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Middle school science experiment teaching is an important aspect of science teaching. It plays a decisive role in modern science teaching, and is of great significance in student’s training of problem discovery, analysis and solution. However, the current experiment teaching is ubiquitously of many shortcomings, such as the conflicts between student’s personalized demand and the unification of experiment teaching, between student’s eagerness of experiment operation and the limitation of the experimental conditions, between the limitation of student activities and extensiveness of scientific research contents, between student’s lack of direct experience and the abstractness of scientific experiment principle, between the brevity of student’s memory and non-resumption of the scientific experiment scene, as well as between the arbitrary requirements of the experimental analysis and the continuity of scientific experiment process.
     Science is taken from the integration of physics, chemistry and biology, but is higher than the simple synthesis of the three. It is a comprehensive subject with more practice. Traditional teaching methods and means can not completely meet the requirements of scientific experiment teaching, and tend to become empty, boring sermons, easily making students fatigue but can not achieve the expected effect. To solve these problems, the integration of information technology and scientific experiment course becomes the focus of attention of educators especially the front line teachers, and certain achievements and experience has been made in the science teaching practice. However, the integration of information technology and scientific experiment is still in the experience stage, with only particular experiments considered. Most science teachers have misunderstanding or misoperation in information technology and curriculum integration. There are a lot of problems in the integration of information technology and middle school science teaching. The main is as follow:①the blindness of scientific experiments and scientific experiment integration;②the lack of systematic integration of information technology and scientific experiments;③no full exploitation of the information technology advantages;④the lack of systematic study of scientific experiment types;⑤the lack of integration mode study for different scientific experiment types.
     In this paper, the main content includes the following:
     1. First of all, analyzed information technology and curriculum integration, especially the information technology and scientific experiment status quos at home and abroad;
     2. Then explored the theoretical foundation of information technology and scientific experiment integration from three areas of integration of theory, learning theory and the subject ontology. Defined and explained the basic concepts in detail;
     3. Classified the scientific experiments according to their operation object and functions; studied and summarized the knowledge ontology of scientific experiment from three levels of the concept ontology, method ontology and application ontology;
     4. After the overall analyzing of the scientific experiment teaching mode, summarized the concept, method and application ontology of scientific experiment and summed up the their appropriate teaching modes; in addition, presented the ideal instructional design of scientific experiments and the corresponding design principles and strategies in the ideal state;
     5. Put forward the specific diagnosis methods, principles and classification of the common integration points in scientific experiments, and then presented the solutions and strategies to the common integration points in the scientific experiment course;
     6. Directly used information technology in virtual simulation, to make the abstract concepts, principles, theorems and variational process specific and visualized. Based on the analysis of the scientific experiment supporting platform’s construction necessity, this article brought forward the characteristics and design principles of the virtual simulation scientific experiment platform. In addition, it took junior middle school chemistry and electrics in middle school physics as an example, explained the correspondent design, realization methods and application examples of the virtual simulation science laboratories.
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