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The purpose of this study is to (1) explore the understanding of normal people to mental health, and develop the Mental Health Rating Questionnaire (MHRQ) according to it; (2) construct the relationship model between implicit health and explicit mental health; (3) discuss the relationship of implicit, explicit self-esteem and implicit, explicit mental health.
     First, with using grounded theory, implicit mental health theory and the Mental Health Rating Questionnaire (MHRQ) were developed based on much information about normal people’s understanding of mental health;Secondly, the relationship among implicit, explicit self-esteem and implicit, explicit mental health of college students were studied by the Mental Health Rating Questionnaire (MHRQ) and Implicit Association Test (IAT). Some important conclusions were suggested:
     (1) Implicit mental health conception includes seven factors and MHRQ has good reliability and validity;
     (2) Mental health consists of dual components which are implicit mental health and explicit mental health;
     (3) It has low correlation between implicit self-esteem and explicit self-esteem;
     (4) Implicit self-esteem is positively related to implicit mental health, and explicit self-esteem is positively related to explicit mental health;
     (5) The discrepancy of implicit self-esteem and explicit self-esteem markedly related to implicit, explicit mental health.
     This study extended the research field of mental health by constructing the relationship model between implicit health and explicit mental health and exploring the relationship of implicit, explicit self-esteem and implicit, explicit mental health.
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