; implement the differential regional financial industry regulatory policy to furtherbroaden the financing channels; appropriate government intervention;; increase the efficiency ofregional financial industry, increase the financial industry opening.
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