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Team learning is an important director of current innovation on education. Team learning can promotes achievement of students, improve interpersonal relationship, strengthen capacity of cooperation, and be prepared for team work in present society. Compared with team learning of primary and middle school students, research on that of college students is quite insufficient. Investigation and research on cooperation attitude of college students are lack, which have been regarded as one of best predictors of behaviors. Most of the researches on team learning are qualitative, and the demonstration is seldom. Moreover, researches on factors affecting team learning and training of cooperative behaviors are very inadequate. Aimed at shortcomings of previous studies, this research investigates implicit and explicit attitude of cooperation of college students, reveals working mechanism of team learning by exploring key factors affecting team learning and the relationship between them, and carries out the training of cooperative behaviors through instructional experiment. The researcher aims at changing the current researches on team learning from odd and disorderly state into systematic and comprehensive research, and provides idea and experience for introducing and spreading team learning in colleges.
     The main results of this research are as follows:
     1. In order to interpret the relationship between attitude and behaviors, explicit and implicit attitudes of cooperation of college students are measured with semantic differential questionnaire and implicit association test. Students have no orientation for cooperation in explicit attitude, and both scores of working together and working by oneself are higher than intermediate score. Yet in implicit attitude, they prefer working together instead of working by oneself. Although being fond of cooperation does not mean being able to cooperate with each other, positive attitudes of cooperation lay a sound foundation for training of cooperative behaviors,
     2. The research explores key factors that affect study team effectiveness and the relationship between them. Antecedent variables included team process variables (communication, back up behaviors, leadership and free riding) and team mental model (team cognition, correctness and identity of tusk cognition, team efficacy and tusk concern). Results of regression analysis follow:
     (1) Communication, back up behaviors, and free riding are behaviors influencing factors of learning team effectiveness. Team grade and satisfaction degree of team members are two criteria of study team effectiveness. Communication and back up behaviors are positive predictors of team grade, and communication has stronger power. To the satisfaction degree of team members, communication and back up behaviors have positive influence, and free riding has negative influence.
     (2) The three elements of team mental model, including correctness of tusk cognition, tusk concern and team efficacy, are mental influencing factors of team effectiveness. From angle of cognition, correctness of tusk cognition has significant influence to both team grade and satisfaction degree of team members. From angle of conviction, tusk concern is important predictor of team grade, and team efficacy is important predictor of satisfaction degree of team members.
     (3) Team process variables mediated the relationship between team mental model and team effectiveness, and so they are direct predictors of study team effectiveness.
     3. On the basis of the previous and the present research, training of cooperative behaviors is carried out through experiment. Effectiveness of training is assessed through questionnaire, implicit association test of cooperation attitude, and analysis of student autobiography.
     (1) Cooperative behaviors questionnaire of college students is developed, and the reliability and validity of that are tested. The investigations reveal that effectiveness of training is significant to both the low level and the high level students on cooperative behaviors.
     (2) Qualitative analysis of student autobiography reveals that the training of cooperative behaviors increases a lot of positive influence to students. For instance, they understand better the meaning of cooperation, increase the ability of association and cooperation, and they feel friendship, tacit understanding each other, pride and happiness.
     (3) The training has no significant influence to implicit cooperation attitude. Results of pretest and posttest of implicit association test are of the same. Therefore, implicit attitude is stabler than explicit one, and short-term training can not change thinking and behaving tendency formed in long-term social life.
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