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In the customer-centered economic era, it was found that relationship between customers and business is increasingly important. So customer relationship management has been the hot topic both in academic and practice fields. We, however, are still confused about the low rate of successful implementation of customer relationship management. The misunderstanding of the value-driven customer relationships and the lack of effective way to evaluate the customer relationships lead to the failure of customer relationships. This dissertation attempts to solve the problem.
     Customer relationships were studied systematically from a view of business-customer value interaction in this dissertation. Five topics are mainly included, such as (1) The interaction nature of value in customer relationships; (2) The assessment indexes of B2C value, which flows from the business to customer and the assessment indexes of C2B value, which flows from customer to business. Followed by the way of deciding the weights of assessment indexes; (3) Evaluation of customer relationships based on value interaction between Business and Customer; (4) Intelligent assessment of customer value and customer relationships; (5) Dynamic customer relationships based on business-customer value interaction. Generally, the major contents of this dissertation can be described as follows:
     1. Based on a systematic review of the existing literatures about value-view customer relationship, business-customer values interaction were systematically studied. Then, a dyadic value way to study customer relationships was put forward. With customer loyalty as medium, the assessment indexes of B2C value and C2B value were constructed. The Delphi method and the fuzzy hierarchical procedure, which was programmed, were used to decide the weights of the assessment systems. Using General Electronic Matrix, a model to evaluate the customer relationships was constructed. A new way to quantitatively assess the customer relationships asset was put forward. And then different advices for developing the different categories of customer relationships were given accordingly. The theory and method were used in a commercial bank as a case study.
     2. An intelligent assessment system of customer relationships was investigated based on support vector machine. After analysis of the theory of support vector machine, the assessment models for B2C value and C2B value were given. Then the models were implemented in computing language. The results of real data empirical experiments show its feasibility and efficiency.
     3. A new model of dynamic customer relationships based on business-customer interaction value was discussed. With Customer relationship lifetime cycle theory as framework, using absorbing Markov Chain, the model of dynamic customer relationships was constructed. A new quantitative way to assess the customer relationship lifetime value was put forward based on the features of the submatrice of the Markov chain, which not only for calculating the value of customer relationship lifetime for the Business, but also for the customer. And the factors that affect the customer relationship lifetime value were further analyzed. Management implications were then presented.
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