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Person-organization fit can give better guidance of management of human resource. Meanwhile, it can also provide enlightenment for personal career management. Many theoretical researchers and practitioners have recognized its theoretical importance and practical significance and carried out researches on its meaning, measurement, utility, operational mechanisms and practical application. As the springing up of researches on organizational culture, some researchers have begun to probe into person-organization fit from the perspective of organizational culture.
     The object of this study is to probe into the person-organization fit from the perspective of values, namely to systematically investigate the person-organization values fit. By using related methods and inspirations of foreign researchers for reference, this study works over the structure, characteristics, utility and advancing strategies of the person-organization values fit in domestic manufacture enterprises. It has significance not only of the in-depth understanding of person-organization values fit and its better appliance in practice, but also of the research in the field of managerial psychology and human resource management.
     On the basis of literature review, the essay defined person-organization values fit as "the disparity degree between expected organizational values and actually perceived organizational values by individuals". The essay adopted the method of indirect individual-levels measurement and calculated the fit index using the absolute value of subtract. Five investigations were carried out in this study. First, the essay developed Organizational Values Scale with clear structure, high reliability and validity, which was suitable for employees from manufacture enterprises in China. On this basis, a tool for measuring the person-organization values fit was developed. Second, the essay investigated the characteristics of the person-organization values fit in the domestic manufacture enterprises, and discussed the influence of the variables such as employee's gender, age, education, length of service and types of enterprises on the person-organization values fit. Third, the essays investigated the influence of the person-organization values fit on individual job satisfaction, job involvement, perceived organizational support and intention to quit. Fourth, it investigated the person-organization values fit's influence on organizational effectiveness. Finally, it investigated the strategies for advancing the person-organization values fit used in the human resource management in enterprises and further confirms the effectiveness of various strategies by analytical hierarchy process (AHP).
     The conclusions are as the follows:
     (a) With an advance questionnaire administrated on 175 employees, an exploratory factor analysis of the data from 426 employees and confirmatory factor analysis of the data from 457 employees, the result showed that organizational values included 9 factors: humanism orientation, team orientation, identity orientation, client orientation, product orientation, social responsibility orientation, innovation orientation, performance orientation and science orientation. The Organizational Values Scale had high reliability and validity, which could be used as the measurement tool for organizational values.
     (b) A survey on 798 employees from manufacture enterprises showed that the person-organization values fit had different fit degrees in different factors. The person-organization values fit with the identity orientation was the best, and the person-organization values fit with the humanism orientation was the worst.
     (c) Demographic variables had a lesser influence on the person-organization values fit. There was a discrepancy in the person-organization values fit in different types of enterprises. As a whole, the person-organization values fit in foreign-funded enterprises and joint ventures was better than that in state-owned enterprises and private ones.
     (d) The person-organization values fit had a significant positive prediction of job satisfaction, job involvement, and perceived organizational support, and had a significant negative prediction of intention to quit.
     (e) The person-organization values fit had a certain relation with organizational effectiveness. The person-organization values fit with the identity orientation had a significant positive prediction of organizational effectiveness.
     (f) There were differences in the strategies to advance the person-organization values fit adopted by different enterprises.
     (g) Making use of analytical hierarchy process can determine the effectiveness weight of advancing strategies of person-organization values fit, thereby provide the priorities for strategies.
     In a word, the essay systematically studied on person-organization values fit in the domestic manufacture enterprises, constructed the 9-factor structure model for organizational values, developed the Organizational Values Scale with high reliability and validity, and on this basis developed a tool to measure the person-organization values fit. The essay also examined the status quo of the person-organization values fit in the domestic manufacture enterprises, discussed the person-organization values fit's function for employees' working efficiency and organizational effectiveness, and enlarged the research contents on the person-organization values fit. Moreover, the essay investigated the application of advancing strategies for the person-organization values fit in enterprises, and primarily probed into the effectiveness of the advancing strategies for the person-organization values fit using AHP, which has a significant application value for human resource management in enterprises.
     The innovations of this study lie in 4 aspects. First, it constructs structure model for organizational values. Second, it extends the research domains on person-organization values fit from the individual level and organizational level. Third, it confirms the effectiveness of various advancing strategies of person-organization values fit by AHP. Fourth, the multiple methods used in this study are innovative to some extent, such as exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, regression analysis, correlation analysis, hierarchical regression analysis, within group consistency and between group discrepancy test, and AHP. The main limitations in this study mainly lie in that the sampling is not large enough, tracing research and experiment are absent, and some objective effect variables are not considered. Therefore, the future researches should make efforts on making the Organizational Values Scale more perfect, making the counting index for the person-organization values fit more precise, and adopting more methods to carry out the project.
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