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In today's Knowledge Based Economy Times, universities and high-tech industry are very closely linked, which has become a significant trend in worldly higher education.Countries all over the world are strengthening the linkages between universities and high-tech industry to promote their higher education, high-tech industry and national economic development. Since the 80s of the 20th century, India has aroused worldwide concern for its rapid development and noteable achivements in the fields of economy, education,scienc and technology, among which universities had made outstanding contributions in the course of the rise of India, especially to the promotion of high-tech industrial development. China as a large developing country in Asia, shares many similarities with India in national conditions. The experience and lessons of the linkages between universities and high-tech industry in India can provide us with useful references and inspirations. Thus this thesis is aimed to conduct an in-depth study over the the linkages between universities and high-tech industry in India by a comprehensive way, and also, to make reference suggestions on the linkages between universities and high-tech industry for China.
     The subject of this thesis is the "linkage point" of universities and high-tech industry in India, the main research goal is to analyze and induct the principle path, forming conditions of the linkages between universities and high-tech industry, and to analyze its effects and inadequate based on clarification of the relationship between universities and high-tech industry. It aims to sum up the experience in the linkages between universities and high-tech industry in India, in order to provide useful reference suggestions to the linkages between universities and high-tech industry to China. To this end, employed the methods of the triple helix model and the human capital theory, using literature, comparative law, and case law, this thesis is aimed to conduct a systematically research on the path, conditions, results, problems and experience of the the linkages between universities and high-tech industry in India.
     The thesis is divided into seven sections as follows:
     "Introduction" section is mainly to explain the core concept and the significance of this study. Based on the literature both domestic and foreign, it established the theoretical basis, research ideas and methods of this thesis,.
     The first chapter argues that the linkages between universities and high-tech industry is a significant trend in higher education. From the vertical perspective, it is a historical necessity; from the horizontal angle of view, in a time knowledge economy, the linkages between universities and high-tech industry is much stressed in each country. India, in the 80s of last century, has started and paid more attention on it.
     ChapterⅡanalyzes the path and administration of the linkages between universities and high-tech industry in India. The path of which can be summarized into two types:indirect path and direct path. Among them, the indirect path is the linkage of universities and high-tech industries through the medium of labor market, that is to say, the linkage brought by university training and employment in high-tech enterprises. Direct path includes the educational cooperation of university and industry, R&D cooperation and services and donations. The administration of the linkages between universities and high-tech industry in India involves many agencies and departments, mainly including relevant government departments and a number of cooperative organizations.
     ChapterⅢillustrates the conditions of the linkages between universities and high-tech industry in India. It is the synthetically result of various factors. Among which, the basic condition are the various policies and measures adopted by government to encourage and guide the linkage. The necessary condition of which is the continuous development and change of universities and high-tech enterprises. Market demand and stimulate of international and domestic are the external drive of the linkage, and the continuously improving laws and regulations are the environmental protection. The various industry organizations played an intermediary role in promoting the important linkage, and the cultural and traditional Indian society is its hidden power.
     ChapterⅣilluminates effects and the problems of India's the linkages between universities and high-tech industry. It has make great contributions to the promotion of higher education in India, to promote high-tech industrial development as well as the Indian economic and social development. The problems of which, however, generally these linkage mainly in labor market, is comparatively week, and the link in each aspect performed a large imbalance.
     Chapter V sums up the experience and enlightenment of India's the linkages between universities and high-tech industry. The experience of which including the options of adaptive development model for national conditions, emphasizing the change of government functions, full use of external force and the level of personnel training and other aspects. Learning from the experience and lessons of India, China need to pay attention to improve the mechanism of the linkages between universities and high-tech industry, accelerate the change of government functions, put more importance on the level of personnel training, the full use of private funds, pay attention to the quality of higher engineering education and certification, creating Good personnel training and deployment mechanism.
     "Conclusion" section emphasizes the necessity and importance of the educational comparison, research and communication between China and India. It also summarizes the innovation of this thesis, the research inadequacy and problems that need further study.
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